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USANews版 - 在多哈大会上,只有37国决定延续京都协议
Kyoto deal loses four big nations自欺欺人?德国有110万人工作时间减少,不过“失业率”下去了
Canada first nation to pull out of Kyoto protocol芝加哥碳交易市场崩盘, 戈尔在此之前已逃离
Toyota Prius Hits 1 Million Sales Milestone In US人造全球暖化歇斯底里资金紧缺
人造全球暖化歇斯底里有共识吗?31,000科学家签名否认人类行为导致重大气候变化Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake! By S. Fred Singer
“It’s almost as if there is no connection between德国与法国在救济希腊问题上产生分歧
Valero Putting Two CA Oil Refineries on Market人造“全球暖化”理论遭遇寒冬
Re: 米油不撤军什么条约都是放屁 (转载)德明镜周刊:NSA每月对德国通信接入进行五亿次的监听 (转载)
话题: doha话题: co2话题: only话题: countries话题: kyoto
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发帖数: 29846
Doha Fails Utterly – Only 37 Countries Agree To Extend Old Kyoto Treaty! “
Lots Of Declarations Of Intent”
By P Gosselin on 8. Dezember 2012
The German media report that only a totally lame climate treaty compromise
was reached in Doha: Kyoto I will be extended until 2020.
Sun sets on Doha. Minimal compromise reached. Source: www.cop18.qa
For those calling for rapid reductions in CO2 emissions, the result in Doha
can only be described as an utter disaster. The Doha agreement will do
absolutely nothing to curb CO2 growth, let alone cut net CO2 emissions.
One reason is that few countries are left taking part. Online FOCUS magazine
reports only a few countries have signed on to extending Kyoto I, which
FOCUS calls a “minimal compromise”. Only 37 of 194 countries signed on.
That means the treaty is internationally non-binding.
The only thing that is certain is that there are going to be many more
climate junkets in the future, wasting more taxpayer money.
The left wing TAZ reports that these 37 countries are “responsible for
about 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. And it still remains open how
high the planned reductions will be.” Those that signed on to make
reductions couldn’t even tell us how much.
The conservative FAZ reports on financial assistance to developing
countries: “…there were lots of declarations of intent – and voluntary
commitments from a few European countries.” But nothing binding here either.
The green activist Die Zeit also comments on aid to developing countries,
writing: “there were only vague promises in the agreement. Indeed it says
that ‘beginning in 2020 at least 100 billion dollars a year will flow from
public, private and other sources’. But there is no agreement on where the
money will come from or how much will be made available in the years leading
up to 2020.” Here, too, lots of empty promises.
Finally Spiegel writes that USA has never signed the treaty and that Canada
has dropped out. Spiegel didn’t even bother putting the news of the Doha
result on its online front page.
If you’re among those who are very serious about curbing CO2, then this
agreement can be considered only one thing: PATHETIC!
But if you think the whole CO2 issue is nothing but a huge scam, then you
can breath out yet another sigh of relief. Saved again from another dumb
treaty. Better yet, it is becoming increasingly clear that most of the
planet no longer takes the issue seriously – a mindset that will only
increase as time goes by.
1 (共1页)
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德國35女子 除夕夜遭到難民騷擾性侵Re: 米油不撤军什么条约都是放屁 (转载)
Kyoto deal loses four big nations自欺欺人?德国有110万人工作时间减少,不过“失业率”下去了
Canada first nation to pull out of Kyoto protocol芝加哥碳交易市场崩盘, 戈尔在此之前已逃离
Toyota Prius Hits 1 Million Sales Milestone In US人造全球暖化歇斯底里资金紧缺
人造全球暖化歇斯底里有共识吗?31,000科学家签名否认人类行为导致重大气候变化Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake! By S. Fred Singer
话题: doha话题: co2话题: only话题: countries话题: kyoto