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Texas版 - 熬屎町的痢脖肉又在作贱了 (转载)
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Houston,糖城等地怎么越来越乱Best school district in Austin
Travis County property appraisal average increase 12.6%【活动】:劳工节游Lake Travis
家里人要过来,一般大家都让从国内带什么啊?【活动】:Labor Day 奥斯丁游记,多图,慎入
司法部: 德州Voter ID Law 恢复执行Texas Travel recommendation needed
Boating归来【活动结束】labor day游记
Austin买房,78738, 78739 or 78749我始终不明白,德州既然这么好,为啥华人还都往加州和纽约跑?
Lake Travis湖边烧烤的地方开车怎么走?看我老公钓的大crappie,顺便征austin渔友
话题: county话题: gun话题: travis话题: show
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10345
【 以下文字转载自 GunsAndGears 讨论区 】
发信人: Commissar (柯密同志), 信区: GunsAndGears
标 题: 熬屎町的痢脖肉又在作贱了
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 10 12:19:46 2014, 美东)
德州熬屎町就是在Travis County,德州的州法律是地方政府无权制定任何枪权的法规
Travis County Commissioners Decline to Renew Gun Show Contract
Update: Travis County Commissioners effectively ended their contract with
Saxet Gun Show today by refusing to renew their contract to operate at the
Travis County Expo Center.
The majority of commissioners declined to renew the contract after the
promoter refused to allow background checks for all purchases, not just
purchases from federally licensed vendors, which already require checks. The
term would have closed the so-called gun show "loophole," says Judge Sam
Biscoe. He estimates 10 percent of purchases at Saxet shows are done without
background checks.
"So far we have been unwilling to give them a new contract without
background checks as a term,” Biscoe tells KUT. “So as long as they insist
on not doing background checks on this 10 percent, unless we change our
minds, they’re still without a contract.”
Original Story (8:12 a.m.): Travis County Commissioners may vote today on
whether to continue allowing a gun show to operate at the Travis County Expo
The Saxet Gun Show has been a regular event at the county-owned Expo Center
since 2010, but last year - a few weeks after shooting at an elementary
school in Newtown, Conn. that left 20 children and six educators dead - some
people pushed Travis County Commissioners to ban gun shows at county
Advocates of banning the events worried about the "gun show loophole," which
gun control advocates argue allows people to purchase firearms from other
private citizens without the background check required when purchasing from
a licensed dealer.
But when the commission first considered doing away with gun shows on
publically-owned land a year ago, the NRA responded by calling for its
members to speak out against the proposal. Gubernatorial candidate and Texas
Attorney General Greg Abbot also told commissioners they could expect a
lawsuit if they proceeded with the ban. County staffers said banning the
nine scheduled gun shows would cost the county about $128,000 in rental fees
, parking and food sales.
But one year later, the county commissioners are looking to ban gun shows
going forward rather than cancel previously planned events. The item before
the commissioners today is whether to renew a contract with the Saxet Gun
Show through January 2015.
发帖数: 4961
发帖数: 10345
肯定被告。可惜老子的property tax又要被泥马这帮二逼浪费到诉讼费上去了。

【在 r****9 的大作中提到】
: 这个估计会被告死吧。
1 (共1页)
看我老公钓的大crappie,顺便征austin渔友司法部: 德州Voter ID Law 恢复执行
周末的Lake TravisBoating归来
大家推荐点austin过周末的去处吧Austin买房,78738, 78739 or 78749
下个月要去奥斯汀先趟趟路子Lake Travis湖边烧烤的地方开车怎么走?
austin找人一起去看gun show【卖房子】Austin SouthWest
Houston,糖城等地怎么越来越乱Best school district in Austin
Travis County property appraisal average increase 12.6%【活动】:劳工节游Lake Travis
家里人要过来,一般大家都让从国内带什么啊?【活动】:Labor Day 奥斯丁游记,多图,慎入
话题: county话题: gun话题: travis话题: show