l******n 发帖数: 11737 | 1 Is Gamestop warring with Microsoft?
So I was under the impression GS and MS had some kind of agreement going for
the used games thing but it might not be as cozy as it comes off. I went to
my local spot today to try and find a copy of PGR4, only to see on the TV (
which usually markets various upcoming games) a bunch of footage from Sony's
E3 conference. The footage however continued to put emphasis on the lack of
DRM and selling used games over and over rather than the games. The
employee also has hand outs explaining all the Xbox one rules and
restrictions to every consumer that ask about the console.
Anyone else see anything like this? Would be an interesting situation if it'
s a wide scale thing. I think the more pressure on them the better, but I
wonder if I just have a lone fan going postal or if GS is going to remove
focus on the system.
Gamestop apparently doing all it can to push customers away from Xbox One
http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/thread.php?id=162486&page=2 |
R**T 发帖数: 784 | 2 MS作为主机制造商跳出来反二手确实不知道是怎么想的..
【在 l******n 的大作中提到】 : Is Gamestop warring with Microsoft? : http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=63421491 : So I was under the impression GS and MS had some kind of agreement going for : the used games thing but it might not be as cozy as it comes off. I went to : my local spot today to try and find a copy of PGR4, only to see on the TV ( : which usually markets various upcoming games) a bunch of footage from Sony's : E3 conference. The footage however continued to put emphasis on the lack of : DRM and selling used games over and over rather than the games. The : employee also has hand outs explaining all the Xbox one rules and : restrictions to every consumer that ask about the console.
a*******8 发帖数: 5069 | |
s****t 发帖数: 17096 | 4 主机制造商主要要从游戏销售里分成
sony ps3的主要销售来源就是游戏分成吧
【在 R**T 的大作中提到】 : MS作为主机制造商跳出来反二手确实不知道是怎么想的.. : : for : to : ( : 's : of
R**T 发帖数: 784 | 5 问题是游戏制作商完全就是靠游戏销售啊,要反二手游戏制作商在游戏里加DRM就完了,
【在 s****t 的大作中提到】 : 主机制造商主要要从游戏销售里分成 : sony ps3的主要销售来源就是游戏分成吧
s****t 发帖数: 17096 | 6 可能确实三大给MS施加了点压力,也符合MS的利益,于是一堆奸商坐在一起一拍即合
【在 R**T 的大作中提到】 : 问题是游戏制作商完全就是靠游戏销售啊,要反二手游戏制作商在游戏里加DRM就完了, : 用不着MS在主机层面这么强制搞,这明显是个得罪人的事情..
p*****e 发帖数: 560 | 7 以巨硬这几年的尿性,不撞南墙是绝不回头的,win8没有开始菜单从预览版就开始被骂
顾客XBOne的二手政策改了,不然将来无知顾客跑来trade in XBOne game遇到麻烦,迁
【在 l******n 的大作中提到】 : Is Gamestop warring with Microsoft? : http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=63421491 : So I was under the impression GS and MS had some kind of agreement going for : the used games thing but it might not be as cozy as it comes off. I went to : my local spot today to try and find a copy of PGR4, only to see on the TV ( : which usually markets various upcoming games) a bunch of footage from Sony's : E3 conference. The footage however continued to put emphasis on the lack of : DRM and selling used games over and over rather than the games. The : employee also has hand outs explaining all the Xbox one rules and : restrictions to every consumer that ask about the console.
a****a 发帖数: 3905 | 8 这很难理解么?MS干掉二手市场等于干掉了gamestop。
【在 l******n 的大作中提到】 : Is Gamestop warring with Microsoft? : http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=63421491 : So I was under the impression GS and MS had some kind of agreement going for : the used games thing but it might not be as cozy as it comes off. I went to : my local spot today to try and find a copy of PGR4, only to see on the TV ( : which usually markets various upcoming games) a bunch of footage from Sony's : E3 conference. The footage however continued to put emphasis on the lack of : DRM and selling used games over and over rather than the games. The : employee also has hand outs explaining all the Xbox one rules and : restrictions to every consumer that ask about the console.
g****n 发帖数: 7494 | 9 砸了GS饭碗
【在 l******n 的大作中提到】 : Is Gamestop warring with Microsoft? : http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=63421491 : So I was under the impression GS and MS had some kind of agreement going for : the used games thing but it might not be as cozy as it comes off. I went to : my local spot today to try and find a copy of PGR4, only to see on the TV ( : which usually markets various upcoming games) a bunch of footage from Sony's : E3 conference. The footage however continued to put emphasis on the lack of : DRM and selling used games over and over rather than the games. The : employee also has hand outs explaining all the Xbox one rules and : restrictions to every consumer that ask about the console.