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TAX版 - 请教大牛们:股票 Wash Sale 报税问题?
capital loss 计算求问股票的wash sale loss报税
请教 2009 Capital Loss carry over急问股票交易报税问题
急:是不是买卖数量一样才算wash sale?问一个wash sale
wash sale loss 报税问题将1099B上的total realized gain/loss 按business income 填写急问
how to deal with wash sales loss两账户(一个ira)30天内同一股票交易,要考虑washsale吗?
有没有可能故意wash sale省税呢 (转载)面试机票旅店能抵税吗?
感觉保税中股票gain loss算法有些不合理啊?1040NR-EZ 跟 1040NR 区别, 小包子酬谢
关于wash sale很多人问报税的问题
话题: 2011话题: date话题: sale话题: wash话题: 8849
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 344
All original Transactions for the same stock XYZ are as follows:
Sale Date Date Acquired Share Sale Price Cost
5/1/2011 4/15/2011 100 $1000.00 $1200.00
5/1/2011 4/25/2011 100 $1000.00 $1500.00
6/1/2011 5/29/2011 100 $1000.00 $1300.00
Form 8849 will look like:(?)
(c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
Date Date Sales Cost Adjustment
acquired sold price
4/15/2011 5/1/2011 $1000.00 $1200.00 $200.00
4/25/2011 5/1/2011 $1000.00 $1700.00 $500.00
5/29/2011 6/1/2011 $1000.00 $1800.00 $0.00
发帖数: 624

Basically you sold 200 shares @5/1 at a $700 loss.
And within 30 days you rebuy the same stock. Wash sales rules come to play
unless you are a MTM trader or dealer.
Only $350 of the loss can be deducted and the other $350 should be added to
the tax basis of the newly acquired 100 shares of stocks.(100/200*700)
And if you did not buy anything back after Jun/1, you realize $650 loss on the last transaction.
For the forms, it is 8949, you need not to fill column (g).

【在 s******h 的大作中提到】
: 大牛们帮我看看下面8849是不是正确。多谢!
: All original Transactions for the same stock XYZ are as follows:
: Sale Date Date Acquired Share Sale Price Cost
: 5/1/2011 4/15/2011 100 $1000.00 $1200.00
: 5/1/2011 4/25/2011 100 $1000.00 $1500.00
: 6/1/2011 5/29/2011 100 $1000.00 $1300.00
: Form 8849 will look like:(?)
: (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
: Date Date Sales Cost Adjustment
: acquired sold price

发帖数: 344
SCH D和8849的instructions,还有pub520说只要有wash sale 就必须填column (g)么?
还有,假设没有wash sale rule的话,我总共的loss是$1000。irs的wash sale rule
是不是只是用来defer tax for the loss from wash sale? 那么就算用了irs的wash
sale rule, 我最后的loss还应该是1000(可以退税)?为什么变成了$650呢?

the last transaction.

【在 c**********0 的大作中提到】
: Basically you sold 200 shares @5/1 at a $700 loss.
: And within 30 days you rebuy the same stock. Wash sales rules come to play
: unless you are a MTM trader or dealer.
: Only $350 of the loss can be deducted and the other $350 should be added to
: the tax basis of the newly acquired 100 shares of stocks.(100/200*700)
: And if you did not buy anything back after Jun/1, you realize $650 loss on the last transaction.
: For the forms, it is 8949, you need not to fill column (g).

发帖数: 624
it is $1,000.
$350 + $650
Wash sale is based on the fact that some loss cannot be taken but should be
added to the basis of the newly purchased. It's not about loss deferral.
发帖数: 147
It is $1000 if you did not buy any back within 30 days after 6/1/2011.
1 (共1页)
很多人问报税的问题how to deal with wash sales loss
state sales tax deduction?有没有可能故意wash sale省税呢 (转载)
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capital loss 计算求问股票的wash sale loss报税
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wash sale loss 报税问题将1099B上的total realized gain/loss 按business income 填写急问
话题: 2011话题: date话题: sale话题: wash话题: 8849