p**********r 发帖数: 3581 | 1 08年投票给谁?
看看班上都投谁。 |
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 2 1, 08年投票给谁? Third party
2, 今年会投谁? No Romny |
s********t 发帖数: 4150 | 3 1, 08年投票给谁? Third party
2, 今年会投谁? NoBama |
c******g 发帖数: 1217 | 4 1, 08年投票给谁? Third party
2, 今年会投谁? No Romny
【在 p**********r 的大作中提到】 : 08年投票给谁? : 今年会投谁? : 看看班上都投谁。
j********1 发帖数: 628 | |
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 6 Does Gary Johnson get on ticket in each state? Is his policy close to Ron
Paul? |
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 7 USANEWS 目前的人气不错,但是近40天,只有4位有选举权? |
l**n 发帖数: 7272 | 8 您错了。
【在 f*********g 的大作中提到】 : USANEWS 目前的人气不错,但是近40天,只有4位有选举权?
k****k 发帖数: 3322 | 9 Cordeng和maocore等人都是中共党人,当初伪造绿卡申请信息,已被取消公民权,现等
【在 c******g 的大作中提到】 : 1, 08年投票给谁? Third party : 2, 今年会投谁? No Romny
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 10 那么这个完全中立的问题为何不愿或不敢回答?其实所有ID在这里都是马甲是不是? 回
答问题,就担心别人要人肉了.不得其解. |
m******O 发帖数: 596 | 11 你可不要信口开河,这可是非常严肃的指控,要有证据。
【在 k****k 的大作中提到】 : Cordeng和maocore等人都是中共党人,当初伪造绿卡申请信息,已被取消公民权,现等 : 待DEPORTATION
m******O 发帖数: 596 | 12 08年初选投了希拉里,大选没投。
【在 p**********r 的大作中提到】 : 08年投票给谁? : 今年会投谁? : 看看班上都投谁。
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 13 maocore 没有在此说他选谁,不应提及. 你们两位,可否一露选容? |
k****k 发帖数: 3322 | 14 我是开他的玩笑。这两个马甲属于本版同一个比较活跃的奥巴马支持者。既然都已经是
【在 m******O 的大作中提到】 : 你可不要信口开河,这可是非常严肃的指控,要有证据。 : 当然如果你确有证据在手,这倒是坐实了天下左派一家亲的说法。
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 15 #11, 谢谢,您是第五位.其实,当时民主党就没有一个合适的男性白人候选人? |
w*******g 发帖数: 9932 | 16 i will vote bama but my vote is useless
【在 f*********g 的大作中提到】 : #11, 谢谢,您是第五位.其实,当时民主党就没有一个合适的男性白人候选人?
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 17 #15, I dont get it. Why useless? |
w*******g 发帖数: 9932 | 18 i vote in Illinois.
maybe next time i will vote in Wisconsin
【在 f*********g 的大作中提到】 : #15, I dont get it. Why useless?
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 19 I visited Chicago many times, as recently as last Christmas.
Yes your vote wont weigh in IL, but it still weighs in National level. |
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 20 I visited Chicago many times, as recently as last Christmas.
Yes your vote wont weigh in IL, but it still weighs in National level.
By the way poster kickok, you came to this 投票调研 repeatedly to criticize
some response here, but never explicitly disclose if you have voting right.
So many GOP supporters here, but so few real GOP voters here.
Some rational GOP supporters, like denai, rantl (?), do you have voting
right? Just curious. |
y***l 发帖数: 1371 | 21 这个版上能投票的GOP大概就4,5个。其他都是打酱油的和马甲,还没有我老家版的GOP
头上了。 因为Obamacare,一年多交个1000块钱不到的保费就要死要活。这要真是象那
些GOP tea party, conservative Christian那样,要把收入的10%捐给教会,这帮人岂
不是马上要跳楼? |
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 22 If those GOP supporters would have voting right but are afraid to admit,
they would be really WSN, but I dont think so, they most likely just dont
have the right. |
g******s 发帖数: 3056 | |
c******t 发帖数: 2478 | 24 this is a public forum for all Chinese, most users here are new comers from
China in the last 10 years and probably holding Chinese passports. People
come to share their opinions. You will be disappointed if you try to run a
campaign for votes here.If you wish to discuss with US citizens only in this
forum, you could open a club. And I do believe there are such clubs out
【在 f*********g 的大作中提到】 : USANEWS 目前的人气不错,但是近40天,只有4位有选举权?
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 25 #22, your post is very enlightened. If you do know such US voters only
election club, please let me know. Thanks. |
p**********r 发帖数: 3581 | 26
【在 p**********r 的大作中提到】 : 08年投票给谁? : 今年会投谁? : 看看班上都投谁。
T*********s 发帖数: 2987 | 27 08年初选投了希拉里,大选McCain。
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 28 #25, wonder why Dem did not have other candidates, they got two, one
minority, one woman, it's quite revolutionary, isn't it?
Luckily for Dem, GOP didnt have decent choice either. |
P*O 发帖数: 4324 | 29 呵呵,和俺一样。
【在 T*********s 的大作中提到】 : 08年初选投了希拉里,大选McCain。 : 今年 NOBAMA
p**********r 发帖数: 3581 | 30 08年投票给谁?
看看班上都投谁。 |
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 31 1, 08年投票给谁? Third party
2, 今年会投谁? No Romny |
s********t 发帖数: 4150 | 32 1, 08年投票给谁? Third party
2, 今年会投谁? NoBama |
c******g 发帖数: 1217 | 33 1, 08年投票给谁? Third party
2, 今年会投谁? No Romny
【在 p**********r 的大作中提到】 : 08年投票给谁? : 今年会投谁? : 看看班上都投谁。
j********1 发帖数: 628 | |
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 35 USANEWS 目前的人气不错,但是近40天,只有4位有选举权? |
l**n 发帖数: 7272 | 36 您错了。
【在 f*********g 的大作中提到】 : USANEWS 目前的人气不错,但是近40天,只有4位有选举权?
k****k 发帖数: 3322 | 37 Cordeng和maocore等人都是中共党人,当初伪造绿卡申请信息,已被取消公民权,现等
【在 c******g 的大作中提到】 : 1, 08年投票给谁? Third party : 2, 今年会投谁? No Romny
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 38 那么这个完全中立的问题为何不愿或不敢回答?其实所有ID在这里都是马甲是不是? 回
答问题,就担心别人要人肉了.不得其解. |
m******O 发帖数: 596 | 39 你可不要信口开河,这可是非常严肃的指控,要有证据。
【在 k****k 的大作中提到】 : Cordeng和maocore等人都是中共党人,当初伪造绿卡申请信息,已被取消公民权,现等 : 待DEPORTATION
m******O 发帖数: 596 | 40 08年初选投了希拉里,大选没投。
【在 p**********r 的大作中提到】 : 08年投票给谁? : 今年会投谁? : 看看班上都投谁。
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 41 maocore 没有在此说他选谁,不应提及. 你们两位,可否一露选容? |
k****k 发帖数: 3322 | 42 我是开他的玩笑。这两个马甲属于本版同一个比较活跃的奥巴马支持者。既然都已经是
【在 m******O 的大作中提到】 : 你可不要信口开河,这可是非常严肃的指控,要有证据。 : 当然如果你确有证据在手,这倒是坐实了天下左派一家亲的说法。
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 43 #11, 谢谢,您是第五位.其实,当时民主党就没有一个合适的男性白人候选人? |
w*******g 发帖数: 9932 | 44 i will vote bama but my vote is useless
【在 f*********g 的大作中提到】 : #11, 谢谢,您是第五位.其实,当时民主党就没有一个合适的男性白人候选人?
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 45 #15, I dont get it. Why useless? |
w*******g 发帖数: 9932 | 46 i vote in Illinois.
maybe next time i will vote in Wisconsin
【在 f*********g 的大作中提到】 : #15, I dont get it. Why useless?
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 47 I visited Chicago many times, as recently as last Christmas.
Yes your vote wont weigh in IL, but it still weighs in National level.
By the way poster kickok, you came to this 投票调研 repeatedly to criticize
some response here, but never explicitly disclose if you have voting right.
So many GOP supporters here, but so few real GOP voters here.
Some rational GOP supporters, like denai, rantl (?), do you have voting
right? Just curious. |
y***l 发帖数: 1371 | 48 这个版上能投票的GOP大概就4,5个。其他都是打酱油的和马甲,还没有我老家版的GOP
头上了。 因为Obamacare,一年多交个1000块钱不到的保费就要死要活。这要真是象那
些GOP tea party, conservative Christian那样,要把收入的10%捐给教会,这帮人岂
不是马上要跳楼? |
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 49 If those GOP supporters would have voting right but are afraid to admit,
they would be really WSN, but I dont think so, they most likely just dont
have the right. |
g******s 发帖数: 3056 | |
c******t 发帖数: 2478 | 51 this is a public forum for all Chinese, most users here are new comers from
China in the last 10 years and probably holding Chinese passports. People
come to share their opinions. You will be disappointed if you try to run a
campaign for votes here.If you wish to discuss with US citizens only in this
forum, you could open a club. And I do believe there are such clubs out
【在 f*********g 的大作中提到】 : USANEWS 目前的人气不错,但是近40天,只有4位有选举权?
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 52 #22, your post is very enlightened. If you do know such US voters only
election club, please let me know. Thanks. |
p**********r 发帖数: 3581 | 53
【在 p**********r 的大作中提到】 : 08年投票给谁? : 今年会投谁? : 看看班上都投谁。
T*********s 发帖数: 2987 | 54 08年初选投了希拉里,大选McCain。
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 55 #25, wonder why Dem did not have other candidates, they got two, one
minority, one woman, it's quite revolutionary, isn't it?
Luckily for Dem, GOP didnt have decent choice either. |
P*O 发帖数: 4324 | 56 呵呵,和俺一样。
【在 T*********s 的大作中提到】 : 08年初选投了希拉里,大选McCain。 : 今年 NOBAMA
f*********g 发帖数: 1637 | 57 More voters here? It seems Ron Paul would have more votes here than other
two candidates if he was a candidate .
That was I said along, if GOP nominated Ron Paul, they would get real
Non voters, please refrain your PA, does it make any sense for you at all
since you can't vote and can't swing anyone to vote for your favorite ? |
h********0 发帖数: 12056 | |