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TeX版 - What is the best Latex book
How about this software.Latex 求助
编section号的一个问题texmacs: 让人又爱又恨
2列文章里面跨列图片[合集] texmacs: 让人又爱又恨
one question about latex figure哪位大老有用BEAMER作SLIDES的样本LATEX代码?
请教两个插图的问题how to make a newcommand for verbatim
话题: latex话题: book话题: what话题: best话题: should
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 54
for me, I need to write paper using latex, the Journal has all
kinds of requirement, for example, there are figures send as
separate files but legend should go with the paper, etc. Anybody
has any previous experience on this? And/Or what is the best book
I should read? Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 171
try to download their specified LaTeX class file, such as jmb.cls for JMB

【在 r*****d 的大作中提到】
: for me, I need to write paper using latex, the Journal has all
: kinds of requirement, for example, there are figures send as
: separate files but legend should go with the paper, etc. Anybody
: has any previous experience on this? And/Or what is the best book
: I should read? Thanks a lot!

发帖数: 1010
if they do have many odd requirements, ask them for templates

【在 r*****d 的大作中提到】
: for me, I need to write paper using latex, the Journal has all
: kinds of requirement, for example, there are figures send as
: separate files but legend should go with the paper, etc. Anybody
: has any previous experience on this? And/Or what is the best book
: I should read? Thanks a lot!

发帖数: 171
template and accompanying LaTeX class files should be avalible through t
he link of "Author instruction"

【在 x*z 的大作中提到】
: if they do have many odd requirements, ask them for templates
发帖数: 2109
the book translated and compiled by Wang Lei.
Tex Book?

【在 r*****d 的大作中提到】
: for me, I need to write paper using latex, the Journal has all
: kinds of requirement, for example, there are figures send as
: separate files but legend should go with the paper, etc. Anybody
: has any previous experience on this? And/Or what is the best book
: I should read? Thanks a lot!

发帖数: 36
I've got quite many latex books. To me, I'll highly recommend the famous "The
Latex Companion" book if you already know the basic stuffs. It is a very
good reference book. If you are just starting using Latex, Lamport's LaTeX
book is a good place to go, or the free "not so short guide to latex".
Another popular one is "Guide to Latex", however to me it is not as easy to
find something I want as in the companion book.

【在 r*****d 的大作中提到】
: for me, I need to write paper using latex, the Journal has all
: kinds of requirement, for example, there are figures send as
: separate files but legend should go with the paper, etc. Anybody
: has any previous experience on this? And/Or what is the best book
: I should read? Thanks a lot!

1 (共1页)
In what directory do we usually put the 3rd party package in latex?one question about latex figure
latex + emacs 怎么榜定快捷键生成pdf双栏的时候如何让图片独占双栏?
How about this software.Latex 求助
编section号的一个问题texmacs: 让人又爱又恨
2列文章里面跨列图片[合集] texmacs: 让人又爱又恨
话题: latex话题: book话题: what话题: best话题: should