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Travel版 - Attending a conference in Cancun and Automatic Visa Revalida (转载)
能在Cancun再签H1B吗请问这里有人用CBP的automatic revalidation从victoria island
紧急求助: 请问有用expired visa 坐princess cruise to Alask护照有效期少于6个月,能从加拿大入境么?
请问加拿大签证可以多次申请AVR么?转过身份后visa revalidation问题
这种情况还适用automatic visa revalidation吗问个有关automatic revalidation和cruise问题--在线等
去墨西哥玩需要签证吗?本版哪里能找到Automatic Revalidation的文件?
F1学生去墨西哥需要签证吗?H1-B 没签证可去加拿大墨西哥吗
话题: visa话题: cancun话题: automatic话题: since话题: conference
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 629
【 以下文字转载自 Visa 讨论区 】
发信人: Promega (I will survive), 信区: Visa
标 题: Attending a conference in Cancun and Automatic Visa Revalidation (AVR)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 22 23:24:46 2013, 美东)
I am planning to attend a conference in Cancun (Mexico) for about one-
week in the middle of June.
I came to the United Stated since August 2002, since then I was on F-1 visa
(Ph.D. student) until the end of December 2007. After that, I had a brief
OPT period and then started H1-b in 2008.
Currently, I have a valid H1-b until 2016. But I do not have a valid H1-b
stamp on my passport.
My last valid visa stamp was issued on May 2007 (F-1 visa category) (in
Since then, I have not traveled anywhere outside the United Staes.
I am planning to go to Tijuana airport from San Diego border and take
flights from there.
I want to use Automatic Visa Revalidation (AVR) to reentry U.S.
I have one particular question, if anyone can help me with the answer.
On the description, it says "To take advantage of AVR your travel must be to
contiguous/adjacent entities for less than 30 days."
Since I should NOT surrender my I-94 when I leave U.S. How could I correctly
document the date when I departure U.S.?
When I return the CBP port in Tijuana, how can I give evident to the officer
that I visit Cancun (Mexico) for fewer than 30 days?
Maybe a letter from my department to describe the length of my conference?
Is it sufficient?
Thank you very much!
1 (共1页)
H1-B 没签证可去加拿大墨西哥吗Cancun游记(10)-回程
问一下H1B签证(没离开过美国)去alaska cuise过期美国签证拿墨西哥旅游签证,波特兰墨西哥领事馆,注意事项
能在Cancun再签H1B吗请问这里有人用CBP的automatic revalidation从victoria island
紧急求助: 请问有用expired visa 坐princess cruise to Alask护照有效期少于6个月,能从加拿大入境么?
请问加拿大签证可以多次申请AVR么?转过身份后visa revalidation问题
这种情况还适用automatic visa revalidation吗问个有关automatic revalidation和cruise问题--在线等
话题: visa话题: cancun话题: automatic话题: since话题: conference