f*******a 发帖数: 2662 | |
n***n 发帖数: 124 | 2
吃飯有一些較好的餐廳會加收 10% 的服務費,會在結帳時打在發票上,給上面金額即
出租車一般不給小費,最多是不用找零;但如果你叫的車是 Benz 等級的(打電話去叫
車若開去科學園區會有 Benz),據說是要給一點小費的。桃園機場到台北、新竹市區的
旅館就照一般旅遊慣例, NT$50-100 for making bed.
【在 f*******a 的大作中提到】 : 餐饮,出租车 : 是否给小费? : 谢谢
p***y 发帖数: 18037 | 3 在台湾一般习惯是不另外给小费的。但是你如果想给,也不会有人拒绝的。 |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 4 I can't answer for I left Taiwan decades ago. However, cab driver is
reported to be grateful for being patronized. Because Chinese tourists who
go to Taiwan usually take chartered bus. See the BBC report I am going to
cite in a few minute, about Chinese tourists in Taiwan. The report did not
mention 餐饮.
【在 f*******a 的大作中提到】 : 餐饮,出租车 : 是否给小费? : 谢谢
f*******a 发帖数: 2662 | |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 6 Why don't you go there and ask? Occasionally I went to Ponderosa (in New
York State) and all-you-can-eat buffet around Los Angeles. I did not know
whether to pay tips, because (1) I took a clean dish and placed food in, and
(2) there was no bus boy to bush empty dish. I asked Americans (whites) in
the next table and they did not know either.
【在 f*******a 的大作中提到】 : 信息非常有帮助。 : 不会太失礼 : 谢谢
h****5 发帖数: 43 | 7
【在 f*******a 的大作中提到】 : 餐饮,出租车 : 是否给小费? : 谢谢