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USANews版 - Millionaire hedge fund boss thanks 'idiot' traders and retires at 37
Nice Show! Obama and Dem V5!从来比的都是private vs public
Cuomo同学说有枪的人都是极端分子jokerpro,看好了.reid开始要绑加税在payroll tax cut上了.
Brett Kavanaugh's mother is judge who dismissed a foreclos1%交了多少税?看看美国pie 吧!
加州小姐walks the walk so farRemember this as you hear Obama
[合集] 马里兰去年开始征收“百万富翁”税,今年三分之一富户已外逃连Obama都跟romney老婆站一起了,肛抽还在造谣
共产主义实现的两个前提条件是什么?Budget deficit tops $1 trillion for fourth time
It turns out: Tea party also loves East Germany.foxnews采访了一个吃food stamp的红脖子
民主党众议员Ruben Hinojosa宣布个人破产Study: Obama's Spending Plan Raises Middle Class Taxes
话题: traders话题: retires话题: hedge话题: fund
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 315
So long, suckers. Millionaire hedge fund boss thanks 'idiot' traders and
retires at 37
* Andrew Clark in New York
* The Guardian,
* Saturday October 18 2008
* larger | smaller
* Article history
The boss of a successful US hedge fund has quit the industry with an
extraordinary farewell letter dismissing his rivals as over-privileged "
idiots" and thanking "stupid" traders for making him rich.
Andrew Lahde's $80m Los Angeles-based firm Lahde Capital Management in Los
Angeles ma
1 (共1页)
Study: Obama's Spending Plan Raises Middle Class Taxes[合集] 马里兰去年开始征收“百万富翁”税,今年三分之一富户已外逃
All your Obama supporters?共产主义实现的两个前提条件是什么?
"It's the spending, stupid."It turns out: Tea party also loves East Germany.
高税收? 法国英国就是美国的榜样民主党众议员Ruben Hinojosa宣布个人破产
Nice Show! Obama and Dem V5!从来比的都是private vs public
Cuomo同学说有枪的人都是极端分子jokerpro,看好了.reid开始要绑加税在payroll tax cut上了.
Brett Kavanaugh's mother is judge who dismissed a foreclos1%交了多少税?看看美国pie 吧!
加州小姐walks the walk so farRemember this as you hear Obama
话题: traders话题: retires话题: hedge话题: fund