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Stock版 - 看来还要继续跌 First Solar: Was Jim Chanos Right?
Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in Chinababa太搞了
Jim Chanos 在 Charlie Rose 上谈中国的房地产泡沫如何交易特斯拉
James Chanos is trashing solar againTSLA 谨慎乐观
Jim Chanos: China Debt Worse than Europe DebtIB今天宣布要加TSLA margin requirement了
Jim Chanos vs Tesla 死忠XIN
美元已经不是人民币对手了Hahaha, Jim's right on this (for t most part):
Solar city真是小强FBI 介入调查 刚破产的 Solyndra
baba居然被一句话给弄蹦了Why J.C. Penney is Worth $191 a Share
话题: solar话题: chanos话题: first话题: investor话题: jim
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1972
Investor/cranky guy Jim Chanos trashed solar energy in a public investor
presentation this spring. His prediction may be playing out today.
The investor enthusiasm for green energy companies was a bubble, Chanos
argued at the Ira Sohn investor conference. His presentation was called “
Alternative Energy: Does Solar + Wind = Hot Air?”
Chanos’s presentation was before the very public and controversial collapse
of solar-panel maker Solyndra. And today, First Solar has spooked investors
with the unexpected departure of CEO Rob Gillette. First Solar shares are
sinking about 20% in recent trading.
Chanos singled out the possibility of management defection at First Solar, a
call that looks pretty prescient right now. Here’s what Chanos said:
Chanos also says he’s also shorting solar companies, including First Solar,
citing a deterioration in quality control and operational problems,
including balance sheet deterioration and negative cash flows….
What has Chanos and his associates “most intrigued,” he says is the
management exodus at First Solar. “When they start leaving, we feel most
comfortable at all.” In recent years, managers have come in with no
industry experience, Chanos says, and unloaded their holdings. “They’re
seeing some of the things we’re seeing.”
1 (共1页)
Why J.C. Penney is Worth $191 a ShareJim Chanos vs Tesla 死忠
特朗普自夸是“债务之王”, 估计要走中帝国主义的路子了Solar city真是小强
Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in Chinababa太搞了
Jim Chanos 在 Charlie Rose 上谈中国的房地产泡沫如何交易特斯拉
James Chanos is trashing solar againTSLA 谨慎乐观
Jim Chanos: China Debt Worse than Europe DebtIB今天宣布要加TSLA margin requirement了
话题: solar话题: chanos话题: first话题: investor话题: jim