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Software版 - Re: 介绍一个可以将demo的过程录成avi文件的软件吧!
Re: from tv to computer?从扫描质量很差的pdf里面extract表格
Re: 用什么软件来Capture电影播放中的画面?how to see the chinese language from a installed chinese software
Re: suggest acrobat 6.0现在大家都用什么看图软件啊?
Streaming video capture 软件?Re: 找个可以给屏幕上某个窗口录像的软件
请推荐一个free的音频转换软件[转载] DO NOT DOWNLOAD .AVI FILE FROM NOW ON!!!
如何capture movie to frames?a tip for AVI:
怎样把几段mp3 的文件合并成一个mp3文件?视频、Flash随意换——Flix
which software can capture DVD clips with subtitles?[转载] 1394转录DV问题,解决了,FT!
话题: hypercam话题: your话题: capture话题: avi话题: machine
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19981
HyperCam 1.51 Readme.txt file
HyperCam captures the action from your Windows 95 or NT screen and saves
it to AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) movie file. Your machine may run in
any color mode. Sound from your system microphone is also recorded.
For best performance please set your machine in 8 bit color mode (256
colors). We found out that in this configuration HyperCam can capture up
to 10 frames per second of 640x480 pictures on Pentium 133 machine. You
may capture more if your capture area
1 (共1页)
[转载] 1394转录DV问题,解决了,FT!请推荐一个free的音频转换软件
AVI格式无图像、无声音、图像声音不同步的解决办法如何capture movie to frames?
DVDRip影片的播放怎样把几段mp3 的文件合并成一个mp3文件?
AVI to MPEGwhich software can capture DVD clips with subtitles?
Re: from tv to computer?从扫描质量很差的pdf里面extract表格
Re: 用什么软件来Capture电影播放中的画面?how to see the chinese language from a installed chinese software
Re: suggest acrobat 6.0现在大家都用什么看图软件啊?
Streaming video capture 软件?Re: 找个可以给屏幕上某个窗口录像的软件
话题: hypercam话题: your话题: capture话题: avi话题: machine