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Statistics版 - entry level statistician/statistical analyst position in hospital
请问找到工作的同学[合集] 请教entry-level statistician的薪水
same frustration as : 刚工作3月,请教职业前景请问这里有去google, yahoo之类公司intern过的吗?
Question about statistics theorydiagnostic medicine 这个方向好找industry 的工作么
what type of entry level statistics jobs in the market?Help: Statistics Recruiters?
怎样从database里extract需要的data 做statistical analysis问个薪水问题并做个调查 (转载)
Statistical Analyst II - 2 openings (转载)国内clinical trial 方面的统计 或者 statistical programmer 工作?
Statistical Position,Post a job for my boss, Biostatistician
应该让sas, r, python[排名不分先后]互相PK, 看谁胜出[OPENING] Statistician-Shanghai
话题: hospital话题: entry话题: level
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 54
A physician at a major teaching hospital in NY is looking for a research
person with statistical background. Below is from her email:
I may be hiring a data person to join my research team who can do data
extraction from Electronic medical record, database design and management
and statistical analysis.  I am afraid that I will only be able to
afford an entry level person.
If anyone is interested, please send me a message with your resume and I’ll
forward it along. Thank you.
1 (共1页)
[OPENING] Statistician-Shanghai怎样从database里extract需要的data 做statistical analysis
Phone interview from Google for statistician positionStatistical Analyst II - 2 openings (转载)
有没有只用R不用SAS的statisticianStatistical Position,
Entry-level statistician 面试 都问什么 technical question ?应该让sas, r, python[排名不分先后]互相PK, 看谁胜出
请问找到工作的同学[合集] 请教entry-level statistician的薪水
same frustration as : 刚工作3月,请教职业前景请问这里有去google, yahoo之类公司intern过的吗?
Question about statistics theorydiagnostic medicine 这个方向好找industry 的工作么
what type of entry level statistics jobs in the market?Help: Statistics Recruiters?
话题: hospital话题: entry话题: level