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Stock版 - UVXY周一要暴涨了!!interactive broker提升vix margin了
再说一遍,uvxy是2x近期vix futures傻瓜赚钱法之一:VXX的COVERED CALL
今天股市大涨, VIX也一起涨,奇怪股版毒药 - UVXY -欢迎讨论
根据历史股价估算options implied volatility明天卖UVXY的CALL就可省点手续费了
Re: 这个赌VIX涨的大牛是本版某人吗可以考虑买点TVIX
我不大懂TA但是有人short vix从50万赚到1200万美元,你们来学习嘛
VIX, UVXY, SVXY, SPY有些不很理解,请大牛帮忙理解一下姐现在vix上仓位不轻
话题: volatility话题: margin话题: products话题: vix话题: increases
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 376
刚收到ib的邮件 相关vix的产品margin全部提升至少1倍
VIX (the CBOE Volatility Index) has established new all-time lows over the
course of the past month. The price dynamics of that product are such that
it can have very large relative price increases over a very short period of
time base on news and other market factors. In recognition of the special
risk of sudden, large increases in market volatility, that is inherent in
Volatility Products such as VIX, Interactive Brokers will put into place
greater margin requirements for Volatility Products after expiration
processing on Saturday, 19 August.
IB's margin policy will be to consider market outcome scenarios under which
VIX might rise to a price of 18 (even when it is currently priced much lower
) and under which the other Volatility Products could rise to
proportionately similar degrees. If you have positions in Volatility
Products that have risk in large upward moves of market volatility, then
your margin may increase significantly.
In the interim IB will with immediate effect increase its Initial Margin
requirements on Volatility Products to a degree consistent with the upcoming
19 August increases in Maintenance Margin.
发帖数: 3069

【在 i******3 的大作中提到】
: 刚收到ib的邮件 相关vix的产品margin全部提升至少1倍
: 这周一会squeeze多少人啊
: VIX (the CBOE Volatility Index) has established new all-time lows over the
: course of the past month. The price dynamics of that product are such that
: it can have very large relative price increases over a very short period of
: time base on news and other market factors. In recognition of the special
: risk of sudden, large increases in market volatility, that is inherent in
: Volatility Products such as VIX, Interactive Brokers will put into place
: greater margin requirements for Volatility Products after expiration
: processing on Saturday, 19 August.

发帖数: 712

【在 i******3 的大作中提到】
: 刚收到ib的邮件 相关vix的产品margin全部提升至少1倍
: 这周一会squeeze多少人啊
: VIX (the CBOE Volatility Index) has established new all-time lows over the
: course of the past month. The price dynamics of that product are such that
: it can have very large relative price increases over a very short period of
: time base on news and other market factors. In recognition of the special
: risk of sudden, large increases in market volatility, that is inherent in
: Volatility Products such as VIX, Interactive Brokers will put into place
: greater margin requirements for Volatility Products after expiration
: processing on Saturday, 19 August.

发帖数: 376
VIX (the CBOE Volatility Index) has established new all-time lows over the
course of the past month. The price dynamics of that product are such that
it can have very large relative price increases over a very short period of
time base on news and other market factors. In recognition of the special
risk of sudden, large increases in market volatility, that is inherent in
Volatility Products such as VIX, Interactive Brokers will put into place
greater margin requirements for Volatility Products after expiration
processing on Saturday, 19 August.

【在 r*****t 的大作中提到】
: 我咋没收到呢
发帖数: 712
还早,要8/16的vix future过期后下一个周一。


【在 i******3 的大作中提到】
: VIX (the CBOE Volatility Index) has established new all-time lows over the
: course of the past month. The price dynamics of that product are such that
: it can have very large relative price increases over a very short period of
: time base on news and other market factors. In recognition of the special
: risk of sudden, large increases in market volatility, that is inherent in
: Volatility Products such as VIX, Interactive Brokers will put into place
: greater margin requirements for Volatility Products after expiration
: processing on Saturday, 19 August.

发帖数: 13043
uvxy is now with around 60% margin. what will it be after the change?
and how about vxx and xiv?
发帖数: 13043
fk. I can't do anything. My initial margin already exceeded although my
maintenance margin only 45% loaded.
1 (共1页)
今天还算有序撤退,下周就要恐慌下跌了; 兼谈VIX我不大懂TA但是
玩MCP的options,风险还是太大VIX, UVXY, SVXY, SPY有些不很理解,请大牛帮忙理解一下
再说一遍,uvxy是2x近期vix futures傻瓜赚钱法之一:VXX的COVERED CALL
今天股市大涨, VIX也一起涨,奇怪股版毒药 - UVXY -欢迎讨论
根据历史股价估算options implied volatility明天卖UVXY的CALL就可省点手续费了
Re: 这个赌VIX涨的大牛是本版某人吗可以考虑买点TVIX
话题: volatility话题: margin话题: products话题: vix话题: increases