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Taiwan版 - 吴伯雄见贾庆林 主场优势惹争议
中国官员警告热钱流入中国的风险 (转载)聽説役期真的已經加長了?
中国官员否认拟在国外种粮食 (转载)民进党依然故我 外界期待其改革
Ma v. ChenChinese Dissidents, Please Don't Come to Taiwan (转载)
又出差一趟回来了Taiwan? China? 'Republic of China'???
Taiwan Is BURNINGTaiwan Sept. Employment Rate 4.27%
China Times to Lay off Half of StaffCanton Overtook Taiwan in 2007 Economic Output
Taiwan Inflation Quicks to Fastest in 8 MonthsWhy are Taiwan men so friendly to me?
话题: 主场优势话题: japan话题: taiwan话题: 吴伯雄话题: than
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
That is the title of a report today in VOA Chinese edition.
A quote: 台湾国民党主席吴伯雄"说:'相信来自台湾的中华健儿在这里也享受一种主
My comment:
(1) 主场优势 is "home advantage" in English. Before I left Taiwan more than
two decades ago, there was not such a concept, let alone a phrase. That was why a few days ago I did not know what it meant when I saw the phrase in this board.
(2) I don't know if it came (to Taiwan) from Japan--in Japan, the characters are 主場 rather than 主场--or China.
(3) I think KMT is crazy
发帖数: 5970
Since you've left there for more than 20 yrs, i understand it better than
you do


【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: That is the title of a report today in VOA Chinese edition.
: A quote: 台湾国民党主席吴伯雄"说:'相信来自台湾的中华健儿在这里也享受一种主
: 场的优势,这是我们希望的。'"
: My comment:
: (1) 主场优势 is "home advantage" in English. Before I left Taiwan more than
: two decades ago, there was not such a concept, let alone a phrase. That was why a few days ago I did not know what it meant when I saw the phrase in this board.
: (2) I don't know if it came (to Taiwan) from Japan--in Japan, the characters are 主場 rather than 主场--or China.
: (3) I think KMT is crazy

发帖数: 6973
Sorry, 主场优势 is home field advantage. YOu can tell I am not a sports fan.

* * *
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【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: That is the title of a report today in VOA Chinese edition.
: A quote: 台湾国民党主席吴伯雄"说:'相信来自台湾的中华健儿在这里也享受一种主
: 场的优势,这是我们希望的。'"
: My comment:
: (1) 主场优势 is "home advantage" in English. Before I left Taiwan more than
: two decades ago, there was not such a concept, let alone a phrase. That was why a few days ago I did not know what it meant when I saw the phrase in this board.
: (2) I don't know if it came (to Taiwan) from Japan--in Japan, the characters are 主場 rather than 主场--or China.
: (3) I think KMT is crazy

发帖数: 62

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: That is the title of a report today in VOA Chinese edition.
: A quote: 台湾国民党主席吴伯雄"说:'相信来自台湾的中华健儿在这里也享受一种主
: 场的优势,这是我们希望的。'"
: My comment:
: (1) 主场优势 is "home advantage" in English. Before I left Taiwan more than
: two decades ago, there was not such a concept, let alone a phrase. That was why a few days ago I did not know what it meant when I saw the phrase in this board.
: (2) I don't know if it came (to Taiwan) from Japan--in Japan, the characters are 主場 rather than 主场--or China.
: (3) I think KMT is crazy

1 (共1页)
Why are Taiwan men so friendly to me?台湾朋友们,请教一下关于核四
阿扁,2012台湾选举~~~ (转载)Taiwan Is BURNING
請問可拿二本戶照進入台灣麼China Times to Lay off Half of Staff
Immigrants' Assimilation in USTaiwan Inflation Quicks to Fastest in 8 Months
中国官员警告热钱流入中国的风险 (转载)聽説役期真的已經加長了?
中国官员否认拟在国外种粮食 (转载)民进党依然故我 外界期待其改革
Ma v. ChenChinese Dissidents, Please Don't Come to Taiwan (转载)
又出差一趟回来了Taiwan? China? 'Republic of China'???
话题: 主场优势话题: japan话题: taiwan话题: 吴伯雄话题: than