i*********5 发帖数: 19210 | 1 7月17日在35度烈日下完成自己首个70.3. 地点是美国威斯康辛州的 Racine. 距离芝加
哥1个小时车程。一共有2200多名运动员参加。我花了6小时34分钟, 名列1200多名。
55:02 2:59:10 2:27:29 6:34:28 1228 209
16日就要把车放到比赛转换区了。感觉Ironman 比赛组织科学,分工严密,现场气氛很
运动员的安全, 也兼顾开车。许多路口还是警察把关的。 下面是我的英文比赛报告。
Wake up at 3:30 , left home at 4:30, got the transition area at 5:50,
arrived at swimming beach at 6:40, began swim at 7:20.
I never feel comfortable with the open water swimming. I always turn to the
left to breath with two stokes. This time
I was heading straightly to the south, and the sun got me every time I
breath. My vision is not good, and I have difficulty finding the buoy. I
felt I’m assaulted in every three or four minutes in the water. If not, I
know I’m way far away from the swimming course.
For future open water training, I really hope my swim buddy can strike me
from the back, push me down, so I can get used to those body contacts
without panic or cramp.
Finally, I saw the sand under the water and then I swam very fast.
In the transition, I just took my time and kept saying sunscreen. Took a
stop on the potty, felt good. First hour biking is slow, relaxed and
controlled. Second hour is fast. The third hour really test my biking
training. I took many trains with Dan in May, so I felt confident with
Again I just took my time on transition. Went to potty, drink a lot.
Stretched a little bit, then began running. My leg cramp when I was on the
top of the hill just half mile away from transition. I can’t believe it. I
never cramp before when running. I sat down for two minutes. When running
again, I just told myself I’m like a wheel, just rolling, rolling, rolling.
No Stopping. On the road, I say Hi to Jerry and Lowell.
The last two miles is really hard, I had to walk quite often. I only walked
if I felt the cramp.
Ironman race is really cool, very well organized. I’ll be back with much
stronger biking. I know I have to figure out swimming, as Jerry said. For
running, I’m not really sure what will happen. Maybe the October Lakefront
Marathon will give me some clue. | i*********5 发帖数: 19210 | | R*****s 发帖数: 41236 | 3 同赞, 大家都太耐高温了。。。
【在 i*********5 的大作中提到】 : 强哥威武!35度高温下搞定半铁!
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