

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Stock版 - the reason for HAVING THE CLUB
7HR30MIN kick off a new trading wkChinese Trading Club 成立通知 –-- 公开招收新会员
听说jaso已经9块多了Chinese Trading Club 成立通知 –-- 公开招收新会员
油工,快回俱乐部更新你的操作!OUR CLUB IS AGAIN IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!Advisory Trading Club成立了!!
3 Reasons Why Trading Breakouts is a Losers Game请站务澄清
just a friendly reminder for members in stockcafeteria club (转载)Honey DuDu,xiaoxiaoren, please come back
If trading psychology is a issue for you zz from PradeepToday's market drop is fully/reasonably expected
莫名其妙 --- 不过被黑也是好,增加见识。最好的止损,肯定不是止损
话题: club话题: having话题: wbs话题: reason话题: trading
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5748
just for share trading information and improving technique
I did not ask for WBs for join the club, since WB is nothing
I did ask 50 members to give out some wbs so I before the new year, so I can
have enough wbs for the new year distribution (I have only 1200wb).
then one member was kicked out maybe mistake. However, this asshole
immediately use dirty words to me, and this make me angry.
I hope you should at least respect me if you were in my club.
then, I thought I would close the club.
but now I realized this many be unfair to others.
Since the club opened last month jAN.4, my account increase 40% around. the
trading were all MQP, I think this is the reason you like be a member of it.
you don't like me, but you like your money, right?
Anyway, you can join again...and please do share your trading...at your own
发帖数: 284
Go to hell
发帖数: 5748
HEHE, good moods can earn money, your asshole mood will lost your family

【在 l*****k 的大作中提到】
: Go to hell
发帖数: 4654


【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: just for share trading information and improving technique
: I did not ask for WBs for join the club, since WB is nothing
: I did ask 50 members to give out some wbs so I before the new year, so I can
: have enough wbs for the new year distribution (I have only 1200wb).
: then one member was kicked out maybe mistake. However, this asshole
: immediately use dirty words to me, and this make me angry.
: I hope you should at least respect me if you were in my club.
: then, I thought I would close the club.
: but now I realized this many be unfair to others.
: Since the club opened last month jAN.4, my account increase 40% around. the

发帖数: 2125


【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: just for share trading information and improving technique
: I did not ask for WBs for join the club, since WB is nothing
: I did ask 50 members to give out some wbs so I before the new year, so I can
: have enough wbs for the new year distribution (I have only 1200wb).
: then one member was kicked out maybe mistake. However, this asshole
: immediately use dirty words to me, and this make me angry.
: I hope you should at least respect me if you were in my club.
: then, I thought I would close the club.
: but now I realized this many be unfair to others.
: Since the club opened last month jAN.4, my account increase 40% around. the

发帖数: 16445


【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: just for share trading information and improving technique
: I did not ask for WBs for join the club, since WB is nothing
: I did ask 50 members to give out some wbs so I before the new year, so I can
: have enough wbs for the new year distribution (I have only 1200wb).
: then one member was kicked out maybe mistake. However, this asshole
: immediately use dirty words to me, and this make me angry.
: I hope you should at least respect me if you were in my club.
: then, I thought I would close the club.
: but now I realized this many be unfair to others.
: Since the club opened last month jAN.4, my account increase 40% around. the

发帖数: 16445

【在 a******1 的大作中提到】
: 一个什么兰俱乐部,装xxx阿
: can
: the

发帖数: 5465
发帖数: 9649
不能指责劳力的股票水平,就条他的英文问题? 哈哈。

【在 i*********n 的大作中提到】
: 老李真是高中生的英语水平啊。。。
发帖数: 5387


【在 D*********t 的大作中提到】
: just for share trading information and improving technique
: I did not ask for WBs for join the club, since WB is nothing
: I did ask 50 members to give out some wbs so I before the new year, so I can
: have enough wbs for the new year distribution (I have only 1200wb).
: then one member was kicked out maybe mistake. However, this asshole
: immediately use dirty words to me, and this make me angry.
: I hope you should at least respect me if you were in my club.
: then, I thought I would close the club.
: but now I realized this many be unfair to others.
: Since the club opened last month jAN.4, my account increase 40% around. the

1 (共1页)
最好的止损,肯定不是止损just a friendly reminder for members in stockcafeteria club (转载)
大家有没有算一下今年的交易费用If trading psychology is a issue for you zz from Pradeep
(概念问答)option day trading有人用Firstrade吗?有什么缺点?
Start the BBQ, and burn some coal.莫名其妙 --- 不过被黑也是好,增加见识。
7HR30MIN kick off a new trading wkChinese Trading Club 成立通知 –-- 公开招收新会员
听说jaso已经9块多了Chinese Trading Club 成立通知 –-- 公开招收新会员
油工,快回俱乐部更新你的操作!OUR CLUB IS AGAIN IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!Advisory Trading Club成立了!!
3 Reasons Why Trading Breakouts is a Losers Game请站务澄清
话题: club话题: having话题: wbs话题: reason话题: trading