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Statistics版 - Standard Errors Calculation
在线急等:做maximum likelihood estimation,用optimization怎么都的不出正确的数值如果dep variable严重skewed,如何做ordinal regression?
问一个关于linear regression的error假设问题一个统计拟合问题
请教一个bootstrap的问题(包子)一般的统计仿真实验和monte carlo simulation是一回事吗?
请教个计算standard error的问题Regression中噪音项是一个AR(1),如何做MLE或者其它Fit?
proc genmod 结果的问题Regression model 不用 test normality?
[合集] question about MLESAS question - baozi
怎么分辨 standard error 和 standard deviation?包子请教一个SAS问题
请教LINEAR REGRESSION基本问题求助:SAS结果显示model is not full rank
话题: standard话题: errors话题: ols话题: mle
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3271
Suppose I have a linear model of this form:
y = [1/(1+b)]x1 + [c/(1-b)]x2 +e
1. I can identify b,c by estimating 1/(1+b) and c/(1-b) using OLS, right?
2. If so, is it possible to calculate standard errors for b and c, as well
as their p value?
发帖数: 8
You can try delta method to find the limiting distribution and thus obtain
the C.I., P-values etc;
1. Basically, you can reparameterize your model as:
Y=A*x1 + B*X2+e
Then your original parameter b and c has a one-to-one function that maps to
the new parameter A and B. You can get estimation of A and B based on MLE (
or OLS), then also MLE of b and c
2. Using Delta method to drive limiting distribution of b and c, then
conduct test or construct intervals based on the distribution.
发帖数: 3271
Thanks! Is it possible to directly obtain SEs from MLE by treating b and c
as parameters and modify the calculation of log likelihood?


【在 c*******2 的大作中提到】
: You can try delta method to find the limiting distribution and thus obtain
: the C.I., P-values etc;
: 1. Basically, you can reparameterize your model as:
: Y=A*x1 + B*X2+e
: Then your original parameter b and c has a one-to-one function that maps to
: the new parameter A and B. You can get estimation of A and B based on MLE (
: or OLS), then also MLE of b and c
: 2. Using Delta method to drive limiting distribution of b and c, then
: conduct test or construct intervals based on the distribution.

发帖数: 391
If you are using any software, they all produce the estimated beta and
estimated standard error.
1 (共1页)
求助:SAS结果显示model is not full rankproc genmod 结果的问题
问个关于hierarchical bayesian model的问题[合集] question about MLE
用EM求的MLE,但是observed likelihood 怎么算呢怎么分辨 standard error 和 standard deviation?
请教个问题关于 default rate in profit calculation请教LINEAR REGRESSION基本问题
在线急等:做maximum likelihood estimation,用optimization怎么都的不出正确的数值如果dep variable严重skewed,如何做ordinal regression?
问一个关于linear regression的error假设问题一个统计拟合问题
请教一个bootstrap的问题(包子)一般的统计仿真实验和monte carlo simulation是一回事吗?
请教个计算standard error的问题Regression中噪音项是一个AR(1),如何做MLE或者其它Fit?
话题: standard话题: errors话题: ols话题: mle