R********3 发帖数: 166 | 1 http://finance.yahoo.com/news/texas-wants-gold-back-inside-1429
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- Forget Fort Knox or the Federal Reserve. Texas has
decided to start keeping its gold holdings within in its own borders. But
what makes sense politically in such a sovereignty-loving place is creating
a logistical conundrum.
Texas is the only state that owns an actual stockpile of gold, according to
public sector and financial industry experts — not just gold futures or
investment positions, but approximately 5,600 gold bars worth around $650
million. The holdings, stored at a New York bank, for some harken back to
century-old fears about the security of currency not backed by shiny bullion.
The Legislature's decision this summer to bring its gold cache home was
hailed by many conservatives, and even some on the far left, who are
suspicious of national government.
。。。。。。。。 | s*****o 发帖数: 459 | 2 old news
【在 R********3 的大作中提到】 : http://finance.yahoo.com/news/texas-wants-gold-back-inside-1429 : AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- Forget Fort Knox or the Federal Reserve. Texas has : decided to start keeping its gold holdings within in its own borders. But : what makes sense politically in such a sovereignty-loving place is creating : a logistical conundrum. : Texas is the only state that owns an actual stockpile of gold, according to : public sector and financial industry experts — not just gold futures or : investment positions, but approximately 5,600 gold bars worth around $650 : million. The holdings, stored at a New York bank, for some harken back to : century-old fears about the security of currency not backed by shiny bullion.
| R********3 发帖数: 166 | 3 昨天的新闻不算Old吧。
By Will Weissert, Associated Press
July 4, 2015 2:18 PM | S*******n 发帖数: 10009 | 4 黄金有jb用。脑子进水了。德州野人快破产了吧
【在 R********3 的大作中提到】 : http://finance.yahoo.com/news/texas-wants-gold-back-inside-1429 : AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- Forget Fort Knox or the Federal Reserve. Texas has : decided to start keeping its gold holdings within in its own borders. But : what makes sense politically in such a sovereignty-loving place is creating : a logistical conundrum. : Texas is the only state that owns an actual stockpile of gold, according to : public sector and financial industry experts — not just gold futures or : investment positions, but approximately 5,600 gold bars worth around $650 : million. The holdings, stored at a New York bank, for some harken back to : century-old fears about the security of currency not backed by shiny bullion.
| s***d 发帖数: 15421 | 5 德州也学希腊?
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
【在 S*******n 的大作中提到】 : 黄金有jb用。脑子进水了。德州野人快破产了吧 : : creating : to : bullion.
| s*****o 发帖数: 459 | 6 好多星期前媒体上就有讨论,跟那个德州州长宣布什么独立有关,主要是为竞选造势
金子属于ut austin endowment fund
【在 R********3 的大作中提到】 : 昨天的新闻不算Old吧。 : By Will Weissert, Associated Press : July 4, 2015 2:18 PM
| R********3 发帖数: 166 | | s******1 发帖数: 4987 | | R********3 发帖数: 166 | 9 也没说出大事,怎么叫忽悠?
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标 题: Re: 美国这边也开始出事了。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 5 15:09:23 2015, 美东)
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