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George Mason大学研究发现,美国保守的州更自由,吸引更多人迁入Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast
$3.2万亿债务!Ben Carson is the wisest black man.
Supreme Court Unlikely To Deliver Gay-Marriage Mandate支持民主党和侯赛因贱保的医生是医疗诈骗的主力
如果把性行为的表达权作为定义婚姻的终极标准,那你如何避免多妻或多夫情况?Lynne Ryan Story
Radio Talk Show Host Mark Levin Honored for 'Media Excellence'光天化日纽约街头白牛被人往衣服里塞屎
支持common core的人越来越少了EPA paid $1,560 for 12 fountain pens
New York school districts paying $500,000 to superintendents左右世界投资新格局的茶党
话题: states话题: tax话题: seats话题: lower话题: americans
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发帖数: 29846
Low-tax states will gain seats, high-tax states will lose them
By: Barbara Hollingsworth
Local Opinion Editor
11/17/10 10:00 AM EST
Migration from high-tax states to states with lower taxes and less
government spending will dramatically alter the composition of future
Congresses, according to a study by Americans for Tax Reform
Eight states are projected to gain at least one congressional seat under
reapportionment following the 2010 Census: Texas (four seats), Florida (two
seats), Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah and Washington (one
seat each). Their average top state personal income tax rate: 2.8 percent.
By contrast, New York and Ohio are likely to lose two seats each, while
Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey,
and Pennsylvania will be down one apiece. The average top state personal
income tax rate in these loser states: 6.05 percent.
The state and local tax burden is nearly a third lower in states with
growing populations, ATR found. As a result, per capita government spending
is also lower: $4,008 for states gaining congressional seats, $5,117 for
states losing them.
And, as ATR notes, “in eight of ten losers, workers can be forced to join a
union as a condition of employment. In 7 of the 8 gainers, workers are
given a choice whether to join or contribute financially to a union.”
Imagine that: Americans are fleeing high tax, union-dominated states and
settling in states with lower taxes, right-to-work laws and lower government
spending. Nothing sends a message like voting with your feet.
1 (共1页)
左右世界投资新格局的茶党Radio Talk Show Host Mark Levin Honored for 'Media Excellence'
zt 美国纽约州将对富人加税 并削减中产阶级税额美国生产石油生产的太多了,都没地方放了
贝克尔:提高高收入者的边际税率是个好主意吗?支持common core的人越来越少了
富人加税,穷人减福利,就这么简单,可惜两头讨骂,所以没人干New York school districts paying $500,000 to superintendents
George Mason大学研究发现,美国保守的州更自由,吸引更多人迁入Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast
$3.2万亿债务!Ben Carson is the wisest black man.
Supreme Court Unlikely To Deliver Gay-Marriage Mandate支持民主党和侯赛因贱保的医生是医疗诈骗的主力
如果把性行为的表达权作为定义婚姻的终极标准,那你如何避免多妻或多夫情况?Lynne Ryan Story
话题: states话题: tax话题: seats话题: lower话题: americans