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USANews版 - Romney in Israel
共和党建制派支持以色列有情可原,床粉不应该呀巴解申请加入国际犯罪法庭, 然后加入后就被以色列告了
Israeli parliament suspends Arab MPs who met attackers' kin巴马牛啊,最后时刻在UN捅了以色列一刀
华人在以色列被禁止交配 (转载)The Reality of Jerusalem
Poll: 85 Percent of Americans in Israel Vote RomneyIn the Mideast, Trump Gives Reality a Chance
Israeli PM: Palestinians not interested in talksIsraeli Democracy vs. Arab Apartheid
Romney Is Right About the Palestinians与伊朗的妥协凸显了美国的日趋软弱
话题: israel话题: american话题: his话题: obama话题: romney
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
By Harold Goldmeier
Mitt Romney is to arrive in Israel this weekend, focusing the campaign
spotlight not only on Israel policy, but on the American voters who live in
I get to vote for the next American president as a new oleh, an immigrant to
Israel who retains American citizenship. I am registered to vote in the
November election. That's important, because my living here solidifies my
commitments to Israel. Also, my views of the administration and events
change when I watch news reports (in English) on Israeli, Russian, French,
Chinese, and Arab TV stations that broadcast here, but not in America. They
have a very different take on stories from how the American press sees
There is a decidedly anti-Obama thread weaving through the American Jewish
community in Israel. We are uncomfortable and skeptical about his
commitment to Israel. Some believe that Mr. Obama, if not a Muslim himself,
has deep sympathies for the Muslim world. Elected to a second term, the
president will pressure Israel no end to make life-threatening concessions
to the Arabs in exchange for aid and protection under the American military
umbrella. This administration is setting records for military aid to Israel
, and cooperation with Israel's defense and intelligence services.
Many more American citizens living in Israel are openly more strident in
their antipathy for Obama and Sec. of State Clinton than are Jews I speak
with in the States. The president made several trips to the region, but he
never visits Israel. He bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia. His Cairo
speech shocked. His public comments on 1967 borders as a starting point for
negotiations with the Palestinians come across as a curse, and they make
his administration an anathema. The reportedly discourteous treatment of P.
M. Netanyahu in the White House adds to the anger American Jews in Israel
feel; we take that personally. The Palestinian leadership now refuses to
negotiate peace with Israel until there is a freeze on new construction in
the territories; this never stopped them before Mr. Obama set it as his
administration's policy. The president is enamored with the Arab Spring,
while people living in Israel fear the reactionary forces like the Muslim
Brotherhood taking seats of power in Arab countries. IVoteIsrael, a voter
registration NGO, believes that November will have the largest voter turnout
of Americans in Israel ever.
Mr. Romney is making a hard pitch for the American vote in Israel. He
expresses almost unconditional support for this country. His advance men
like Ari Fleischer are here working the media, taking the message to the
voters. Romney is taking precious time out from his domestic campaign to
fly to Israel to make a break-the-fast Tish'a B'Av speech and campaign in
our community. That adds gravitas to Israel's place on the extant Romney
Why are American Jewish voters in Israel crucial this year? There are 163,
395 of them. More than half expect to vote this time, and 66% believe that
Israel-related issues are the most important. Only 63% of them who admit to
voting for Mr. Obama last time expect to vote for him this election,
according to a poll commissioned by IVoteIsrael. The president and
challenger are today polling neck-and-neck among U.S. voters. Think Florida
, where fewer than 600 votes handed Mr. Bush the presidency.
On the other hand, "it's the economy stupid," as Bush's father, Pres. George
Sr., was so aptly reminded in his campaign. Americans don't vote for a
president for his stellar foreign agenda and achievements. I, like a lot of
middle-class Jews, sometimes forget that we're not white. I am
disheartened by the president's failures to fix the economy, still
imprisoning captives in Guantánamo, and holding Pollard in the face of
calls for his release even from Justice and CIA officials. I am disgusted
by the first family's penchant for expensive vacations.
A really great writer, Daniel Eisenbud, writes about the toxic people we all
have in our lives. We let them have too much influence over our actions.
There are the Dream-Killers and Whiners; there is Death by Chocolate, and
from the hand of Brutus. Israel is inundated with Chocolaters: U.N.
personnel, European Union leaders, U.K. prime ministers, make us feel wanted
, a part of the team; they are our friends, but they turn their backs when
the chips are down, talk like we're not in the room, and consistently blame
Is Obama a true friend? His speeches are dream-killers for us. He whines
on, trying to suck the happiness out of our lives, while TIME Magazine
writes incredulously how Israelis are happily living our lives. Perhaps
Obama and Clinton are more the bearers of decadent chocolate desserts to
make us feel like a million bucks; they appear as friends, but they turn
their backs on us.
Dr. Harold Goldmeier recently sold his business in Chicago and moved to
Israel with his wife to teach business management in the Jerusalem College
of Technology. He is a business development advisor to several start-ups, a
writer, and a public speaker on social and business matters.
1 (共1页)
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华人在以色列被禁止交配 (转载)The Reality of Jerusalem
话题: israel话题: american话题: his话题: obama话题: romney