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TongJi版 - Re: 各位读civil的GGJ
Re: Help! //worriedRe: ͬ济的Civil Engineering在我们这里很有影响啊!
系里都转学走了,只剩我了What's the core of Civil Engineering?
course descriptionHow about Chi Epsilon?
HSBC 的 NB 服务共 产 党 员 是 一 面 旗 帜
course descriptions已经工作的师兄,师姐,你们大多在什么公司干?
Course descriptionsCivil毕业都找什么样的公司啊?
I am really dispointed by L****[转载] 给CIVIL ENGINEERING 打气!
ͬ济的Civil Engineering在我们这里很有影响啊![转载] Civil engineers have higher pay in California and Houston
话题: ta话题: ggj话题: also话题: big话题: civil
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1220
very easy, only need patience...
发帖数: 104
I think the normal work is grading homework, maybe
include some lab instructioning.
It may also depend on the university:
Big-size universities like many public universities
usually have big-size class, then the grader might have
more work to do. however if it is really big,there might
be 2 or 3 graders. also private university normally has
100% professor lecturing, that is, TA is will not have
the chance to teach in class. In public school it might
Also it depends heavily on professor's
发帖数: 1220
Usually TA will lead recitation session ahd hold office hours.
Graders (or called reader in some univ-s) are low-level TAs
often with unsatisfactory communication skills.
What u mention may be the TA for graduate courses in which only
the professor can take any teaching responsability.
For undergraduate courses, high-level students can teach somehow;
Not often, some TA may just answer basic questions in computer lab...

【在 v*******n 的大作中提到】
: I think the normal work is grading homework, maybe
: include some lab instructioning.
: It may also depend on the university:
: Big-size universities like many public universities
: usually have big-size class, then the grader might have
: more work to do. however if it is really big,there might
: be 2 or 3 graders. also private university normally has
: 100% professor lecturing, that is, TA is will not have
: the chance to teach in class. In public school it might
: happen.

1 (共1页)
[转载] Civil engineers have higher pay in California and Houstoncourse descriptions
Re: [转载] Civil engineers have higher pay in California and HoustonCourse descriptions
很多学Civil的出国都转专业了I am really dispointed by L****
[转载] 虚心请教CIVIL PHD 怎么找工作(结构+一点交通)ͬ济的Civil Engineering在我们这里很有影响啊!
Re: Help! //worriedRe: ͬ济的Civil Engineering在我们这里很有影响啊!
系里都转学走了,只剩我了What's the core of Civil Engineering?
course descriptionHow about Chi Epsilon?
HSBC 的 NB 服务共 产 党 员 是 一 面 旗 帜
话题: ta话题: ggj话题: also话题: big话题: civil