f********n 发帖数: 75 | 1 如题,国内申购新股很简单,
有人有这个经验吗?多谢! | f********n 发帖数: 75 | 2 操,才发现下面这个:
IPO stands for Initial Public Offering.
When a company goes for an IPO, everyone can buy the IPO in the secondary
markets (stock markets).
However, most of the time, you are not able to purchase the stock at the IPO
This is due to several reasons, including: undervaluation, supply and demand
Undervaluation: Most companies undervaluate their company's stock because
they want to make sure there
is a market (demand) for it. The worst case scenario is when a stock goes
for IPO and nobody buys it.
Supply and Demand/Buzz: Because of this undervaluation, as fast as the stock
opens, the price will jump
So now the question is where can you buy stocks at the stated IPO price?
Unless you are an underwriter (ie: One of the groups who worked on the
offering), you, as an individual,
cannot buy a stock at an IPO price.
Example: Time Hortons: IPO at $high-teen/low twenties.
As soon as the stock opened, it jump...and by end day, it increased by 20
odd percent.
Conclusion: Most IPO stocks are undervalued so that there is a demand for it
on the first day. Thus, as
individuals, the chances of you buying an IPO stock at its IPO price is zero.
Read more: Where and how can I buy IPO stocks? | Answerbag
【在 f********n 的大作中提到】 : 如题,国内申购新股很简单, : 可是,在美国怎么弄?scottrade告诉我他们公司不做IPO的业务,我靠, : 这个还真和国内部一样啊, : 有人有这个经验吗?多谢!