n****e 发帖数: 31 | 1 Nasdaq may pay Facebook stock traders: report
Nasdaq OMX Group Inc. is reviewing transactions during the high volume of
trading to iron out glitches in the debut of Facebook Inc.'s /quotes/zigman/
9962609/quotes/nls/fb FB -11.64% initial public offering on Friday, The Wall
Street Journal reported late Sunday. Eric Noll, Nasdaq's executive vice
president for transaction services, told the newspaper the Nasdaq is
rebuilding the entire book of orders for the Facebook IPO to determine which
investors should receive compensation because of Nasdaq's system errors.
Any plan to repay investors would require a sanctioning from the Securities
and Exchange Commission, Nasdaq officials said. MarketWatch reported Friday
the SEC is reviewing the delayed opening of the Facebook IPO | n****e 发帖数: 31 | 2 有大牛教一下怎么索赔吗?不知道这种事情以前发生过没有?谢谢。 |