c*******9 发帖数: 6411 | 1 i think aapl is an outdated company with increasingly zero impact in the
let say aapl disappear tomorrow, who cares? seriously, who cares?
the world might be better, there are so many qualitative alternative.
how about google, afcebook?
without google, millions people probably will be panicking, not sure what to
without facebook, millions people might be anxious, keep refreshing the
screens and probably feel lost. | X*N 发帖数: 114 | 2 照你这个说法是不是丰田本田宝马奔驰也可以关门了?反正有美国车。。
【在 c*******9 的大作中提到】 : i think aapl is an outdated company with increasingly zero impact in the : world. : let say aapl disappear tomorrow, who cares? seriously, who cares? : the world might be better, there are so many qualitative alternative. : how about google, afcebook? : without google, millions people probably will be panicking, not sure what to : do.. : without facebook, millions people might be anxious, keep refreshing the : screens and probably feel lost.
| p********o 发帖数: 8012 | 3 Facebook这种国内过的不是好好的,随便就替代了。谷歌难一点,但是也会有的。
【在 c*******9 的大作中提到】 : i think aapl is an outdated company with increasingly zero impact in the : world. : let say aapl disappear tomorrow, who cares? seriously, who cares? : the world might be better, there are so many qualitative alternative. : how about google, afcebook? : without google, millions people probably will be panicking, not sure what to : do.. : without facebook, millions people might be anxious, keep refreshing the : screens and probably feel lost.
| b****5 发帖数: 449 | 4 在索男眼里啥都好替代。只要有idea,技术=0,找个码农就好了。 | c*******9 发帖数: 6411 | 5 FB, GOOD is un-replaceable for many in the short term, of course technically
they are replaceable.
but for AAPL, who cares? now no phone jack? it days are numbered | N*****d 发帖数: 9872 | | c*******9 发帖数: 6411 | 7 listening everyday with my android phone.
【在 N*****d 的大作中提到】 : 你不会连歌都不听吧?
| j***e 发帖数: 1656 | 8 少来了,你说google还行。少了fb世界一样转的非常好。
【在 c*******9 的大作中提到】 : i think aapl is an outdated company with increasingly zero impact in the : world. : let say aapl disappear tomorrow, who cares? seriously, who cares? : the world might be better, there are so many qualitative alternative. : how about google, afcebook? : without google, millions people probably will be panicking, not sure what to : do.. : without facebook, millions people might be anxious, keep refreshing the : screens and probably feel lost.
| C********9 发帖数: 670 | 9 没了苹果 google马上面临手机操作系统的反垄断诉讼。 |