p******a 发帖数: 38 | 1 简单情况:
08年结婚了,老公早就是R for tax purpose了
我可以直接 1.file married jointly as resident using IRC 6013(g)
2.claim $5000 treaty and refer to IRC 6013(g) as resident
而不用考虑dual status, first-year choice and extension这些了?
谢谢高手指点 |
t*******1 发帖数: 59 | 2 1. yes you can file married file jointly, but if you file 1040 for married
file jointly, you can not claim 5000 for treaty purpose.
2. Pratically, you can ignor dual status. |
p******a 发帖数: 38 | |
p******a 发帖数: 38 | 4 可我看精华区上说:
对于Resident,如果需要Claim Treaty,需要单独填写一份8833,然后在1040中Other
Income (21项)中填写See Attached 8833,数额填写-5000”
还是说,resident可以,但是married file jointly as resident 就不可以??
谢谢 |
p******a 发帖数: 38 | 5 我好像有点明白了,是不是说
要是这样的话,如果我非要这5000不可,必须file separately?
那么我或者直接file non resident, 或者file extension to be a resident?
都是我一个人在这里说,高手来帮我看看吧~~~ |
x******g 发帖数: 3952 | 6 MFJ应该也可以的。我就file过MFJ和两人都有treaty -$10000。
【在 p******a 的大作中提到】 : 我好像有点明白了,是不是说 : treaty里的resident仅限于〉5年的学生?mfj不算在内? : 要是这样的话,如果我非要这5000不可,必须file separately? : 那么我或者直接file non resident, 或者file extension to be a resident? : 都是我一个人在这里说,高手来帮我看看吧~~~