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Talk版 - The Future (转载)
The Future (转载)为什么很多老美支持Obama?
Great LoveThe Future
Great LoveThe Future (转载)
Rogue way of publicityThe Future
何俊仁洛杉矶吁关注中国维权律师 (转载)game art design专业现在来说是否就业率很低?哪里就业机会大些
突破48了, 哈哈Let's open a forum ourselves.
【Bloomberg】Gold Futures Rise Most in Three Weeks on AsiaRe: Education is so important for American people (转载)
话题: our话题: future话题: let话题: own话题: need
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3096
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: MonkInOrc (领包子), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: The Future
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 11 13:01:49 2013, 美东)
Let's form a healthy and complete community.
We need people with all kind of talent and skills. We need our own doctors,
lawyers who we could trust with our lives and critical matters. Let's
support them by visiting them instead of white trashes.We should have our
own kids' products and programs. Let's cherish our own culture and legacy.
We need our artists, teachers to educate our kids. We need our own designers
to design our houses and interior. We need our own museums. We need our own
business and companies. Let's support our Chinese bosses and also help and
take care of our Chinese employee.
To survive in this new land, we should prepare ourselves to fight any
resistance in all possible forms.
To those who have talent other than programming, please consider starting
your own studio. I will donate! I will invest!
1 (共1页)
Re: Education is so important for American people (转载)何俊仁洛杉矶吁关注中国维权律师 (转载)
[合集] 弯曲这么多国人,居然...突破48了, 哈哈
Let's do it!本人转载所有文章均有出处
大家怎么看这个 (转载)【Bloomberg】Gold Futures Rise Most in Three Weeks on Asia
The Future (转载)为什么很多老美支持Obama?
Great LoveThe Future
Great LoveThe Future (转载)
Rogue way of publicityThe Future
话题: our话题: future话题: let话题: own话题: need