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Stock版 - Non Farm Payroll: why it won't be enough for the USD
下周重要事件时间表Tomorrow ADP and Friday Nonfarm?
The market might pull back a little bit tomorrowADP数据
Weekly Market Review 201227谁给科普一下:为什么ADP和政府的数字差这么多?
bear squeezed next week??问一下大家明天这个Nonfarm Payrolls跟每周的jobless claim到底有没有关系?
下个礼拜报告日期表(May4 - May 8)Events and ERs for week 6/1-6/5
Jan. unemployment rate 9.7%Events and ERs for week 3/1-3/5
Job is out大盘三角形了
话题: payroll话题: enough话题: non话题: usd话题: farm
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19544
Thu, Jun 4 2015, 11:44 GMT
by Valeria Bednarik | FXStreet
The market disappointment over a rate hike was fueled by overall weak
economic figures, particularly after the first quarter GDP revision showed
that the economic growth shrunk by 0.7% in the first three months of the
year. The uptick in inflation was therefore not enough, as it won't be
enough a good Nonfarm Payroll number for May, if it comes within
expectations, something quite probable considering the ADP survey showed
that the private sector added 201K new jobs in the month.
The economy could have added up to 240K new jobs, but any support to the
greenback with that figure, will most likely be temporal. At this point,
investors' confidence will only return with a couple of up beating Nonfarm
Payroll reports in a row, and a steady or decreasing unemployment rate to
say the least. That means that at least in July, or even August, should the
numbers result above expected, investors will believe again the growth in
employment is enough to buy the dollar on hopes it will resume its bullish
Full article:
1 (共1页)
大盘三角形了bear squeezed next week??
MAY UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 9.7%下个礼拜报告日期表(May4 - May 8)
熊窝被捅翻了,亮数据。Jan. unemployment rate 9.7%
星期五失业率: 9.6%Job is out
下周重要事件时间表Tomorrow ADP and Friday Nonfarm?
The market might pull back a little bit tomorrowADP数据
Weekly Market Review 201227谁给科普一下:为什么ADP和政府的数字差这么多?
话题: payroll话题: enough话题: non话题: usd话题: farm