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USANews版 - The “Shocking” Obama Fundraising Scandal Isn’t All That Shocking
这个Anonymous对lying ted更不客气He's just a regular guy, a regular composite guy
Why police should not be unionizedGreat News: Obama Finally Gets Back to Fundraising Tonight
Killing A Meme At Birth民主党这次没钱了
Video: Paul Krugman Says Debt Up to 90% of GDP is Fine And US Credit Rating Downgrade Doesn't MatterTrump六月给GOP筹了近2千万
In other “Non-News” today, things continue to go BOOM in Iran支持不支持还是看donation
Column: Romney goes back to basics with Ryan希拉里的好莱坞支持者是用钱买来的!
Paul Ryan At Miami UniversityIn Plea to Raise Debt Ceiling, Lew Repeats Himself
Greater Fundraising TransparencyNY反枪积极分子因带枪去学校而被捕
话题: obama话题: campaign话题: shocking话题: scandal话题: donation
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Considering that the somewhat-hyped scandal due to hit President Barack
Obama’s campaign today is just coming to light, I reserve the right to
change opinion on the scandal, but if what we’ve seen from Big Government
and InstaPundit is the scandal then it’s not going to move the election any
more than it did in 2008. Here are the key findings of the Governmental
Accountability Institute:
Given the state-of-the art digital sophistication of the President’s re
-election campaign—including social media, micro-targeting and data-mining
—its online donation system contains at least three major security
1. The absence of the industry-standard CVV and unknown use of AVS anti-
fraud security for online credit card donations.
2. The presence of a branded, major third party-owned website (obama.com
) redirects its 68% foreign traffic to a campaign donation page.
3. Active foreign solicitation using indiscriminate email solicitations
and exposure to social media.
Obama campaign lacks the industry-standard level of credit card security
for donations, but uses it for merchandise purchases: to purchase Obama
campaign merchandise, the campaign requires buyers to enter their credit
card CVV security code, but does not require the credit card security code
to be entered when making an online campaign donation. By GAIi’s estimates,
the Obama campaign’s failure to utilize industry-standard protections
potentially costs the campaign millions in extra processing fees.
Obama.com purchased by an Obama bundler in Shanghai, china with
questionable business ties to state-run Chinese enterprises: in 2008, obama.
com was purchased by an Obama fundraiser living in Shanghai, china, whose
business is heavily dependent on relationships with Chinese state-run
television and other state-owned entities.
68% of traffic to anonymously registered obama.com is foreign: according
to industry leading web analytics site markosweb, an anonymously registered
redirect site (obama.com) features 68 % foreign traffic. Starting in
December 2011, the site was linked to a specific donation page on the
official barackobama.com campaign website for ten months. The page loaded a
tracking number, 634930, into a space on the website labeled “who
encouraged you to make this donation.” That tracking number is embedded in
the source code for obama.com and is associated with the Obama victory fund.
In early September 2012, the page began redirecting to the standard Obama
victory fund donation page.
Search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, using common spamming
techniques, may have been undertaken by unknown third-parties, generating
foreign traffic to obama.com.
The only addition to the 2008 story is the Obama.com and foreign SEO
connection. As much as one may want the story to rock the foundation of the
race, it probably won’t do so. It’s business as usual for the Obama
发帖数: 4321
发帖数: 4091

【在 P*********0 的大作中提到】
: 扯鸡巴。共和党在佛州搞选民登记诈骗你为啥不提?
发帖数: 4321

【在 c******i 的大作中提到】
: 你现在提了是不是要同时舔民主党和共和党做假?
: 傻婢烂香蕉知道jfk那时候委托黑手党在chicago满大街抓人投票的事儿吗?

发帖数: 4091

【在 P*********0 的大作中提到】
: 你白叉爹作假被抓了现行!
: 哈哈

1 (共1页)
NY反枪积极分子因带枪去学校而被捕In other “Non-News” today, things continue to go BOOM in Iran
SANDERS以色列政策Column: Romney goes back to basics with Ryan
我们不仅需要爱,也需要恨Paul Ryan At Miami University
如果外国出一千亿人民币买中国的武器石油电力Greater Fundraising Transparency
这个Anonymous对lying ted更不客气He's just a regular guy, a regular composite guy
Why police should not be unionizedGreat News: Obama Finally Gets Back to Fundraising Tonight
Killing A Meme At Birth民主党这次没钱了
Video: Paul Krugman Says Debt Up to 90% of GDP is Fine And US Credit Rating Downgrade Doesn't MatterTrump六月给GOP筹了近2千万
话题: obama话题: campaign话题: shocking话题: scandal话题: donation