m**********s 发帖数: 35 | 1 2014年OPT工作,10月1号H1B生效,嫌医疗保险太贵就没买,打算15年报税交罚款了事
,现在正在填1040NR-EZ, 没有看见有关医疗保险的问题啊?请问怎么交这个罚款啊?
能够退税700多,在哪儿填罚款的数额什么的啊。。谢谢。。。 | m**********s 发帖数: 35 | 2 只知道1040上有有关health insurance coverage的问题,1040NR-EZ没看见。。我跟我
老婆去年都有收入,这个罚款是只算我收入的1%还是我们俩加起来的? | m********s 发帖数: 55301 | 3 一起
【在 m**********s 的大作中提到】 : 只知道1040上有有关health insurance coverage的问题,1040NR-EZ没看见。。我跟我 : 老婆去年都有收入,这个罚款是只算我收入的1%还是我们俩加起来的?
| m**********s 发帖数: 35 | 4 google了一下搜到了这个:
So in short:
The individual mandate applies to US citizens, green card holders and
resident aliens, but not to non-resident aliens (regardless of their need to
file a return).
Alien tax status (resident or non-resident) is determined by the green
card test or substantial presence test.
F, J, M and Q visas are exempt from the substantial presence test for 5
years, and therefore are non-resident aliens for first 5 years in the US.
After that, students can apply for an exception to continue their tax
status as “non-resident alien.”
As non-resident aliens, F, J, M and Q visa holders are not subject to
the individual mandate.
Since they are not subject to the mandate, international students are
free to acquire insurance coverage more targeted to their specific needs,
without concern as to whether their plan meets PPACA requirements.
The other J visa categories (teacher, trainee, work and travel, au pair,
high school, etc.) generally get a 2 year exemption from the substantial
presence test, but the exemption looks back 6 years. So as their exemption
is a bit more complicated, we will provide a follow-up post to go through
the analysis.
所以non-resident alien for tax purpose是不要求满足obamacare的?所以1040NR和
1040NREZ都没有是否有full coverage的选项?
有没有大神回答一下。。 | f*****e 发帖数: 5177 | 5 NR不要求。
【在 m**********s 的大作中提到】 : google了一下搜到了这个: : Summary : So in short: : The individual mandate applies to US citizens, green card holders and : resident aliens, but not to non-resident aliens (regardless of their need to : file a return). : Alien tax status (resident or non-resident) is determined by the green : card test or substantial presence test. : F, J, M and Q visas are exempt from the substantial presence test for 5 : years, and therefore are non-resident aliens for first 5 years in the US.
| m**********s 发帖数: 35 | 6 好的 。 。那就不担心这个问题了 。 。谢谢
【在 f*****e 的大作中提到】 : NR不要求。 : : to : 5