s********u 发帖数: 1054 | 1 I have been trying to follow the forecasts made by many DANIUs here
for about a year. To my best knowledge, nobody can predict the short
term market movement with any useful consistency.
This stock board is dominated by short term traders with very short term
views. They often change their own opinions dramatically within a few
days, if not hours or even minutes. If so, why should you listen to their
opinions at all in the first place? You could be much better off if you just
choose to ignore these noises. | r*****t 发帖数: 7278 | 2 You are right. Make decisions only by yourself, not depending on any one, -
neither media news, FED, public opinions, da niu's talk not even president
of USA. Think independently and make money, simple and straight. |