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Stock版 - 财报分析简介 4 及 总结 (转载)
财报分析简介 3 (转载)为什么油公司的Current Ratio都那么低?
财报分析简介 2给大家一个药股的pick
今天growth stock被集体shortFB市盈率50, 不是100
亚麻 profit $0.0092B, revenue $23.18B, market cap $266 BAAPL的price/free cash flow现在是8.15了
BBY 爆了BP分析:有伪币么?
High-Frequency Trading Sharpe Ratio [ZT]lnkd 的财报
话题: peg话题: 财报话题: 简介话题: current话题: ratio
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 239
【 以下文字转载自 Financial_Ratio_Analysis 俱乐部 】
发信人: rueled (Wise investing), 信区: Financial_Ratio_Analysis
标 题: 财报分析简介 4 及 总结
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 7 19:54:30 2010, 美东)
Previous discussions:
财报分析简介 1
财报分析简介 2
财报分析简介 3
财报分析简介 4
Solvency ratio and leverage ratios
Solvency ratios include:
1) Current ratio: Current assets / current liabilities
发帖数: 250
Thx, and have you ever considered the PEG ratio, which is my favorite when I
do the stock-picking process. Most of time, I choose the stocks with PEG<1
more than those with PEG>1, because after all, growth is the key for some
stocks to go up. Even though i use FA for stock-picking, I use the TA
especially S&P 500 index to make decision when I buy or sell stocks because
when the major index is at high position, for an individual stock, it's also
at high position though its maket price is only $1,
发帖数: 239
It is definitely convenient to use. where do you get the PEG? from Yahoo
finance or obtain on your own? BTW, your strategy makes sense to me too.
Correlation is there for most stocks.

when I

【在 f******u 的大作中提到】
: Thx, and have you ever considered the PEG ratio, which is my favorite when I
: do the stock-picking process. Most of time, I choose the stocks with PEG<1
: more than those with PEG>1, because after all, growth is the key for some
: stocks to go up. Even though i use FA for stock-picking, I use the TA
: especially S&P 500 index to make decision when I buy or sell stocks because
: when the major index is at high position, for an individual stock, it's also
: at high position though its maket price is only $1,

发帖数: 250
It's easy to get PEG from Yhoo free screener. When you use PEG<1 and price<
10,you can get some stocks, For instance: XXXX (don't want to mislead others)
Market Cap (intraday)5: 60.06B
Enterprise Value (Jul 10, 2010)3: 143.84B
Trailing P/E (ttm, intraday): 8.34
Forward P/E (fye Dec 31, 2011)1: 7.54
PEG Ratio (5 yr expected): 0.56
Price/Sales (ttm): 7.56
Price/Book (mrq): 0.89
Profit Margin (ttm): 55.36%
Operating Margin (ttm): -185.16%
Management Effectiveness
Return on Assets (tt

【在 r****d 的大作中提到】
: It is definitely convenient to use. where do you get the PEG? from Yahoo
: finance or obtain on your own? BTW, your strategy makes sense to me too.
: Correlation is there for most stocks.
: when I
: PEG<1
: some
: because
: also

发帖数: 239
i see. thanks! just one thought on current ratio since you mention it:
if a company runs with great efficiency current ratio less than 1 may be
sth good. e.g. working capital is not tied up with inventory. And you
need to consider special case like acquisition or repurchase shares
which cost you cash.
In my opinion,only when people get the whole picture of ratios and put
them into perspective they will understand the company better.


【在 f******u 的大作中提到】
: It's easy to get PEG from Yhoo free screener. When you use PEG<1 and price<
: 10,you can get some stocks, For instance: XXXX (don't want to mislead others)
: Market Cap (intraday)5: 60.06B
: Enterprise Value (Jul 10, 2010)3: 143.84B
: Trailing P/E (ttm, intraday): 8.34
: Forward P/E (fye Dec 31, 2011)1: 7.54
: PEG Ratio (5 yr expected): 0.56
: Price/Sales (ttm): 7.56
: Price/Book (mrq): 0.89
: Profitability

1 (共1页)
大夫给看看pmi,jaso和born亚麻 profit $0.0092B, revenue $23.18B, market cap $266 B
腾讯最近涨BBY 爆了
再问个问题,YAHOO FINANCE很多数据自相矛盾啊High-Frequency Trading Sharpe Ratio [ZT]
CBOE p/c ratioAAPL展望
财报分析简介 3 (转载)为什么油公司的Current Ratio都那么低?
财报分析简介 2给大家一个药股的pick
今天growth stock被集体shortFB市盈率50, 不是100
话题: peg话题: 财报话题: 简介话题: current话题: ratio