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TongJi版 - Assistantships in Construction Management for Ph.D. students (spring/summer/fall 08)
PhD Student Position-UNLPhD assistantship available in pavement material/mechanics
TJME, Do you use GIS in Supply Chain Management?civil能进oil&gas当researcher么
[转载] 申请成立土木与环境工程版[转载] I applied Construction Management(succeed to go to US finally)
请问今年 civil 找工作形势如何?[转载] 在建设管理(Construction Management)专业申请出国
Need PhD/Master's studentsRe: [~{W*TX~}] I applied Construction Management(succeed to go to US finally)
Openings of two Graduate Research Assistants[转载] Re: 在建设管理(Construction Management)专业申请出国
Can anyone help to put this ads on TongJi BBS in China? Thanks.明天考 PhD qualification exam
fall 2009 -University of Miami PhD student position我怎么只适合做CAD Drafter?
话题: management话题: students话题: fall
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
Assistantships are available for two graduate students(preference given to
Ph.D. students) for spring/summer/fall 08 @ University of Nebraska -Lincoln
Qualifications: Strong background in Construction Management/Engineering,
Computer Science, Architecture/CAD/3D Graphics/GIS, or Civil/Transportation
Preferred qualifications: solid quantitative background, experience in
programming language/CAD/GIS, and graduate level education.
To apply on-line go to: http://www.unl.edu/gradstudies/
1 (共1页)
我怎么只适合做CAD Drafter?Need PhD/Master's students
ArtesiaOpenings of two Graduate Research Assistants
Civil毕业都找什么样的公司啊?Can anyone help to put this ads on TongJi BBS in China? Thanks.
系统集成是个什么概念?fall 2009 -University of Miami PhD student position
PhD Student Position-UNLPhD assistantship available in pavement material/mechanics
TJME, Do you use GIS in Supply Chain Management?civil能进oil&gas当researcher么
[转载] 申请成立土木与环境工程版[转载] I applied Construction Management(succeed to go to US finally)
请问今年 civil 找工作形势如何?[转载] 在建设管理(Construction Management)专业申请出国
话题: management话题: students话题: fall