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Stock版 - 来看看怎么被downgraded吧
Downgraded: From AAA to AA+记住这两个名 啤酒和房间
it is official: S&P has downgraded US credit rating to AAMCP Stock Downgraded
"will" or "would" downgradeXONE downgraded but up?
S&P 算术没整明白-搞差了2trillion有没有做rating的?
美国躲过降级危险.S&P Downgrades US Credit Rating to AA-Plus
SP 这个大 SB 可能 残了。FDIC: S&P Downgrade Won't Affect Risk-Based Capital
SP 降级 没有影响rating is overrated
GREENSPAN预测After a Rating Downgrade, U.S. Treasuries Turn a Profit
话题: treasury话题: downgrade话题: officials话题: would话题: called
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3447
In short:
"About 3:15 p.m., Treasury officials called S&P to alert them of the error.They heard “stunned silence,” according to sources officials familiar with the call. S&P said it would look into it.
Two hours later, S&P called Treasury to acknowledge the mistake but told
officials that the downgrade would still occur. Treasury asked S&P to take more time and wait until Monday to make a final decision."
In long:
The Obama administration had just finished a fight with House and Senate
Republicans when it prepared to battle a small group of credit-rating
analysts based in New York, London and Toronto.
Standard & Poor‘s had warned for months that it might downgrade the U.S.
credit rating if leaders couldn’t find a way to reduce the growing national
debt by $4 trillion over 10 years.
When the deal reached Tuesday fell short of those expectations, the Treasury
Department and S&P engaged in a furious set of exchanges that ultimately
led to a downgrade Friday night. Since then, the Obama administration and S&
P have been engaged in a war of words over the circumstances of the agency’
s decision.
“I really do think the only major outcome and the only major downgrade in
this context is to S&P’s credibility. It displayed a shocking level of
incompetence,” a senior administration official said Saturday.
David Beers, the head of S&P’s sovereign rating unit, disagreed.
“This agreement will not produce a stabilization of the government’s debt
burden on its own, and we don’t have a lot of confidence that another
agreement is going to follow this one,” he said.
Friday’s hectic events began at 1:15 p.m. when an S&P analyst called
Treasury to say a downgrade would come after the stock market closed,
according to people familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of
anonymity to discuss it freely. The analyst sent a draft copy of the
downgrade report.
Treasury officials reviewed the report and after about 30 minutes found an
error. S&P had used a dated formula to determine how fast domestic spending
would increase over the decade. The formula did not account for last week’s
budget deal, which will slow spending.
As a result, the report said the debt in 2021 would reach $22.1 trillion,
which would be equal to 93 percent of the size of the economy. In reality,
the debt is projected to reach $20.1 trillion, or 85 percent of the size of
the economy.
About 3:15 p.m., Treasury officials called S&P to alert them of the error.
They heard “stunned silence,” according to sources officials familiar with
the call. S&P said it would look into it.
Two hours later, S&P called Treasury to acknowledge the mistake but told
officials that the downgrade would still occur. Treasury asked S&P to take
more time and wait until Monday to make a final decision.
The officials argued that S&P analysts did not recognize that Washington was
taking steps to tame the national debt despite the political theater of
recent months. S&P analysts took the opposite view — that all the partisan
wrangling made it far less likely that leaders would be able to do what’s
Beers convened a group of analysts to vote on whether to proceed with the
downgrade. They voted to do so.
At 7:15, S&P called again to say it would downgrade.
The new downgrade report emphasized political analysis compared with the
original report, according to a version of the first report reviewed by The
Washington Post.
It announced the unprecedented decision at 8:30 p.m.
发帖数: 289
Beers convened a group of analysts to vote on whether to proceed with the
downgrade. They voted to do so.

.They heard “stunned silence,” according to sources officials familiar
with the call. S&P said it would look into it.
more time and wait until Monday to make a final decision."

【在 h****n 的大作中提到】
: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/treasury-sandp-w
: In short:
: "About 3:15 p.m., Treasury officials called S&P to alert them of the error.They heard “stunned silence,” according to sources officials familiar with the call. S&P said it would look into it.
: (也就是说人家根本没考虑可能通过的deal,都忘了通过的deal了)
: Two hours later, S&P called Treasury to acknowledge the mistake but told
: officials that the downgrade would still occur. Treasury asked S&P to take more time and wait until Monday to make a final decision."
: (忽略了deal不是个问题,本来就是要给downgrade的,计算错误不算什么。)
: In long:
: The Obama administration had just finished a fight with House and Senate
: Republicans when it prepared to battle a small group of credit-rating

发帖数: 1613

【在 t*******s 的大作中提到】
: interestng.........
: Beers convened a group of analysts to vote on whether to proceed with the
: downgrade. They voted to do so.
: .They heard “stunned silence,” according to sources officials familiar
: with the call. S&P said it would look into it.
: more time and wait until Monday to make a final decision."

发帖数: 289
see below

Good to learn
Another thing learned
Could you share what the rest 60% rely on?

【在 p*******s 的大作中提到】
: interesting在那里?评级是否改变从来都是一组分析师投票讨论决定,这稀奇在哪里?
: 级别从来不是一些固定的数字、比例决定的,如果你做过评级就知道,债务低、利润好
: 的公司级别反而不如债务高、盈利差的公司的情况多了去了。信用评级没那么简单,不
: 是说看看几年的财务报表就可以决定了的,数字最多起40%的作用。

发帖数: 1613
除了财务状况,评级有一点最重要的就是fundamental analysis。看的就是公司的总体
实力、是否有别人没有的优势,内部管理历史如何,corporate governance,这些都是
国家主权评级我没做过,但我完全理解S&P的动机 (不要听那些自作聪明的理科博士生

【在 t*******s 的大作中提到】
: see below
: 里?
: Good to learn
: Another thing learned
: 信用评级没那么简单,不
: Could you share what the rest 60% rely on?

发帖数: 743
很多东西其实就是common sense
巴菲特这次跳出来说的一些话让人chuckle, 感觉是屁股决定嘴巴了
而另一个大腕El-Erian,说的话至少比较common sense:
Mohamed El-Erian, the chief executive officer of Newport Beach, California-
based Pacific Investment Management Co., said that the downgrade will spur
uncertainty in the market.
“It will fuel uncertainties about the functioning over time of the world
economy as there are no other pure AAA’s able and willing to materially
complement or replace the role of the U.S. at the core of the global
financial system,” El-Erian wrote in an e-mailed response to questions.

【在 p*******s 的大作中提到】
: 我不是专家,但我对这行至少知道个一二,不是理科生动不动满嘴开火车,拍闹到看所
: 谓所以“本质的”,在他们看来,美国做什么都是个阴谋。
: 对一个公司或者国家的评级主要看两样,一是还债能力,而是还债意愿。第一自然就是
: 看债务情况,盈利状况,不必多说,第二条就要多看非数字的因素。比如北朝鲜假如发
: 外债的话,他数字看起来再好,也不可能给他AA以上的级别。
: 除了财务状况,评级有一点最重要的就是fundamental analysis。看的就是公司的总体
: 实力、是否有别人没有的优势,内部管理历史如何,corporate governance,这些都是
: 质的,不是量(财务上)的。举个简单的例子,中国石化的盈利情况其实不好,利润率
: 很低,而不少房地产上市公司可能从财务看肥得流油,表面上看后者比前者财务强多了
: ,但是中石化我可以轻而易举给AA/AA+,但房地产公司能得AA-应该就是最好的情况了

1 (共1页)
After a Rating Downgrade, U.S. Treasuries Turn a Profit美国躲过降级危险.
Spain's Debt Rating Is Downgraded by S&PSP 这个大 SB 可能 残了。
笑点比较低,看了这篇报道笑了半天SP 降级 没有影响
Downgraded: From AAA to AA+记住这两个名 啤酒和房间
it is official: S&P has downgraded US credit rating to AAMCP Stock Downgraded
"will" or "would" downgradeXONE downgraded but up?
S&P 算术没整明白-搞差了2trillion有没有做rating的?
话题: treasury话题: downgrade话题: officials话题: would话题: called