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TexasHoldem版 - 大家打Rush BB/100 hands 有多少?
说说我那段不堪回首的往事告诉你真实的 Downswing
Is it easy to earn FTP points through Rush poker?最近这个月感觉进步了一些
captainkakashi 是版上的吗?why do we hate pocket As
有人专门玩6max micro的么 来交流交流How is guys' grinding going?
hehe, Merge上NL100的鱼比NL50还多讨论一个牌NL100 rush
The most successful rake back grinder on ACRrush week 第一天
明年准备去报名wsop.在full tilt生活和战斗的同学
也来一点1 outer 加一个皇家同花顺Full Tilt的新Rush Game
话题: rush话题: pair话题: nl400话题: bb话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9164
偶打 Electro(NL400), 到目前是3.6/100. I got over 5.1 for
the first 2 weeks,
then dropped after some cooler and bad beat. Also, I was a little tilting
I played about 100k hands so far after almost a month. 2 tabling most of
Still have lots of things to improve.
I played a super tight game , my vpip is only 12.5%. Rush is highly
if you know what you are going. Position and pot control are the key.
put lots of money in post flop with one pair( top top or over pair) very
unless with strong read.
GL@ tables!
发帖数: 737
2/4 for NL400
3.6 x 4 = 14.4
14.4 x 100k/100 = 14.4k/month
发帖数: 7793
rush 就是摇钱树, confirmed.
发帖数: 5415

【在 p**h 的大作中提到】
: 2/4 for NL400
: 3.6 x 4 = 14.4
: 14.4 x 100k/100 = 14.4k/month
: 围观有钱人

发帖数: 15860
admire, you might be the highest rush player here so far.

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: 偶打 Electro(NL400), 到目前是3.6/100. I got over 5.1 for
: the first 2 weeks,
: then dropped after some cooler and bad beat. Also, I was a little tilting
: sometime.
: I played about 100k hands so far after almost a month. 2 tabling most of
: time.
: Still have lots of things to improve.
: I played a super tight game , my vpip is only 12.5%. Rush is highly
: beatable
: if you know what you are going. Position and pot control are the key.

发帖数: 3398
参观牛人, 以后多教教大家。

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: 偶打 Electro(NL400), 到目前是3.6/100. I got over 5.1 for
: the first 2 weeks,
: then dropped after some cooler and bad beat. Also, I was a little tilting
: sometime.
: I played about 100k hands so far after almost a month. 2 tabling most of
: time.
: Still have lots of things to improve.
: I played a super tight game , my vpip is only 12.5%. Rush is highly
: beatable
: if you know what you are going. Position and pot control are the key.

发帖数: 7793
看看..原来我在NL25用的ABC poker.. 在NL400 也能用..赫赫..
"Position and pot control are the key.
put lots of money in post flop with one pair( top top or over pair) very
often "
good suggestion..
发帖数: 1114
Wow, NL400 rush player, welcome. Do you full time play poker? 2 tabling to
get 100K a month means lots of hours a day. maybe 7 hours per day?
I have 5.2/100 in recent 100K hands in NL100 rush. Your 3.6/100 is very good
in NL400 and makes lots $$ for you...

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: 偶打 Electro(NL400), 到目前是3.6/100. I got over 5.1 for
: the first 2 weeks,
: then dropped after some cooler and bad beat. Also, I was a little tilting
: sometime.
: I played about 100k hands so far after almost a month. 2 tabling most of
: time.
: Still have lots of things to improve.
: I played a super tight game , my vpip is only 12.5%. Rush is highly
: beatable
: if you know what you are going. Position and pot control are the key.

发帖数: 9164
yes, I play poker full time. Just started rush recently after they
offer 2-4 game. Trying to play more tables, but I got tired fast and
ends up with playing less time. Now I play 3 tables a lot. maybe
takes time to be used to it.
I think I can improve my game to around 5/100. Need a lot more
homework to do.
Just watched a video by Phil Galfond. Very Educational. He played
HU, had 77 in BB. Button raised, he called. flop comes K 45 two
diamond. he check, Button bet, he called. turn is off suit J, he
check, button bet 2/3 the bot, he called again, river looks super
scary for his hand, Ace of diamond. he checked again, button bet over
33k into a 40k pot. He made the call, and button shows 8h6h for 8
high. he had deep thought about why making such a big call.

tabling to
very good

【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: Wow, NL400 rush player, welcome. Do you full time play poker? 2 tabling to
: get 100K a month means lots of hours a day. maybe 7 hours per day?
: I have 5.2/100 in recent 100K hands in NL100 rush. Your 3.6/100 is very good
: in NL400 and makes lots $$ for you...

发帖数: 7793
What did you play before rush?
I think it is very good to have 3+bb/100 hand on NL400. Your vpip is close
to mine around 12.5%. I don't think there is anything wrong with playing
tight as long as villians still give you action. Due to your image of vpip,
i think controlling pot size is probably the best post flop when you have
over pair and top pair. The key to play a very strong range preflop to use its show down value.
发帖数: 15860
electro现在俺看也就60,70个人(unique players)同时在线吧?这个stake,都不是小

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: yes, I play poker full time. Just started rush recently after they
: offer 2-4 game. Trying to play more tables, but I got tired fast and
: ends up with playing less time. Now I play 3 tables a lot. maybe
: takes time to be used to it.
: I think I can improve my game to around 5/100. Need a lot more
: homework to do.
: Just watched a video by Phil Galfond. Very Educational. He played
: HU, had 77 in BB. Button raised, he called. flop comes K 45 two
: diamond. he check, Button bet, he called. turn is off suit J, he
: check, button bet 2/3 the bot, he called again, river looks super

1 (共1页)
Full Tilt的新Rush Gamehehe, Merge上NL100的鱼比NL50还多
fcf 大侠的quote.The most successful rake back grinder on ACR
Who is going to Sands PA for this weekend? Saturday Aug 28明年准备去报名wsop.
是一时的运气还是game的问题?也来一点1 outer 加一个皇家同花顺
说说我那段不堪回首的往事告诉你真实的 Downswing
Is it easy to earn FTP points through Rush poker?最近这个月感觉进步了一些
captainkakashi 是版上的吗?why do we hate pocket As
有人专门玩6max micro的么 来交流交流How is guys' grinding going?
话题: rush话题: pair话题: nl400话题: bb话题: he