p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 1 怎么好意思和梅西比?
齐丹听到你们评他为球王都要脸红。 |
B*C 发帖数: 452 | 2 契丹比皮尔洛抢夺了。比煤球不行
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.7
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 怎么好意思和梅西比? : 无数退役现役球员加教练说梅西是有史以来最好的球员,说明煤球最起码有和两大球王 : 竞争的资格。关于齐丹的这种评价我一个没见过,如果有请给个链接。即使有,支持齐 : 丹的专业人士也没有煤球的二十分之一。二十分之一已经很保守了。 : 那些捧齐丹臭脚的到底是怎么想的?难道你的水准超过专业球员,教练? : 是不是自家老婆再丑也要说赛过林志玲?或者98年开始看世界杯,一见钟情,至死不渝 : ?世界杯世界杯,每四年都有人带队夺世界杯,难道个个都是球王? : 齐丹听到你们评他为球王都要脸红。
w*****0 发帖数: 361 | 3 完全同意,一直觉得鸡蛋被高估了。98年决赛前没什么高光表现,除了恶意犯规-红
得解说都说他太慢,拖累法国队的节奏。淘汰赛开始表现才好起来。 |
y**b 发帖数: 10166 | 4 齐丹嘛,跟普拉蒂尼差不多档次,没人叫他球王吧;连罗纳尔多都没人叫叫球王
就他场上那恶劣作风,也不配叫球王吧 |
M*****c 发帖数: 4442 | 5 我是意迷,但是:
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 怎么好意思和梅西比? : 无数退役现役球员加教练说梅西是有史以来最好的球员,说明煤球最起码有和两大球王 : 竞争的资格。关于齐丹的这种评价我一个没见过,如果有请给个链接。即使有,支持齐 : 丹的专业人士也没有煤球的二十分之一。二十分之一已经很保守了。 : 那些捧齐丹臭脚的到底是怎么想的?难道你的水准超过专业球员,教练? : 是不是自家老婆再丑也要说赛过林志玲?或者98年开始看世界杯,一见钟情,至死不渝 : ?世界杯世界杯,每四年都有人带队夺世界杯,难道个个都是球王? : 齐丹听到你们评他为球王都要脸红。
b*****e 发帖数: 405 | 6 re 狗屎运决赛两个头球
【在 w*****0 的大作中提到】 : 完全同意,一直觉得鸡蛋被高估了。98年决赛前没什么高光表现,除了恶意犯规-红 : 牌-停赛。然后狗屎运决赛两个头球(他还进过几个别的头球?)。06年小组赛时记 : 得解说都说他太慢,拖累法国队的节奏。淘汰赛开始表现才好起来。
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 7 我以前也不看好齐丹,但是看望2000欧洲杯之后,我觉得齐丹应该在肥罗之上。至于梅
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 怎么好意思和梅西比? : 无数退役现役球员加教练说梅西是有史以来最好的球员,说明煤球最起码有和两大球王 : 竞争的资格。关于齐丹的这种评价我一个没见过,如果有请给个链接。即使有,支持齐 : 丹的专业人士也没有煤球的二十分之一。二十分之一已经很保守了。 : 那些捧齐丹臭脚的到底是怎么想的?难道你的水准超过专业球员,教练? : 是不是自家老婆再丑也要说赛过林志玲?或者98年开始看世界杯,一见钟情,至死不渝 : ?世界杯世界杯,每四年都有人带队夺世界杯,难道个个都是球王? : 齐丹听到你们评他为球王都要脸红。
w*****0 发帖数: 361 | 8 普拉蒂尼应该比鸡蛋强。82--86的法国虽然可能没有00年的强,但绝对毕98的
86年世界杯前的两三年,普拉蒂尼的风头是盖过老马的。 |
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 9 还有冠军杯凌空抽射那脚,使劲的吹。也就是走了狗屎运,一辈子蒙那一脚难吗?煤球
【在 w*****0 的大作中提到】 : 完全同意,一直觉得鸡蛋被高估了。98年决赛前没什么高光表现,除了恶意犯规-红 : 牌-停赛。然后狗屎运决赛两个头球(他还进过几个别的头球?)。06年小组赛时记 : 得解说都说他太慢,拖累法国队的节奏。淘汰赛开始表现才好起来。
s*****V 发帖数: 21731 | 10 看过06世界杯就知道了,没有契丹的法国队预选赛差点没过,契丹最后时刻火线增援,
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 怎么好意思和梅西比? : 无数退役现役球员加教练说梅西是有史以来最好的球员,说明煤球最起码有和两大球王 : 竞争的资格。关于齐丹的这种评价我一个没见过,如果有请给个链接。即使有,支持齐 : 丹的专业人士也没有煤球的二十分之一。二十分之一已经很保守了。 : 那些捧齐丹臭脚的到底是怎么想的?难道你的水准超过专业球员,教练? : 是不是自家老婆再丑也要说赛过林志玲?或者98年开始看世界杯,一见钟情,至死不渝 : ?世界杯世界杯,每四年都有人带队夺世界杯,难道个个都是球王? : 齐丹听到你们评他为球王都要脸红。
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 11 再多评价都没用。现在煤球王也就是用可能成为球王。梅球王如果能带领阿根廷拿下世
界杯,就是球王,如果拿不下,也就是和小罗一个档次上的。 |
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 12 齐丹就是法国队的神,球队的命运捆绑在他一个身上。2002世界杯,齐丹状态不佳,拥
【在 s*****V 的大作中提到】 : 看过06世界杯就知道了,没有契丹的法国队预选赛差点没过,契丹最后时刻火线增援, : 一路杀进决赛,连破西班牙巴西葡萄牙三大强敌,最后点球惜败意大利。 : 拥有大小罗和卡卡的巴西队被契丹溜得摸不到球的情景永远留在在我的记忆里面
s**********l 发帖数: 8966 | 13 小罗可是拿到冠军了,梅西拿不到最多就是俱乐部刷数据,C罗这个档次了。
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 再多评价都没用。现在煤球王也就是用可能成为球王。梅球王如果能带领阿根廷拿下世 : 界杯,就是球王,如果拿不下,也就是和小罗一个档次上的。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 14 你认为那些专业人士都没你懂球?请正面回答这个问题。如果是,那没啥可说的了。如
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 再多评价都没用。现在煤球王也就是用可能成为球王。梅球王如果能带领阿根廷拿下世 : 界杯,就是球王,如果拿不下,也就是和小罗一个档次上的。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 15 那我也可以说今年的西班牙因为比利亚不在场上导致惨败而归。02年貌似齐丹第三场上
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 齐丹就是法国队的神,球队的命运捆绑在他一个身上。2002世界杯,齐丹状态不佳,拥 : 有意甲和英超最佳射手的法国怎么样?小组赛被淘汰,两大前锋好像是零进球。 : 对球队影响力方面,齐达之前也就是马拉多纳和巴乔能做到,但是巴乔输了,齐丹赢了。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 16 那么牛为什么02年第三场出场法国队0:2?
【在 s*****V 的大作中提到】 : 看过06世界杯就知道了,没有契丹的法国队预选赛差点没过,契丹最后时刻火线增援, : 一路杀进决赛,连破西班牙巴西葡萄牙三大强敌,最后点球惜败意大利。 : 拥有大小罗和卡卡的巴西队被契丹溜得摸不到球的情景永远留在在我的记忆里面
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 17 84年普拉踢泥如日中天
【在 w*****0 的大作中提到】 : 普拉蒂尼应该比鸡蛋强。82--86的法国虽然可能没有00年的强,但绝对毕98的 : 强一些(98的法国队运气好,没碰到天敌德国,82-86那批正相反)。实际上在 : 86年世界杯前的两三年,普拉蒂尼的风头是盖过老马的。
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 18 这就扯了,普拉帝尼前的法国队屁都不是,是他把法国队提升了。
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 齐丹就是法国队的神,球队的命运捆绑在他一个身上。2002世界杯,齐丹状态不佳,拥 : 有意甲和英超最佳射手的法国怎么样?小组赛被淘汰,两大前锋好像是零进球。 : 对球队影响力方面,齐达之前也就是马拉多纳和巴乔能做到,但是巴乔输了,齐丹赢了。
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 19 80年代90年代初球星的基本顺序:
普拉蒂尼是老马86年拿杯前最牛的球星。 |
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 20 动不动就是专业人士,曾经何时,很多专业人士说肥罗可能会成为继马拉多纳之后的另
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 你认为那些专业人士都没你懂球?请正面回答这个问题。如果是,那没啥可说的了。如 : 果不是,请告诉我有几个专业球员教练说齐丹是史上最牛?
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 21 上场就一定会赢吗? 90年的阿根廷第一场不是也输了吗?马拉多纳不再场上吗?什么
逻辑。2002 齐丹受伤病困扰,状态不佳,拥有豪华阵容的法国小组赛被淘汰,很大程
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 那我也可以说今年的西班牙因为比利亚不在场上导致惨败而归。02年貌似齐丹第三场上 : 了,0比2. : 由此推论:比利亚也是球王。 : : 了。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 22 说肥罗牛逼的有,说是球王的,我只听黄健翔说过。有哪个球员教练说肥罗史上最佳的
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 动不动就是专业人士,曾经何时,很多专业人士说肥罗可能会成为继马拉多纳之后的另 : 外一个球王,后来都闭嘴了。拿不到世界杯,再多专业人士也没用,最多封你一个无冕 : 之王。另外,我没有说齐丹史上最牛。
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 23 我没说有球员教练说肥罗史上最佳,我是说98世界杯前很多评论说肥罗有可能成为继马
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 说肥罗牛逼的有,说是球王的,我只听黄健翔说过。有哪个球员教练说肥罗史上最佳的 : ,请给出出处。 : 我也没说煤球是球王,但他最起码具备了这个水平,有这个潜力,而齐丹从来都没有。 : 我的主要观点:煤球有成为球王的潜力,齐丹和他完全不是一个层次。
n*****n 发帖数: 1634 | 24 偷换话题了吧,
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 说肥罗牛逼的有,说是球王的,我只听黄健翔说过。有哪个球员教练说肥罗史上最佳的 : ,请给出出处。 : 我也没说煤球是球王,但他最起码具备了这个水平,有这个潜力,而齐丹从来都没有。 : 我的主要观点:煤球有成为球王的潜力,齐丹和他完全不是一个层次。
G******k 发帖数: 491 | 25 那场对丹麦,带伤上场的
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 那我也可以说今年的西班牙因为比利亚不在场上导致惨败而归。02年貌似齐丹第三场上 : 了,0比2. : 由此推论:比利亚也是球王。 : : 了。
c******2 发帖数: 3170 | 26 大内世界杯最高光的表现是06年对巴西和板鸭,完美演绎顶级中场核心。 |
u****d 发帖数: 1278 | 27 去看看那场比赛再说,最后一场逼得带伤上阵,加速的时候腿都蹬不起来
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 那么牛为什么02年第三场出场法国队0:2? : 带球在中场向着除了对方球门的方向以外的任何一个方向溜猴很难吗?你不向前突人家 : 也懒得抢的那么狠,要保护后方。你倒是向前突破试试?这种溜猴哈维比齐丹强。
r********y 发帖数: 338 | 28 那年法国和韩国热身契丹被搞伤了, 小组赛最后一场看着不行了, 大腿上裹着绷带出
来打得。法国队对 契丹的依赖是继阿根廷对老马的依赖之后所仅有的。 这一点大家都
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 那么牛为什么02年第三场出场法国队0:2? : 带球在中场向着除了对方球门的方向以外的任何一个方向溜猴很难吗?你不向前突人家 : 也懒得抢的那么狠,要保护后方。你倒是向前突破试试?这种溜猴哈维比齐丹强。
q********s 发帖数: 67 | 29 黑契丹的肯定不怎么会踢球。被媒体洗脑了吧
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 怎么好意思和梅西比? : 无数退役现役球员加教练说梅西是有史以来最好的球员,说明煤球最起码有和两大球王 : 竞争的资格。关于齐丹的这种评价我一个没见过,如果有请给个链接。即使有,支持齐 : 丹的专业人士也没有煤球的二十分之一。二十分之一已经很保守了。 : 那些捧齐丹臭脚的到底是怎么想的?难道你的水准超过专业球员,教练? : 是不是自家老婆再丑也要说赛过林志玲?或者98年开始看世界杯,一见钟情,至死不渝 : ?世界杯世界杯,每四年都有人带队夺世界杯,难道个个都是球王? : 齐丹听到你们评他为球王都要脸红。
h*******o 发帖数: 145 | 30 Re. 贝利不是专业人士么
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 动不动就是专业人士,曾经何时,很多专业人士说肥罗可能会成为继马拉多纳之后的另 : 外一个球王,后来都闭嘴了。拿不到世界杯,再多专业人士也没用,最多封你一个无冕 : 之王。另外,我没有说齐丹史上最牛。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 31 就事论事,人参公鸡没意思。我的观点很明确,齐丹是巨星,但是没法和梅西比。你要
【在 q********s 的大作中提到】 : 黑契丹的肯定不怎么会踢球。被媒体洗脑了吧
w*********p 发帖数: 3305 | 32 齐丹在你眼中到底有多低? 我不捧他也不认为他是球王,但是有你说的那么低么?
“怎么好意思和梅西比?” 你的意思是比一下都不行? 不比就必须直接跪?
支持齐丹的专业人士你一个都没听过? 你一个都没听过???你从来不看新闻么?
“是不是自家老婆再丑也要说赛过林志玲?” 齐丹和梅西的差距有这么大??
当然你要认为他没有达到那个高度的话,也没问题,他不如梅西,也没问题。 他不如
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 怎么好意思和梅西比? : 无数退役现役球员加教练说梅西是有史以来最好的球员,说明煤球最起码有和两大球王 : 竞争的资格。关于齐丹的这种评价我一个没见过,如果有请给个链接。即使有,支持齐 : 丹的专业人士也没有煤球的二十分之一。二十分之一已经很保守了。 : 那些捧齐丹臭脚的到底是怎么想的?难道你的水准超过专业球员,教练? : 是不是自家老婆再丑也要说赛过林志玲?或者98年开始看世界杯,一见钟情,至死不渝 : ?世界杯世界杯,每四年都有人带队夺世界杯,难道个个都是球王? : 齐丹听到你们评他为球王都要脸红。
e***s 发帖数: 1188 | 33 你就是个挖坑的吧,第一次听到说齐丹不如皮儿洛的
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 就事论事,人参公鸡没意思。我的观点很明确,齐丹是巨星,但是没法和梅西比。你要 : 是觉得齐丹比梅西牛,上帝也没办法改变你的想法。 : 我在北美各地踢了不少球,自觉踢的还不错,不管和国人还是老外,基本没被鄙视过。 : 不知道你是啥水平?专业选手?
t*****e 发帖数: 364 | 34 你要仔细回味一下98年的决赛,就知道鸡蛋有多牛了。两个进球只是一部分,当年要不
【在 w*****0 的大作中提到】 : 完全同意,一直觉得鸡蛋被高估了。98年决赛前没什么高光表现,除了恶意犯规-红 : 牌-停赛。然后狗屎运决赛两个头球(他还进过几个别的头球?)。06年小组赛时记 : 得解说都说他太慢,拖累法国队的节奏。淘汰赛开始表现才好起来。
m********g 发帖数: 732 | 35 同意最后一句!所以煤球是前场漫步者!独孤求败!
【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】 : 你要仔细回味一下98年的决赛,就知道鸡蛋有多牛了。两个进球只是一部分,当年要不 : 是法国锋线独家里之类的不招,巴西绝对要被血洗。鸡蛋有很多次一针见血的直传,都 : 被独家里浪费。法国那年夺冠,中场,后卫,门将都是一流的,锋线连二流都算不上。 : 我是煤粉,觉得鸡蛋比煤球还是差点,但是这有点苹果和橘子比,因为煤球是进球的, : 鸡蛋是传球的。
q********s 发帖数: 67 | 36
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 就事论事,人参公鸡没意思。我的观点很明确,齐丹是巨星,但是没法和梅西比。你要 : 是觉得齐丹比梅西牛,上帝也没办法改变你的想法。 : 我在北美各地踢了不少球,自觉踢的还不错,不管和国人还是老外,基本没被鄙视过。 : 不知道你是啥水平?专业选手?
Y******e 发帖数: 20256 | 37 你什么时候见过pirlo过人?
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 那么牛为什么02年第三场出场法国队0:2? : 带球在中场向着除了对方球门的方向以外的任何一个方向溜猴很难吗?你不向前突人家 : 也懒得抢的那么狠,要保护后方。你倒是向前突破试试?这种溜猴哈维比齐丹强。
s******f 发帖数: 3984 | 38 同意
【在 q********s 的大作中提到】 : : 看来你承认是黑契丹了,要不然也不会说我人身攻击。契丹和梅西哪个牛暂且不说,虽 : 然我个人逐渐觉得梅西牛,但是你要拿契丹跟皮尔洛比就只能呵呵了。我肯定不是专业 : 选手,踢球也很糙,但是这个简单的事情还是能看出来的了。 : 皮尔洛擅长运动战中慢慢带球突然中长传。这个准确性,落点和球速确实是现役球员里 : 最好的,但是大力只有他显然差太多。他需要保护,还需要野狗一样的前锋们。加上他 : 还不防守。 : 契丹能传能带能射能组织能头球,很多高难的动作契丹都能处理的很好,过人单车回旋 : 给我等屌丝看客莫大享受。 : 对国家队的重要性,显然契丹大于皮尔洛,没有契丹的法国跟英格兰一样乱,参见
w*****n 发帖数: 680 | 39 标题是,齐达内在`你’眼里连皮尔洛都不如。内容就引用了专业人员的意见。到底是在
你眼里还是在教练,球评眼里?还是你就是专业人事? |
w*****n 发帖数: 680 | |
w*****n 发帖数: 680 | 41 球王。什么是王,王要有领导能力。梅西有吗?或许有,但还没展现出来。 |
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 42 怎么偷换话题了,我原文写的梅西有资格和两个球王竞争,并没有说他一定会成为球王
【在 n*****n 的大作中提到】 : 偷换话题了吧, : 还潜力,那我说你应该成为球王,你最有潜力,就是才发挥出来一亿分之一
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 43 你连珠炮的在这泼妇骂街,也改变不了齐丹不如梅西的事实。
lionel messi best player ever
About 8,720,000 results (0.25 seconds)
zinedine zidane best player ever
About 490,000 results (0.33 seconds)
490000/8720000 差不多就是二十分之一。
【在 w*********p 的大作中提到】 : 齐丹在你眼中到底有多低? 我不捧他也不认为他是球王,但是有你说的那么低么? : “怎么好意思和梅西比?” 你的意思是比一下都不行? 不比就必须直接跪? : 你自己认为你很客观,但是看看你发帖的用词。。。齐达内有多垃圾?垃圾到有球迷说 : 他是球王就 : 是捧臭脚的地步? : 支持齐丹的专业人士你一个都没听过? 你一个都没听过???你从来不看新闻么? : 贝利你听说过没? : http://www.givemesport.com/403790-pele-messi-the-best-in-the-wo : “是不是自家老婆再丑也要说赛过林志玲?” 齐丹和梅西的差距有这么大?? : 4年一次世界杯,就算带队夺一个也确实不算什么,但是一次都没带队多夺过算什么?
s******f 发帖数: 3984 | 44 真新颖的球王认证方式,恭迎内蒙球王登基(更新ing)
neymar best player ever
About 35,600,000 results (0.32 seconds)
suarez best player ever
About 34,100,000 results (0.36 seconds)
robben best player ever
About 14,200,000 results (0.38 seconds)
ronaldo best player ever
About 13,800,000 results (0.35 seconds) (注意哦,这个大小肥瘦罗加起来都没有
messi best player ever
About 13,500,000 results (0.26 seconds)
beckham best player ever
About 12,600,000 results (0.40 seconds)
rooney best player ever
About 10,300,000 results (0.36 seconds)
maradona best player ever
About 1,070,000 results (0.25 seconds)
pele best player ever
About 814,000 results (0.26 seconds)
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 你连珠炮的在这泼妇骂街,也改变不了齐丹不如梅西的事实。 : 贝利说的就算了,他黑马拉多纳和梅西多少年了。退一步说,我说没听过专业球员说齐 : 丹是球王,并没有否认有人说过,原帖意思说“即使有也远远少于梅西”。你气急败坏 : 的能从这引申出我从来不看新闻,泼妇都没你能泼。 : 随便google一下: : lionel messi best player ever : About 8,720,000 results (0.25 seconds) : zinedine zidane best player ever : About 490,000 results (0.33 seconds) : 490000/8720000 差不多就是二十分之一。
x****o 发帖数: 21566 | 45 obama best player ever
About 52,400,000 results (0.60 seconds) |
s***v 发帖数: 4924 | 46 一群傻逼,讨论个鸡巴。
梅西也就是投胎到阿根廷,到别的国家,也就是个球星而已。 |
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 47 好吧,看来这个有问题。
Famous quotes on Lionel Messi:
Arsene Wenger (Coach, Arsenal) - “Who is the Best Player in the World? Leo
Messi. Who is the Best Player Ever? Leo Messi!”
Diego Maradona (Ex Argentina) – “I have seen the player who will inherit
my place in Argentine football and his name is Messi. Messi is a genius and
he can become an even better player.”
Wayne Rooney (ManUnited) – “Messi is a Joke, for me the Best Ever!”
Pele (Ex Brazil) - “At the moment, Messi is the Best!”
Juan Sebastian Veron (Ex Argentina) - “I see Maradona every time he grabs
the ball and accelerates. We must protect him. I’d personally put him in a
drawer of my bedside table.”
Ferrer (ex-Barcelona, Chelsea): “I played with Romario, Rivaldo, Ronaldo,
Laudrup and Stoichkov but Messi is the best I’ve seen”
McDermott (Assistant Newcastle) – “For those asking i do think Messi is
the best ever yes. Kenny was the best player i ever played with”
Eidur Gudjohnsen (ex-Chelsea, Barcelona) – “Messi’s control is the best I
have ever seen, it is truly breathtaking.”
Krankl (ex-Barcelona) - “Messi is the world’s number 1. Cruyff was my
youth idol, him and Messi are the best players I saw in my life.”
Rafael van der Vaart (Tottenham) - “Best football player I played against?
I think Messi. He killed us.”
Ivan Helguera (ex-Real Madrid) - “For me, Messi is the best player in
Laporta (Ex President, Barcelona) – “Messi is the best player in the world
right now and the best ever. Together with Cruyff and Maradona, he’s the
best we’ve seen at the club.”
Huntelaar (Schalke) - “Who’s better, Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo? Messi.
Ronaldo is good, but Messi is ten times better.”
Aguero (Man City) – “Messi won 3 Ballons d’Or and is competing for
another one. He will be the best player in the world until he retires.”
Cassano (AC Milan) – “Messi is the best player in the history of football,
and that’s why I prefer Barça over Real Madrid.”
Arda Turan (Galatassary) - “Messi or Ronaldo best player in the world? In
the world, I would say Ronaldo. Messi is from another planet.”
Sandro Rossell (President, Barcelona) - “I think Barca will never have a
player like Messi again. Messi’s greatness is present on and off the field
of play.”
Roy Keane (Ex ManUnited) – “I was a big fan of Maradona growing up and of
the current crop Ronaldo is good but Messi is the best I’ve ever seen. I
don’t dish out praise lightly but Messi deserves it. I look for weaknesses
in his game and I can’t find them.”
Bacary Sagna (Arsenal) – “Best Player I played against? Messi, when he
plays wide. He is the best in the world. Football seems easy when he plays
Javier Mascherano (Barcelona) – “Although he may not be human, it’s good
that Messi still thinks he is. Messi plays some another sport.”
Fabio Capello (Ex Coach, Juventus) -“In my entire life I have never seen a
player of such quality and personality at such a young age, particularly
wearing the ‘heavy’ shirt of one of the world’s great clubs.”
Raul (Ex Real Madrid) – “The other day I saw one of his games. He was
running with the ball at a hundred percent full speed, I don’t know how
many touches he took, maybe five or six, but the ball was glued to his foot.
It’s practically impossible!”
Gerard Pique (Barcelona) -”It doesn’t matter where Messi plays, if it’s
cold or hot, he always proves that he’s the best.”
Marcello Lippi (Ex Coach, Italy) - “The best?
Antonio Cassano (AC Milan) – “Ronaldinho is better than Cristiano Ronaldo,
but neither are as good as Leo Messi.”
John Terry (Chelsea) - “For me, Lionel Messi is quite clearly the best
player ever. It’s a pleasure to pit myself against him and when I finish my
career it’s something I can look back on and know I’ve tested myself
against the very best.”
Vicente Del Bosque (Coach, Spain) - “Messi or Ronaldo? I prefer Messi
because he is more of a street player.”
Zinedine Zidane (Ex France) – “Messi makes the difference most of the time
. In particular, he is always going forwards. He never passes the ball
backwards or sideways. He has only one idea, to run towards the goal.So as a
football fan, just enjoy the show.”
Filipe Scolari (Ex Coach, Portugal) – “The only bad thing about Ronaldo’s
life is Messi. If it was not for him, Ronaldo would be the best player in
the world for five years in a row.”
Robin Dutt (Coach, Bayer Leverkusen) - “You won’t see anyone else like
Messi. People said that Di Stefano, Maradona and Cruyff were the best when
they were playing. And now it is the same for Messi. He is on the throne and
it is down to him how long he stays there.”
Radamel Falcao (Athletico Madrid) – “Is Messi a real player or a Play
Station character?”
Neymar (Brazil) – “It is very simple, Messi is the best in the world, and
if you give him a little bit of space, he can do whatever he wants.”
Gheorghe Hagi (ex-Madrid -Barcelona) – “Messi or Cristiano? Cristiano
Ronaldo is very good, but I prefer Messi. He’s incredible.”
Joey Barton (Queens Park Rangers) – “Messi is the best that’s played the
game. Streets ahead of Maradona.”
Sid Lowe (Editor, Guardian) - “To compare Lionel Messi to anybody else is
unfair on them”
Jorde Valdano (Ex Real Madrid) - “I believe that we have the first genius
of the 21st century, Leo Messi.”
Michael Owen (Ex Liverpool) - “I can’t believe anyone can have played the
game of football as well as Messi.”
Franz Beckenbauer (Ex Germany) - “Messi is a genius. He has everything.
When I watch him, I see a player who is very, very, skilful, very clever and
his left foot is like Diego Maradona’s.”
Almunia (Arsenal) - “Messi is very skilful and can do whatever he wants at
any moment. He’s the best player in the world.”
Ronaldo (Brazil) – “There is no doubt that Messi is the best player in the
Hristo Stoichkov (Ex Barcelona) – “Once they said they can only stop me
with a pistol but today you need a machine gun to stop Messi.”
Romario (Ex Brazil) – “Messi has all the conditions to be the best.”
Oliver Kahn (Ex Germany) – “Messi is undoubtedly a gifted footballer, like
Maradona and Pele, and he’s playing for the best club side in the world at
the moment. He’s successful and he’s winning trophies, so it’s only
logical that he’ll be voted the best player in the world.”
Thiago Silva (Brazil) - “Messi is a special player, certainly the best
attacker I’ve played against to date, but I think comparing players from
different generations is difficult. All I know is that he’s spectacular and
already is definitely among the best ever.”
Michel Platini (President, UEFA) - “Messi is the great player of this
generation, like there were great players in other generations.”
Pato (Brazil) – “When Messi plays, he is the best.”
Ander Herrera (Athletic Bilbao) - “I’m not sure Messi is a human.”
Ganso (Brazil) - “Without doubt he is on another planet, because he does
things others can’t.”
Luis Figo (Ex Portugal) – “For me, to watch Messi play is a pleasure – it
’s like having an orgasm – it’s an incredible pleasure.”
Thiago Alacantera (Barcelona) - “We can give him the ball and we can stand
back and watch him. People often say to me they saw Pele and Maradona play.
In the future, I will be able to say I saw Messi play.”
Ruud Gullit (Ex Netherlands) - “He is already the best in the world. He is
an exceptional talent. I still think Diego Maradona is the best player I
have ever seen, but Messi is closing in fast. He’s a wonderful sight in
full flight and we are lucky to have him around.”
Luis Figo (Ex Inter) - “Player I would like to sign for Internazionale? It
’s easy, the strongest in Europe at the moment is Lionel Messi, so I would
say him. Messi has amazing qualities, he is the best of all, number one.
That is
Johan Cryuff (Ex Barcelona) – “For the world of football, Messi is a
treasure because he is role model for children around the world.”
Maxi Rodriguez (Liverpool FC) - “There is no doubt, you’re from another
galaxy. Thanks Leo”
Demba Ba (Newcastle United) - “Is Messi a human being?????”
John Heitinga (Everton) - “Mejores jugador del Mundo Messi! Best player in
the World!”
Gary Linekar (Ex England) - “Fella’s a genius! Best ever by a distance in
my life time! Never really saw Pele. Wait til he grows up! Souness, Gullit,
Venables and now Rooney agree Messi is the best they have seen. He plays a
game to which we are not familiar.”
Eden Hazard (Chelsea) – “Is Messi the best player of all times?”
Meneses (Coach, Brazil) – “Messi? We will play against the best in the
Johan Cryuff (Ex Barcelona) – “Messi will be the player to win the most
Ballons d’Or in history. He will win five, six,seven. He is incomparable.
He’s in a different league.”
Rio Ferdinand (Man United) - “Who were the best players I had ever played
against? Raul, Messi, Zidane.”
Zlatan Ibrahimovic (PSG) : “Messi is more naturally gifted than Ronaldo.
Messi does not need his right foot, though. He only uses the left and he’s
still the best in the world! Imagine if he also used his right foot, Then we
would have serious problems!”
Rivaldo (Ex Brazil) – “Between Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi, I go with
Messi. For me he is the best in the World.”
Kobe Bryant (LA Lakers) - “I wear Number 10 Jersey for the US National Team
in honor of the Greatest athlete i have ever seen, Messi.”
Miguel Angel Lotina (Ex Coach, Deportivo) – “Comparing CR7 to Messi is an
exercise of ignorance in football. Messi is Messi and others, footballers.”
Radomir Antic (Coach, Serbia) - “Messi is the Mozart of football.”
John Carlin (Journalist, Argentina) – “Messi is much more than being
clever. He is a genius who reserves all his expressiveness for football.”
Mario Balotelli (Manchester City) - “There’s only one that is a little
stronger than me: Messi. All the othersare behind me.”
Massimo Moratti (President, Inter Milan) - “Messi is the only player for
whom I would go crazy.”
Antonio Lobo Antunes (Writer,Portugal) - “There are 3 or 4 important things
in life: Books, Friends, Women……and Messi.”
Bar Rafaeli (Model, Israel) - “At this point I’m starting to believe that
Messi is tightly related to Clark Kent.”
*Clark Kent is the Secret Identity of Fictional Character Superman.
Yaya Toure (Ex Barcelona) – “Cristiano Ronaldo has done massive things in
both the Premier League and in the Champions League, but Messi is the best
though and I am convinced that next year he will win the Ballon d’Or.”
Gerd Muller (Ex Bayern Munich) – “Technically, Messi is superb. His goals
are brilliant. And despite being a genius, he’s not a selfish player”
Salomon Kalou (Chelsea) - “Messi is the best player in the world, no doubts
. But we hope that in the games against us, he won’t be the best player.”
Gerard Pique (Barcelona) - “It feels good to be in the same generation as
him. I believe he’s the best player in the history of the sport.”
Mario Gomez (Bayern Munich) – “I am not crazy enough to compare myself
with Messi because he is the best there ever was and the best there will
ever be.”
Terry McDermot (Ex Liverpool) - “Messi is the best ever. I played in a
great LFC team of the late 70s and early 80s which ruled Europe but imust
say i think this Barcelona team would batter us.”
Donovan (USA) - “Lionel Messi, you know what right now? Just
call him the best.”
Nemanja Vidic (Manchester United) -”I think Messi is the best forward in
the world. It is very difficult to play against him. But he is not only a
forward, he is moving everywhere. He is a very good player.”
Juninho (Brazil) - “Barcelona are the best team in Europe and for that
reason, they are the favourites. In addition, they have the best player in
the world today, Lionel Messi.”
Galliani (Vice President Milan) – “Messi is the best player ever. And this
is said by someone who has seen Maradona and Pele play.”
Gerry Armstrong (Ex Tottenham) – “I have played against (Michel) Platini,
(Diego) Maradona, (Johan) Cruyff and played with George Best — a lot of big
names, but none of them has been able to do what Messi does. Two years ago
I said that the best player I played against was Maradona and the best
player I have played with was Bestie. But I can now say I have never seen a
player as good as Messi. He’s in a league of his own.”
Andy Cole (Ex Manchester United) – “Regular readers will know I’m a fan
of (Cristiano) Ronaldo, and an even bigger fan of the man who’s assumed his
mantle with quite astonishing success, Wayne Rooney. But Messi is on a
higher plain than even that pair.”
Gerd Muller (Ex Bayern Munich) - ”My record stood for 40 years and now the
best player in the world has broken it. I’m happy for him. Messi is
fantastic. An incredible player, a giant. And such a nice and modest guy.
Only one defect: he doesn’t play at Bayern.”
Edin Dzeko (Manchester City) - ”Respect Lionel Messi!!!”
Joey Barton (Marseille) - ”Messi. 86 goals in calendar year and still 3
games to play! Best to ever play the game in my opinion just edges Maradona.”
Robert Lewandowski (Dortmund) - ”86 Goals in 2012 – Leo Messi magic!”
Ezequiel Lavezzi (PSG) - ”Congratulations, Leo Messi!! New record for the
best in the world! A big hug”
Alex Morgan (US Women’s NT, Ballon d’Or 2012 Nominee) - ”Messi is out of
this world. Scoring 86 goals this year… In 2012. What an incredible
Pepe Mel (Coach Real Betis) - “I prefer Messi plays, you want to see the
best players on the pitch. But I’m not stupid, he’s the best in the world.”
Sabella (Coach, Argentina) - ”Messi is the best in the world, almost a
player from another planet. It’s very difficult to find words for Leo.”
Michel Platini (President, UEFA) - “Don’t know this year or next, but
Messi will win 4th Ballon d’Or and surpass Cruyff, Van Basten and me.”
Carlos Bianchi (Ex Coach Velez -Boca -Atletico): “Lionel Messi is the best
player of all times.”
Javier Hernandez (Manchester United) - ”Greatest footballer I have ever
played with or against? Against Messi”
Toni Schumacher (ex-Koln -Fenerbahce) - ”Football keeps producing icons who
shape an era. In my day it was Maradona, and now it’s Messi. He achieves
the unbelievable on the field, and all at the highest pace you can imagine.”
Harry Redknapp (Coach, QPR) - ”Lionel Messi is the most amazing player I
have ever seen.”
Caniggia (ex-Atalanta -Boca) – “This is the era of Messi, period. He’s
very creative, always finds new ways to deal with his opponents.”
Juanlu (Levante) - ”You can only stop Messi if he watches the game from the
Usain Bolt (Sprinter) - ”Messi or Cristiano – Speed? Cristiano. Shot?
Cristiano. Dribbling? Messi. Intelligence? Messi. Talent? Messi. Winner is
Pachin (ex-Real Madrid) - ”I love Messi, I think he will break all records.
I’m envious he doesn’t play with us, at Madrid.”
Buffon (Juvetus) – “Messi is a once in a generation player. It’s unlikely
that any human being will repeat his numbers.”
Hitzfeld (Ex-Coach Bayern Munich) – “Messi is, together with Pele, one of
the best that ever lived. Breaking Muller’s record was a matter of time.”
Moyes (coach Everton) – “Messi is the world’s best and gets physically
attacked every game but all he ever does is get up and get on with it.”
Diego Simeone (Coach, Athletico Madrid) – “Diego (Maradona) has filled us
with emotions. But between the cracks, without doubt, Messi is better than
Vitor Baia (ex-Porto) – “Messi is marking a decade. He’s on his way to
become one of the best in history, maybe best ever.”
Mario Jorge Zagallo (Ex Coach, Brazil) – “Messi is the best player in the
world because of what he has done and is doing with Barcelona.”
Sandro Mazzola (European Cup 1964 1965) – “Messi’s control and technique
while going at full speed is unique in the world.”
Josip Simunic (Dinamo Zagreb) – “Messi deserves it (Ballon d’or) and I’m
100% behind him. He’s the best player of all time and if he stays fit he
will continue for the next five or six years. The things he does right now
are out of this world.”
Ruud van Nistelrooy (Ex Real Madrid) – “Messi is on a different level. The
fact he is doing what he is year after year says that he is the best of all
Shay Given (Ex Goal Keeper, Ireland) – “Who do I think will win the FIFA
Ballon d’or (2012) in Zurich today? Lionel Messi. Best player ever to grace
this planet.”
Alfio Basile (Ex Coach, Boca Juniors) – “You cannot compare anyone to
Messi. Cristiano Ronaldo is a great human footballer, but Messi is a Martian
Robbie Fowler (ex-Liverpool) – “The best player EVER (Leo Messi) without a
shadow, if you didn’t think/know already…”
Rio Ferdinand (Manchester United)- “Congrats to Messi! Wow, 4 yrs in a row!
Added something else to his list of ‘only person to..’ Is Messi Best Of
All Time?”
Gary Neville (Ex Man.United) - “This Guy (Messi) is the Best Player in the
World, no doubt about that. I think we’re always nervous about calling
people who are currently playing, who are young at 23, to say he’s the Best
Player ever. But we shouldn’t be. We should admit what we are seeing in
front of our eyes. This is a special talent, who may be is the Best Player
ever been seen.”
Vincent Kompany (Manchester City) - “Lionel Messi has to win tonight’s
Ballon d’Or. He’s simply the Best. Decision should be unanimous.”
Eric Cantona (Ex Man.United) - “Messi, he’s exceptional. When you watch
him, you feel there’s a child inside him and he is making some childhood
dream come true. He’s a Great Player, not only for today but also tomorrow.”
Graeme Souness (Ex Liverpool) - “Lionel Messi is the Best Player Ever.”
Pele (Ex Brazil) – “I like Messi a lot, he’s a great player. Technically,
we’re practically at the same level.”
Jürgen Klopp (Coach, Dortmund) - “Messi is the Best. There must be life
out there somewhere, on some other planet. Because he is too good and we are
just too bad for him.”
Adriano Galliani (AC Milan Vice President) – “Messi is the best player of
all time. Better than Pele, better than Maradona and better than anyone else
Samuel Eto’o (Ex Barcelona) – “Messi is God, as a person and even more as
a player. I knew him when he was a boy and I’ve watched him grow. He
deserves it all. I hope that he can win the World Cup with Argentina. He’s
a good boy and I wish him all the best”.
Romario (Ex Brazil) - “Newton and Einstein had a certain level of autism —
I hope that like them, Messi surpasses himself every day and continues to
give us his beautiful brand of football.”
Nicklas Bendtner (Arsenal) – “The greatest player in the world. He’s got
a fantastic vision of the game, and what he can do technically — it’s
LeBron James (Basketball player, Miami Heats) – “Messi is the best player
in the world. If he’s not already, he’ll be the best footballer of all
Bradley Johnson (Norwich City) - “Lionel Messi was made in a laboratory, he
’s not human.”
Ray Hudson (Commentator) - “They tell me that all men are equal in God’s
eyes, this player (Messi) makes you seriously think about those words. ”
Harry Redknapp (Ex Coach, Tottenham) – “You couldn’t put a value on him,
he’s on another planet. For me, Lionel Messi is undoubtedly the No.1 player
in the world.”
Carlos Tévez (Juventus) – “My ideal trident would be myself alongside
Rooney and Messi. They are the players who make me dream — not Cristiano.”
Tito Vilanova (Ex Coach, Barcelona) - “Messi the best player in the world
by far. I don’t think we’ll ever see a player like him again.”
Xavi (Barcelona) – “It is clear that Messi is on a level above all others.
Those who do not see that are blind.”
David Moyes (Ex Coach, Everton) – “Lionel Messi gets kicked every week. It
’s the only way to stop him. But all he ever does is smile, get up & get on
with it.”
Erik Lamela (Tottenham) – “Leo deserves the Ballon d’Or — he’s the best
player in the world. As a person he’s very modest, both on the field and
off it.”
Franck Ribéry (Bayern Munich) - “Messi is class. There is him, and then
there is the rest. What he does is extraordinary. He demands admiration.”
Diego Alves (Valencia) – “Messi makes the difference. He does everything
so well and manages to do it at such an unstoppable pace.”
Pedro Pinto (Anchor, CNN) – “Messi is unstoppable and we should feel
privileged to be watching a player who may be the best of all time. The best
and most exciting footballer on the planet.”
Juan Pablo Varsky (Journalist, La Nación) - “I saw Maradona play
extraordinary matches. I followed his career live, for me Messi is the best
of Diego, every single day.”
Jürgen Klopp (Coach, Dortmund) – “Cristiano reminds me of German tennis
player Michael Stich. He was destined to make history, but then Boris Becker
showed up. Cristiano is so fast, so strong, so incredible, but he has one
problem: Leo Messi.”
Niklas Moisander (Ajax) – “Messi is unbelievable. It is great to get the
chance to play against the best in the world. It doesn’t really need
repeating: he is a fantastic player.”
Jagoba Arrasate (Coach, Real Sociedad) – “Leo Messi the best in the world.
He has 1,000 ways of beating you. It’s easy to talk to the players about
stopping Messi, but doing it is much harder. “
【在 s******f 的大作中提到】 : 真新颖的球王认证方式,恭迎内蒙球王登基(更新ing) : neymar best player ever : About 35,600,000 results (0.32 seconds) : suarez best player ever : About 34,100,000 results (0.36 seconds) : robben best player ever : About 14,200,000 results (0.38 seconds) : ronaldo best player ever : About 13,800,000 results (0.35 seconds) (注意哦,这个大小肥瘦罗加起来都没有 : 罗球王高)
w*********p 发帖数: 3305 | 48 我的回帖是泼妇骂街??泼妇都没我能泼??
请问我哪句话是泼妇骂街了。你问有没有专业人士说过, 我就给你发一个链接而已。
你用google搜索 xxx best player ever? 哈哈,你在搞笑么??
Sergio Ramos best player ever (0.36 seconds)
About 7,700,000 results (0.44 seconds)
你看看别人对你的回帖。你自己说话全是不讲理的,还好意思说别人是泼妇骂街? 多
另外,我那一句说我认为齐丹是球王了?? 你有没有读贴就回帖的?
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 你连珠炮的在这泼妇骂街,也改变不了齐丹不如梅西的事实。 : 贝利说的就算了,他黑马拉多纳和梅西多少年了。退一步说,我说没听过专业球员说齐 : 丹是球王,并没有否认有人说过,原帖意思说“即使有也远远少于梅西”。你气急败坏 : 的能从这引申出我从来不看新闻,泼妇都没你能泼。 : 随便google一下: : lionel messi best player ever : About 8,720,000 results (0.25 seconds) : zinedine zidane best player ever : About 490,000 results (0.33 seconds) : 490000/8720000 差不多就是二十分之一。
w*********p 发帖数: 3305 | 49 你扯那么多也没用,因为你的帖子是说 齐丹不如皮尔洛
你自己的 “齐丹不如皮尔洛”呢? 你为了证明齐丹不如梅西(其实也没人需要你
你平时都是这么上论坛和别人讨论的么? 你发帖的目的是训斥人还是引来回帖? 还
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 好吧,看来这个有问题。 : Famous quotes on Lionel Messi: : Arsene Wenger (Coach, Arsenal) - “Who is the Best Player in the World? Leo : Messi. Who is the Best Player Ever? Leo Messi!” : Diego Maradona (Ex Argentina) – “I have seen the player who will inherit : my place in Argentine football and his name is Messi. Messi is a genius and : he can become an even better player.” : Wayne Rooney (ManUnited) – “Messi is a Joke, for me the Best Ever!” : Pele (Ex Brazil) - “At the moment, Messi is the Best!” : Juan Sebastian Veron (Ex Argentina) - “I see Maradona every time he grabs
f****l 发帖数: 8042 | 50 老齐明明是中场,不看看老齐的控球和传球功夫,老是讨论那头球,是个神马思路。至
少在他那个时代,作为中场,齐丹的确是坐第一把交椅的。 |
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 51
【在 w*********p 的大作中提到】 : 我的回帖是泼妇骂街??泼妇都没我能泼?? : 请问我哪句话是泼妇骂街了。你问有没有专业人士说过, 我就给你发一个链接而已。 : 你不同意也没关系。有必要骂人么? : 你用google搜索 xxx best player ever? 哈哈,你在搞笑么?? : Sergio Ramos best player ever (0.36 seconds) : About 7,700,000 results (0.44 seconds) : 你看看别人对你的回帖。你自己说话全是不讲理的,还好意思说别人是泼妇骂街? 多 : 少人回你的贴也没几个用词如你这般不堪的。。。 : 另外,我那一句说我认为齐丹是球王了?? 你有没有读贴就回帖的?
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 52 lz还是冷静一下再说吧。球王不是要把谁比下去就是王了。真正的球王要不断的突破自
至于梅西能不能不断地战胜自我,还得等等看。 |
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 53 煤球是不是球王,就差一个世界杯。反过来,耳朵,鸡蛋即使拿了世界杯,也还是低一
【在 w*****n 的大作中提到】 : 球王。什么是王,王要有领导能力。梅西有吗?或许有,但还没展现出来。
m******n 发帖数: 15691 | 54 98年的齐丹 和 02年的耳朵 都不是夺冠的那个key
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 煤球是不是球王,就差一个世界杯。反过来,耳朵,鸡蛋即使拿了世界杯,也还是低一 : 个档次。 : 你说的领导能力,带队拿世界杯是不是就证明完毕了?
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 55 同意你说的。说我不是煤粉你也不信。08年我就觉得C罗比梅西强,今年上半年也略强
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : lz还是冷静一下再说吧。球王不是要把谁比下去就是王了。真正的球王要不断的突破自 : 我,超越自我。梅西最大的对手就是自己,而不是C罗或者齐丹,更不是老马,贝利。 : 至于梅西能不能不断地战胜自我,还得等等看。
w*********p 发帖数: 3305 | 56 我不同意的是 齐丹连皮尔洛都不如这件事。你取个这个题目无非是哗众取宠而已。
你说话风格叫“辛辣“,我说话的风格就叫”泼妇骂街“? 不过无所谓,你要这么觉
笑你google搜索的事儿都不行? 那么脆弱就不要发帖罚出来啊,打个 ’哈哈‘就是显
我打了个“哈哈’你就说句 “没听过用google做研究的?”
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 同意你说的。说我不是煤粉你也不信。08年我就觉得C罗比梅西强,今年上半年也略强 : 。不过如果非要在过去三十年里选一个新球王,煤球是唯一有资格的。无它,煤球水平 : 到了。不过能不能升任球王还要看他能不能再保持几年好状态以及好运气。其他的,诸 : 如耳朵,鸡蛋,还是差个档次,夺个世界杯也没那水平。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 57 说鸡蛋不如皮尔洛是哗众取宠,说没戏不如鸡蛋就是懂球帝?你这双重标准用的好。
【在 w*********p 的大作中提到】 : 我不同意的是 齐丹连皮尔洛都不如这件事。你取个这个题目无非是哗众取宠而已。 : 你说话风格叫“辛辣“,我说话的风格就叫”泼妇骂街“? 不过无所谓,你要这么觉 : 得也没关系。 : 笑你google搜索的事儿都不行? 那么脆弱就不要发帖罚出来啊,打个 ’哈哈‘就是显 : 示水平高了么? : 我打了个“哈哈’你就说句 “没听过用google做研究的?” : 你说你“没看过别人说鸡蛋是球王”,我就不能说句”你从来不看新闻么?“
w*********p 发帖数: 3305 | 58 问题是到底谁说 没戏不如鸡蛋 呢?? 大家都没有这么认为啊。
算了算了,我也没针对你。 握手握手
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 说鸡蛋不如皮尔洛是哗众取宠,说没戏不如鸡蛋就是懂球帝?你这双重标准用的好。 : 泼妇骂街是针对个人,我原帖是针对一群人,你这个都分不清?
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 59 拖出来鞭尸
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 煤球是不是球王,就差一个世界杯。反过来,耳朵,鸡蛋即使拿了世界杯,也还是低一 : 个档次。 : 你说的领导能力,带队拿世界杯是不是就证明完毕了?
t***o 发帖数: 19256 | 60 哈哈哈
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 拖出来鞭尸
M*****l 发帖数: 4478 | 61 齐丹当然比不过皮尔洛,但跟梅西应该是不相上下的吧。
再往后排。 |
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 62 鞭个毛。梅西是没夺冠,但这不影响他比鸡蛋牛。梅西状态不好,淘汰赛基本就没有太
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 拖出来鞭尸
c*********r 发帖数: 19468 | 63 煤老板还是不如你牛,是你这神逻辑让煤老板立于不败之地,所以你才是真牛
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 鞭个毛。梅西是没夺冠,但这不影响他比鸡蛋牛。梅西状态不好,淘汰赛基本就没有太 : 多的表现,这个大家都看得出来。他要击败德国,需要最起码80%的状态,现在的梅西 : ,从去年开始状态就一直不行,也就是发挥了60%的水平。估计大多数人还是很失望的。 : 希望他今后的四年能保持水平。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 64 首先声明,我并非煤粉。不过我认为梅西是我看球以来(96年)最牛比的球员,远超其
【在 t***o 的大作中提到】 : 哈哈哈 : LZ确实搞笑 : 充分体现了煤粉的水平啊
f****g 发帖数: 23666 | 65 扯淡去吧,96以来,比没戏强的人太多了。
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 首先声明,我并非煤粉。不过我认为梅西是我看球以来(96年)最牛比的球员,远超其 : 他人。 : 其次,我原话说梅西变煤球王,只差一个世界杯。请你告诉我,这句话错误在哪? : 是立论错了,梅西即使决赛赢了,也不能与过去两位球王比肩? : 还是假设错了,看完今天的比赛,你认为阿根廷完全没有机会取胜?
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 66 成王败寇,你怎么说都行。
【在 c*********r 的大作中提到】 : 煤老板还是不如你牛,是你这神逻辑让煤老板立于不败之地,所以你才是真牛 : : 的。
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 67 真不好意思,但还是忍不住把你拉出来...
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 鞭个毛。梅西是没夺冠,但这不影响他比鸡蛋牛。梅西状态不好,淘汰赛基本就没有太 : 多的表现,这个大家都看得出来。他要击败德国,需要最起码80%的状态,现在的梅西 : ,从去年开始状态就一直不行,也就是发挥了60%的水平。估计大多数人还是很失望的。 : 希望他今后的四年能保持水平。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 68 我也可以认为你这句话是扯淡。
【在 f****g 的大作中提到】 : 扯淡去吧,96以来,比没戏强的人太多了。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 69 。。。。。
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 真不好意思,但还是忍不住把你拉出来... : : 的。
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 70 说句实在话,别着迷某个球星。看得球星太多了,他们状态下滑的速度比你遗忘的速度
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 。。。。。 : 别客气,我不认为我说错了什么。
p*******o 发帖数: 77 | 71 说了我不是煤粉,但这不影响认为他是我看球18年了最牛比的球员。
【在 g**********1 的大作中提到】 : 说句实在话,别着迷某个球星。看得球星太多了,他们状态下滑的速度比你遗忘的速度 : 要快的多。东山再起,指望根廷这批老梆子是不行的。年轻一代更看不到什么希望。
g**********1 发帖数: 1113 | 72 梅西这个人是有天分的。梅西无法封王是巴萨一手造成的。梅西在巴萨可以散步,巴萨
【在 p*******o 的大作中提到】 : 说了我不是煤粉,但这不影响认为他是我看球18年了最牛比的球员。 : 我更不是根挺粉。本届杯赛,总体我更粉德国,踢的漂亮。个人我更偏爱梅西,但又不 : 是在这届杯赛的梅西,这届杯赛的梅西,表现也就差不多top10水平,没有表现出远超 : 别人的能力,和两年前的巅峰差太远。 : 所以今天看球我是比较纠结。
h*****7 发帖数: 6781 | 73 契丹和皮球王差不多
看过这三人踢球很多次后,其实很容易评论 |
z***n 发帖数: 590 | 74 鸡蛋有世界冠军, 决赛进球, 有以一人之力决定胜负,有血气,请问煤球有哪点?
如果老费从不拿四大冠军, 就算拿了10000个ATP冠军, 有人会说他是goad么?
【在 h*****7 的大作中提到】 : 契丹和皮球王差不多 : 梅西比他俩还强一些 : 看过这三人踢球很多次后,其实很容易评论
h*****7 发帖数: 6781 | 75 法国队整体水平强过阿根廷
【在 z***n 的大作中提到】 : 鸡蛋有世界冠军, 决赛进球, 有以一人之力决定胜负,有血气,请问煤球有哪点? : 如果老费从不拿四大冠军, 就算拿了10000个ATP冠军, 有人会说他是goad么?
J********o 发帖数: 17447 | |
z***n 发帖数: 590 | 77 原来球王要队友都是高手才行呀, 那世界上球王太多了。 昨天亭亭前常有配合么?
【在 h*****7 的大作中提到】 : 法国队整体水平强过阿根廷 : 梅西个人水平要从场上表现看,阿根廷整体实力限制了他刷数据
c*********r 发帖数: 19468 | 78 02正赛,06预选赛已经多次证明了,没齐秃法面根本不会赢球,你就不要妄故事实了……
【在 h*****7 的大作中提到】 : 法国队整体水平强过阿根廷 : 梅西个人水平要从场上表现看,阿根廷整体实力限制了他刷数据
p*******o 发帖数: 3564 | 79 嗯,都是猪一样的队友坑了煤老板
【在 z***n 的大作中提到】 : 原来球王要队友都是高手才行呀, 那世界上球王太多了。 昨天亭亭前常有配合么?
h*****7 发帖数: 6781 | 80 没有梅西,阿根廷也会很烂
【在 c*********r 的大作中提到】 : 02正赛,06预选赛已经多次证明了,没齐秃法面根本不会赢球,你就不要妄故事实了……
d********n 发帖数: 110 | 81 为嘛都结束了,还有这么多大赛球迷意犹未尽的打嘴仗
【在 J********o 的大作中提到】 : 世界杯结束了, 该走的赶紧走吧
i*****e 发帖数: 792 | 82 半神级人物必须要high profile moment,场面越大发挥越好。
啥的就更不用说了,都是泪。 |
g***j 发帖数: 40861 | |