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TJU版 - PhD positions available for Engr/Phys/CS students
Can anyone help to put this ads on TJU BBS in China? Thanks.PhD positions available for Engr./Phys. students
Two (2) Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) Positions for PhD StudyPhD positions available for Engr/Phys/CS students
Need PhD/Master's studentsPhD positions available for Engr/Phys/CS students
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsPhD positiins available for Engr./Phys. students
Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)PhD positions available for Engr./Phys students
fall 2009 -University of Miami PhD student positionPhD positions available for Engr/Science/Phys students
大家好!校友报到PhD positions available for Engr./Phys./Science students
PhD positions for Engr./Phys. studentsPhD positions available for Engr/Phys/Science students
话题: illinois话题: carbondale话题: cs话题: university话题: positions
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 30
Immediate Research Assistantship Positions Available for Ph.D. programs at
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, USA
Founded in 1869, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois is a
public research university with over 20,000 students. It is located near
Chicago area. The city of Carbondale is very safe and beautiful with
relative low living expenses. Information about CS and ECE Ph.D. programs
1 (共1页)
PhD positions available for Engr/Phys/Science studentsAssistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
PhD positions available for Engr/Phys/CS studentsfall 2009 -University of Miami PhD student position
PhD positions available for Engr/Cs/Phys students 大家好!校友报到
PhD positions available for Engr/CS/Phys studentsPhD positions for Engr./Phys. students
Can anyone help to put this ads on TJU BBS in China? Thanks.PhD positions available for Engr./Phys. students
Two (2) Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) Positions for PhD StudyPhD positions available for Engr/Phys/CS students
Need PhD/Master's studentsPhD positions available for Engr/Phys/CS students
Openings of two Graduate Research AssistantsPhD positiins available for Engr./Phys. students
话题: illinois话题: carbondale话题: cs话题: university话题: positions