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Stock版 - If trading psychology is a issue for you zz from Pradeep
paper trade那个网好SINA今天要破50?
如果把美国黑人全部送回非洲 (转载)C昨天$25一下有两笔大单子
莫名其妙 --- 不过被黑也是好,增加见识。the reason for HAVING THE CLUB
Why I Quit Algorithmic Trading to Do Web Startups有人用Firstrade吗?有什么缺点?
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E-Trade reports quarterly net loss of $67 mlnCompare Twitter with Google?
balanced trading approach (转载)大家有没有算一下今年的交易费用
话题: psychology话题: your话题: trading话题: align话题: beliefs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 746
But if you talk to struggling traders they often think trading psychology is
important and some claim it is the most important thing. If psychology is
an issue for you and you think it is affecting your trading , what concrete
steps can you take to resolve it.
There is lot of talk of trading psychology , but what exactly are the 3 or 5
things you can do to improve your psychology.
If you want to increase your muscles you go and lift weight
If you want to improve your stamina, you go and run daily
If you want to reduce weight you eat less and exercise more
What exactly do you need to do to improve your psychology.
First starting point if you want to improve your psychology is by examining
your beliefs
You can only trade what you believe in.
Your beliefs drive your behavior.
First starting point if you want to improve your psychology is by examining
your beliefs
Align your beliefs with market structure by educating yourself about how
markets work. Align your belief with what has shown to have worked in the
market based on history and statistics. Align your belief with a style of
investing growth, value, contrarian investing. Align your belief with time
frame (day trade , swing, position). Align your belief with right kind of
market paradigm
Lot of time people claim they have discipline problem, but the basic problem
is wrong beliefs and as a result wrong behavior. If you fix the beliefs
discipline is comparatively easy.
发帖数: 281


【在 h**********a 的大作中提到】
: ...
: But if you talk to struggling traders they often think trading psychology is
: important and some claim it is the most important thing. If psychology is
: an issue for you and you think it is affecting your trading , what concrete
: steps can you take to resolve it.
: There is lot of talk of trading psychology , but what exactly are the 3 or 5
: things you can do to improve your psychology.
: If you want to increase your muscles you go and lift weight
: If you want to improve your stamina, you go and run daily
: If you want to reduce weight you eat less and exercise more

发帖数: 3292
发帖数: 2743
trading seems to be about understanding crowd psychology
the book i'm currently reading seems to have some keen insight in that
it's written by a psychiatrist Alexander Elder, "Trading for a Living"
but be warned, the expert traders might not find it to be very helpful
1 (共1页)
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话题: psychology话题: your话题: trading话题: align话题: beliefs