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Stock版 - Norway’s Day Traders Take on the Algos
大部分技术问题都是在美国股坛解决的用maximize 杀call + 杀put算价格 合理吗?
Algorithms traders're evil ------------ hahaha上周五公司Trading的头叫Traders 减少仓位
这两天花街MM比以前歹毒多了Day Trader, what if you are under water
TRADER长期生存率是多少? 据说1% 不到?DF 的senior note 9.75%. Junk bond ah
算是突破了.If you were John Paulson, what would you do with 40 million shares of
ZT---an explanation of market markerDECK为什么跌这么多?
TRADER 这个职业是不是在动荡期才盛行啊?U.S. Stock Futures Jump on Speculation of More Stimulus
话题: he话题: traders话题: trades话题: norway话题: day
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 20645
Nearly 40 percent of all share orders in Europe are sent by algorithmic
trading computers, up from just 20 percent five years ago, according to the
Tab Group, a capital markets constancy. In the U.S. the figure is 37 percent.
Yet despite the prevalence of these supposedly smart machines, some traders
are making a tidy profit getting the better of these systems, which can make
costly mistakes if they are not set up correctly or if their trading
patterns can be understood.
Send Emil Larsen, a Norwegian day trader, worked out in 2007 how the
computer algorithm of Timber Hill, a unit of US-based Interactive Brokers,
would respond to trades in certain illiquid stocks. The stocks would change
price in a uniform way regardless of how much was bid.
He found that he could bump up the price with very small trades and then
sell with much larger trades for a profit. He was not the only trader who
worked out this flaw, which he called “painfully obvious.” But he still
made $50,000 in a few months.
发帖数: 20645
Charges of market manipulation were brought against him and another trader,
Peddler Vibe, in a high-profile court case where the public came to look on
the duo as heroic Robin Hood figures, beating financial houses at their own
The courts found them not guilty of market manipulation this month,
concluding that they were making the market more efficient by exposing a
flaw in the system.
Meanwhile Mr. Larsen – and others – continue to beat algorithms. A few
months ago he says that UBS failed to set a bottom limit on one of its
trading algorithms and he picked up some stock at a discount. He estimates
he made $14,000 in a few minutes.
发帖数: 20645
It is not just Mr. Larsen getting the better of financial institutions.
Eivind Stolen, a Swedish day trader, says he made several thousand dollars
in seven minutes last year after a Morgan Stanley client algorithm went “
totally haywire” in Atlas Copco and SSAB stock.
He says the computer started buying at the offer price and selling at the
bid, instead of the other way round, and hundreds of people across the world
piled in to take advantage, making a small spread on every trade they
bought and sold straight back. Morgan Stanley [MS 13.76 0.22 (+1.62%)
] was fined for this error on Wednesday.
“Every few weeks an algorithm is going wrong, and there is always someone
making money from it,” says Kjell Jørgensen, associate professor at BI
Norwegian Business School.
1 (共1页)
U.S. Stock Futures Jump on Speculation of More StimulusTRADER长期生存率是多少? 据说1% 不到?
RYN还有没戏? 套的不爽。算是突破了.
最后半小时砸盘ZT---an explanation of market marker
大盘今天守不住颈线,下面暴跌TRADER 这个职业是不是在动荡期才盛行啊?
大部分技术问题都是在美国股坛解决的用maximize 杀call + 杀put算价格 合理吗?
Algorithms traders're evil ------------ hahaha上周五公司Trading的头叫Traders 减少仓位
这两天花街MM比以前歹毒多了Day Trader, what if you are under water
话题: he话题: traders话题: trades话题: norway话题: day