g****n 发帖数: 424 | 1 民调=民意,严重忽略了msnbc这种极度脑残患者首选电视台的作用,呵呵
tea party=republican,用glenn beck的话说,they (rep and dem) suck equally!
tea party = red neck,呵呵,里面开始有黑人和亚裔了
党脑残化,估计比北京电影学院的处女还难找 |
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 2 自己脑残说别人脑残是脑残的典型征兆.It is because tea party=republican.
This is the poll result.
tea party=republican
Tea party do not want a third party and say they ****usually or almost
always vote Republican***. The percentage holding a favorable opinion of
former President George W. Bush, at 57 percent, almost exactly matches the
percentage in the general public that holds an unfavorable view of him.
But while most Americans blame the Bush administration or Wall Street for
the current state of the American e
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 民调=民意,严重忽略了msnbc这种极度脑残患者首选电视台的作用,呵呵 : tea party=republican,用glenn beck的话说,they (rep and dem) suck equally! : tea party = red neck,呵呵,里面开始有黑人和亚裔了 : republican=conservative,呵呵,民主党也有conservative,但是经过几十年的去全 : 党脑残化,估计比北京电影学院的处女还难找
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 3 不是我打击你,你老左棍思想太严重,你把poll当圣经了,把obama当教主了
【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】 : 自己脑残说别人脑残是脑残的典型征兆.It is because tea party=republican. : This is the poll result. : tea party=republican : Tea party do not want a third party and say they ****usually or almost : always vote Republican***. The percentage holding a favorable opinion of : former President George W. Bush, at 57 percent, almost exactly matches the : percentage in the general public that holds an unfavorable view of him. : But while most Americans blame the Bush administration or Wall Street for : the current state of the American e
s*********r 发帖数: 9493 | 4 tea party 不完全等同于republican. 共和党里也有明辨是非的人. tea party 大部分
是republican 里边极右翼的原教旨主义losers. |
s*********r 发帖数: 9493 | 5 我也劝你一下:别太拿红脖子的百布经当回事, 也别到处把GLENN败克, RUSH林饱,
杀拉PALIN 这些人当教主.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 不是我打击你,你老左棍思想太严重,你把poll当圣经了,把obama当教主了 : 典型症状是看msnbc,觉得个人永远stupid,世界上最英明的就是政府,呵呵 : : Party
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 6 看,这就是认知上的不同,tea 里面好像平均收入很高呀,如果收入高是loser
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : tea party 不完全等同于republican. 共和党里也有明辨是非的人. tea party 大部分 : 是republican 里边极右翼的原教旨主义losers.
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 7 I do not watch msnbc. Most I watch is Fox and CNBC, thanks.
Poll result is very reliable in this country. If you have any experience
about poll in the president elections or senator or governor elections, poll
is always very close to the end result. I believe in poll more than
believing what you think.
Tea party is the most economic conservative members of republicans. Thus
what I say tea party is republican is accurate. It is like I say, "cat is an
animal, Chinese is a human being".
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 不是我打击你,你老左棍思想太严重,你把poll当圣经了,把obama当教主了 : 典型症状是看msnbc,觉得个人永远stupid,世界上最英明的就是政府,呵呵 : : Party
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 8 百布经?你说圣经?呵呵
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : 我也劝你一下:别太拿红脖子的百布经当回事, 也别到处把GLENN败克, RUSH林饱, : 杀拉PALIN 这些人当教主.
s*********r 发帖数: 9493 | 9 就知道个收入啊? 说他们是losers,是因为他们抱着本过时的百布经和一套原教旨主义
的复辟幻想去螳臂挡车. |
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 10 I did watch Glenn Beck show. Sometime, it did have merit in it. I am very
economic conservative as well.
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : 我也劝你一下:别太拿红脖子的百布经当回事, 也别到处把GLENN败克, RUSH林饱, : 杀拉PALIN 这些人当教主.
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 11 "Tea party is the most economic conservative members of republicans."
【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】 : I do not watch msnbc. Most I watch is Fox and CNBC, thanks. : Poll result is very reliable in this country. If you have any experience : about poll in the president elections or senator or governor elections, poll : is always very close to the end result. I believe in poll more than : believing what you think. : Tea party is the most economic conservative members of republicans. Thus : what I say tea party is republican is accurate. It is like I say, "cat is an : animal, Chinese is a human being".
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 12 If let tea party elect the next president, it will be Bush again. Tax cut
alone will be sufficient to win the support of tea party.
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : 就知道个收入啊? 说他们是losers,是因为他们抱着本过时的百布经和一套原教旨主义 : 的复辟幻想去螳臂挡车.
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 13 Do you have a link to the poll. I am surprised. I am waiting to be corrected.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : "Tea party is the most economic conservative members of republicans." : 你这句话就不和poll一直,呵呵 : 据gallup统计,有51%的tea是independent和民主党 : : poll : an
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 14 原来loser是你自己定义的,也就是说你可以随便叫人家loser
【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】 : 就知道个收入啊? 说他们是losers,是因为他们抱着本过时的百布经和一套原教旨主义 : 的复辟幻想去螳臂挡车.
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 15 I just google the gallup poll. you are lieing.
Gallup poll,
Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their
leanings. Also, compared with average Americans, supporters are slightly
more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : "Tea party is the most economic conservative members of republicans." : 你这句话就不和poll一直,呵呵 : 据gallup统计,有51%的tea是independent和民主党 : : poll : an
s*********r 发帖数: 9493 | 16 你不但是loser,你还是脑残! Deal with it!!!
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 原来loser是你自己定义的,也就是说你可以随便叫人家loser : 明白了,大家也看见了,左派代表人物,呵呵
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 17 http://www.gallup.com/poll/127181/Tea-Partiers-Fairly-Mainstream-Demographics.aspx
【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】 : Do you have a link to the poll. I am surprised. I am waiting to be corrected.
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 18 do you have the reading ability? What you quote is just the support rate of general public to tea party.
DO you read the second paragraph?
Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their
leanings. Also, compared with average Americans, supporters are slightly
more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : http://www.gallup.com/poll/127181/Tea-Partiers-Fairly-Mainstream-Demographics.aspx : 提示一下,防止左棍胡搅蛮缠 : 43+8=51,呵呵 : : corrected.
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 19 发现左棍们真能伪造数据,我可是从gallup上印的,你的那?
【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】 : I just google the gallup poll. you are lieing. : Gallup poll, : Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their : leanings. Also, compared with average Americans, supporters are slightly : more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income.
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 20 请问43+8等于?
of general public to tea party.
【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】 : do you have the reading ability? What you quote is just the support rate of general public to tea party. : DO you read the second paragraph? : Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their : leanings. Also, compared with average Americans, supporters are slightly : more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income.
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 21 It is in the same link you provide. The second paragraph. Please read.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 发现左棍们真能伪造数据,我可是从gallup上印的,你的那?
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 22 哈哈
【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】 : It is in the same link you provide. The second paragraph. Please read.
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 23 43%的中间选民被华丽地无视了,呵呵
【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】 : It is in the same link you provide. The second paragraph. Please read.
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 24 so what. Someone call independent that almost always vote republican. It is
republican in my dictionary. Only the party you vote accounts. Not what you
claim what you are. You are republican if you always vote republican.
This is exactly what the second paragraph say.
Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their
leanings. Also, compared with average Americans, supporters are slightly
more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 请问43+8等于? : : of general public to tea party.
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 25 我说你们左派有很多的自相矛盾的地方,也就是俗称的脑残
【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】 : so what. Someone call independent that almost always vote republican. It is : republican in my dictionary. Only the party you vote accounts. Not what you : claim what you are. You are republican if you always vote republican. : Understand? : This is exactly what the second paragraph say. : Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their : leanings. Also, compared with average Americans, supporters are slightly : more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income.
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 26 我们说的是两码事,
TEA party will vote for repulicans, almost and always. This is truth.
I do not care what they claim. You are right that some of them claim they
are independent. I accept that. Alright? But it will not change the fact
that tea party will vote repulicans.
Your spin skill has not been good enough and need improvement from Rove.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 我说你们左派有很多的自相矛盾的地方,也就是俗称的脑残 : 你们说poll如何如何香,然后对你们不喜欢的poll结果就开始smeer, : 这个也太无聊了吧?你要是民主党喉舌,或者给acron打工的,可以理解 : : is : you
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 27 你大嘴一张就是truth,人家作的poll就不是
【在 m*********a 的大作中提到】 : 我们说的是两码事, : TEA party will vote for repulicans, almost and always. This is truth. : I do not care what they claim. You are right that some of them claim they : are independent. I accept that. Alright? But it will not change the fact : that tea party will vote repulicans. : Your spin skill has not been good enough and need improvement from Rove.
a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 28 what the fuck r u talking about. How much do you know about the Tea Party.
Tea party is a Pee party. Do you know that. Your daddy is not in the Tea
party, and your mother might be in there, because your daddy is not white,
and your mother is a little whiter.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 民调=民意,严重忽略了msnbc这种极度脑残患者首选电视台的作用,呵呵 : tea party=republican,用glenn beck的话说,they (rep and dem) suck equally! : tea party = red neck,呵呵,里面开始有黑人和亚裔了 : republican=conservative,呵呵,民主党也有conservative,但是经过几十年的去全 : 党脑残化,估计比北京电影学院的处女还难找
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 29 欢迎加拿大种族主义者加入美国民主党,就跟reid一样,呵呵
【在 a**t 的大作中提到】 : what the fuck r u talking about. How much do you know about the Tea Party. : Tea party is a Pee party. Do you know that. Your daddy is not in the Tea : party, and your mother might be in there, because your daddy is not white, : and your mother is a little whiter.
a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 30
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 欢迎加拿大种族主义者加入美国民主党,就跟reid一样,呵呵
a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 31 check out this pic. and go wash their assholes.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 欢迎加拿大种族主义者加入美国民主党,就跟reid一样,呵呵
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 32
How much do you Canadian welfare addicted gay loser know about US?
【在 a**t 的大作中提到】 : what the fuck r u talking about. How much do you know about the Tea Party. : Tea party is a Pee party. Do you know that. Your daddy is not in the Tea : party, and your mother might be in there, because your daddy is not white, : and your mother is a little whiter.
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 33 上一次有人文啥叫agi
【在 N********n 的大作中提到】 : : How much do you Canadian welfare addicted gay loser know about US?
a**t 发帖数: 3833 | 34 we cannadian are higher and upper than you lower morons. go lick you daddies
ass holes.
【在 N********n 的大作中提到】 : : How much do you Canadian welfare addicted gay loser know about US?
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 35 左棍没有facts and logic,剩下的只有人参公鸡...
【在 a**t 的大作中提到】 : check out this pic. and go wash their assholes.
p**********d 发帖数: 7918 | 36 引用Glenn Beck的話做論據的人,
我只有一句中性的話,you deserve him。
對於其他的人,這裡有一個充滿笑料的video link:
You'll laugh your ass off, I assure you.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 民调=民意,严重忽略了msnbc这种极度脑残患者首选电视台的作用,呵呵 : tea party=republican,用glenn beck的话说,they (rep and dem) suck equally! : tea party = red neck,呵呵,里面开始有黑人和亚裔了 : republican=conservative,呵呵,民主党也有conservative,但是经过几十年的去全 : 党脑残化,估计比北京电影学院的处女还难找
y****t 发帖数: 10233 | 37 actually i want to laf at it, until i see real life cases those libtards try
to prohibit woman to touch their breast.
how far is that one day he gonna order you idiots to stop masturbation? lol.
it was meant to be a joke until the joke really happens in real life, and
you useful idiots are just too ignorant to realize it.
【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】 : 引用Glenn Beck的話做論據的人, : 我只有一句中性的話,you deserve him。 : 對於其他的人,這裡有一個充滿笑料的video link: : http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-march-18-2010/conservative-libertarian : You'll laugh your ass off, I assure you.
g****n 发帖数: 424 | 38 你属于到处战斗型的,glenn beck虽然说的有时候极端,但是
民主党和共和党suck equally这个没有错
【在 p**********d 的大作中提到】 : 引用Glenn Beck的話做論據的人, : 我只有一句中性的話,you deserve him。 : 對於其他的人,這裡有一個充滿笑料的video link: : http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-march-18-2010/conservative-libertarian : You'll laugh your ass off, I assure you.
N********n 发帖数: 8363 | 39
He's just an idiot. He thinks government has endless amount of money to
spend w/o hurting the overall economy.
【在 g****n 的大作中提到】 : 你属于到处战斗型的,glenn beck虽然说的有时候极端,但是 : 民主党和共和党suck equally这个没有错