m**********e 发帖数: 177 | 1 我交了几千的学费,生了娃,买了房子贷了款,交了房税。结果算下来还是要补交税,
什么deduction都不好使。怎么会这样??? |
M*******s 发帖数: 1210 | 2 bso....
【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】 : 我交了几千的学费,生了娃,买了房子贷了款,交了房税。结果算下来还是要补交税, : 什么deduction都不好使。怎么会这样???
c**********0 发帖数: 624 | 3 那你withholding不够 小心penalty |
c**********0 发帖数: 624 | 4 不行charitable contribution 弄掉10万?
另外你学费可以考虑529 plans 或者series EE bond 做tax free
建立health care saving account, IRA 等等 |
S**I 发帖数: 15689 | 5 AMT?
【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】 : 我交了几千的学费,生了娃,买了房子贷了款,交了房税。结果算下来还是要补交税, : 什么deduction都不好使。怎么会这样???
i****y 发帖数: 5184 | 6 because you hit AMT. Only your mortgage interest and charitable donation
will help.
【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】 : 我交了几千的学费,生了娃,买了房子贷了款,交了房税。结果算下来还是要补交税, : 什么deduction都不好使。怎么会这样???
m**********e 发帖数: 177 | 7 Mortgage interest 也木有用啊
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
【在 i****y 的大作中提到】 : because you hit AMT. Only your mortgage interest and charitable donation : will help.
m******7 发帖数: 52 | 8 if you are rich and the mortgage interest too less as of downpayment is too
high (60-90%). you really need get million house. you are that level person. |
m**********e 发帖数: 177 | 9 Mortgage interest 难道跟donation一样没有线?我觉得很不公平啊,地税高的离谱,
不能减,难道不是double tax?
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
【在 m******7 的大作中提到】 : if you are rich and the mortgage interest too less as of downpayment is too : high (60-90%). you really need get million house. you are that level person.
v********m 发帖数: 3531 | 10 你收入已经交了税了,买些珠宝还得交税,以后死了珠宝留给儿子还要交税。
【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】 : Mortgage interest 难道跟donation一样没有线?我觉得很不公平啊,地税高的离谱, : 不能减,难道不是double tax? : : too : person. : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
u***n 发帖数: 21026 | 11 吃光用光一分钱也不留,要么就把钱全部弄到小岛国上去
【在 v********m 的大作中提到】 : 你收入已经交了税了,买些珠宝还得交税,以后死了珠宝留给儿子还要交税。
v********m 发帖数: 3531 | 12 就怕万一控制不好,钱花光早了点,最后是饿死的就惨了。
【在 u***n 的大作中提到】 : 吃光用光一分钱也不留,要么就把钱全部弄到小岛国上去
l********d 发帖数: 443 | 13 Within AMT, you can still deduct your primary residence mortgage interest.
【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】 : Mortgage interest 难道跟donation一样没有线?我觉得很不公平啊,地税高的离谱, : 不能减,难道不是double tax? : : too : person. : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
m**********e 发帖数: 177 | 14 谢谢大牛,明白了,可惜用了arm利率很低所以interst也没多少。而交的property tax
还有一问,我有个rental property。所有的cost(interest,tax)貌似因为收入也不能
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
【在 l********d 的大作中提到】 : Within AMT, you can still deduct your primary residence mortgage interest.
l********d 发帖数: 443 | 15 Rental property interest or tax can't be deducted in your case, because of
There is nothing unfair. The Tax system always favors the poors, and
penalizes the riches. Poor people may not have an option to become rich,
but hey, rich people can always choose to be poor.
With the expiration of the Bush tax benefits, you will soon see another
increase in your tax figure. Take it as part of your life. You will get
used to it.
【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】 : 谢谢大牛,明白了,可惜用了arm利率很低所以interst也没多少。而交的property tax : 和利息差不多,却不能deduct觉得实在不爽。 : 还有一问,我有个rental property。所有的cost(interest,tax)貌似因为收入也不能 : deduct而我还要为租金上税?租金和花销差不多打平。变成了不赚钱还要上很多税钱? : 这也太不fair了吧? : : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
b****s 发帖数: 876 | 16 AGI 25W, AMT is not important. AMT doesn't hurt you much. People with AGI of
15W would pay more in AMT category tax. |
m**********e 发帖数: 177 | 17 I am not against charging higher rate for higher income, but in my rental
property case I see zero income, the income goes to bank and government
already, that's why I think it is unfair to pay tax for "virtual" income.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
【在 l********d 的大作中提到】 : Rental property interest or tax can't be deducted in your case, because of : AMT. : There is nothing unfair. The Tax system always favors the poors, and : penalizes the riches. Poor people may not have an option to become rich, : but hey, rich people can always choose to be poor. : With the expiration of the Bush tax benefits, you will soon see another : increase in your tax figure. Take it as part of your life. You will get : used to it. : : tax
i****y 发帖数: 5184 | 18 well, most other incomes go back to the "society" as well, and you don't get
deduct a penny.
rental property doesn't get preferential treatment is because it's not
exactly the type of business that the government wants to encourage.
【在 m**********e 的大作中提到】 : I am not against charging higher rate for higher income, but in my rental : property case I see zero income, the income goes to bank and government : already, that's why I think it is unfair to pay tax for "virtual" income. : : ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
m**********e 发帖数: 177 | 19 以前对交税没研究,这也就是欺负老实人,把main residency cash out refinance一
知道这个容易trigger audit,但过去几年都有盈利的。恩,求建议,或者去找人报?
【在 i****y 的大作中提到】 : well, most other incomes go back to the "society" as well, and you don't get : deduct a penny. : rental property doesn't get preferential treatment is because it's not : exactly the type of business that the government wants to encourage.