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USANews版 - Rasmussen:63%美国选民希望废除奥巴马医疗法案
简单科普一下怎莫搞pollABC tracking : 48:44 ????
最看不懂的一个poll538 网站警告: 早期出口民调错误很大,常常夸大民主党选民
New high: 55% say Obamacare 'bad' for Americans, 46% say Obama 'misled' themRIGHT MUST FIGHT ROUND 2
TDB Poll of Polls: Romney leads 2% nationwideColbert谈媒体使用民意测验结果 (转载)
Poll: Romney lead grows in daily tracking poll65% Trust Their Own Economic Judgment Over Obama’s
Trump just pulled ahead of Clinton in a national poll for first time in more than a monthNew High: 52% Predict Economy Will Be Weaker A Year From Now
IBD poll Trump稳稳领先The Numbers The Media And Pollsters Don’t Want You To See
today's three polls same result: clinton lead by 1Romney Pulls Ahead in New National Poll
话题: repeal话题: rasmussen话题: support话题: 63%话题: national
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Support for repeal of the new national health care plan has jumped to its
highest level ever. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds
that 63% of U.S. voters now favor repeal of the plan passed by congressional
Democrats and signed into law by President Obama in March.
Prior to today, weekly polling had shown support for repeal ranging from 54%
to 58%.
Currently, just 32%
1 (共1页)
Romney Pulls Ahead in New National PollPoll: Romney lead grows in daily tracking poll
Both Gallup and Rasmussen polls show a tieTrump just pulled ahead of Clinton in a national poll for first time in more than a month
Liberals refuse to release any post-debate polling datIBD poll Trump稳稳领先
Romney moving up in swing state pollstoday's three polls same result: clinton lead by 1
简单科普一下怎莫搞pollABC tracking : 48:44 ????
最看不懂的一个poll538 网站警告: 早期出口民调错误很大,常常夸大民主党选民
New high: 55% say Obamacare 'bad' for Americans, 46% say Obama 'misled' themRIGHT MUST FIGHT ROUND 2
TDB Poll of Polls: Romney leads 2% nationwideColbert谈媒体使用民意测验结果 (转载)
话题: repeal话题: rasmussen话题: support话题: 63%话题: national