l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 1 零蛋总统!奥巴马预算案没有得到任何一个众议员支持,无论共和党还是自己的民主党
GOP Rep. introduces Obama budget, measure gets 0-414 drubbing [VIDEO]
By David Martosko - The Daily Caller 9:39 AM 03/29/2012
By a stunning 0-414 tally Wednesday night, the House of Representatives
voted down a budget proposal based on President Barack Obama’s 2013
recommendations. Congress hadn’t seen a budget vote that lopsided since
last May, when the Senate voted down an Obama budget plan by a 0-97 margin.
That 2011 Senate slaughter came after minority leader Sen. Mitch McConnell
insisted on a vote to demonstrate that Democrats would not endorse a budget
with specific, targeted cuts.
Similarly, Wednesday evening’s vote saw South Carolina Republican Rep. Mick
Mulvaney, a House freshman who came to Washington with grand budget-control
promises, introducing Obama’s 2013 budget outline as an amendment to the
bill being pieced together to fund the government next year.
Mulvaney’s amendment proposed “to strike the text of the bill and insert
President Obama’s budget proposal as scored by CBO [the Congressional
Budget Office].”
“It occurred to me the President’s budget had not been offered as an
amendment by the Democrat members of the House budget committee,” Mulvaney
said on the House floor.
“Clearly, it must be [an] oversight. Clearly, my colleagues meant to offer
the President’s budget. I thought I’d help my colleagues across the aisle
out a little bit and offer the President’s budget. Which is exactly what
this amendment is.” | O*****g 发帖数: 1257 | 2 President Obama, a true uniter.
【在 l****z 的大作中提到】 : 零蛋总统!奥巴马预算案没有得到任何一个众议员支持,无论共和党还是自己的民主党 : ,连续第二年得到0票 : GOP Rep. introduces Obama budget, measure gets 0-414 drubbing [VIDEO] : By David Martosko - The Daily Caller 9:39 AM 03/29/2012 : ADVERTISEMENT : By a stunning 0-414 tally Wednesday night, the House of Representatives : voted down a budget proposal based on President Barack Obama’s 2013 : recommendations. Congress hadn’t seen a budget vote that lopsided since : last May, when the Senate voted down an Obama budget plan by a 0-97 margin. : That 2011 Senate slaughter came after minority leader Sen. Mitch McConnell
| l******a 发帖数: 3803 | 3
He tried to unite his cabinet members but they left him one by one.
It's natural to leave a compulsive liar, but this "brilliantly intelligent"
whitehouse intern? why?
CNN: come on, black folks, take our survey...
【在 O*****g 的大作中提到】 : President Obama, a true uniter.