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USANews版 - 这个怎么样:密苏里议员提案要求非法化gun control
Emails Point to IRS Officials Using Instant MessagesLawmaker Proposes New Criteria for NSF Grant
Obama Killing Democrat Hopes in November民主党:大学教育应该三年完成
GOP Seeks to Punish Democratic Lawmaker for 'Die Quickly' Comment (ZZ)Solutions: Michelle Obama Proposes Vegetable Offsets for School Lunch Detractors
民猪党提出要对firearm多征税"This 2012 Obama is strident and mean, even deceitful, divisive"
NRA: Membership Has Grown by 250,000 in One MonthFL民猪党想吃人血馒头没成功
精辟,关于八马的tax cut:Obama's 95% IllusionGeogia共和党议员Jason Spencer侮辱中国留学生
CT Democrats Propose 50% Sales Tax on Ammunition上海公报的一段
Senate Democrat: Obama’s Gun Control Proposals ‘Extreme’If the gov can have spending and revenue proposed separately
话题: missouri话题: gun话题: bill话题: house话题: leara
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Missouri House Bill Makes Proposing Gun Control Illegal
by Jammie
A Missouri lawmaker is proposing to send colleagues to prison for
introducing gun control legislation — a plan that even its sponsor
acknowledges has no chance of passage but nonetheless highlights the
increasingly strident tone of gun measures in Missouri’s generally pro-gun
Rep. Mike Leara said Tuesday that he considers his bill a statement of
principle. It would make lawmakers guilty of a felony punishable by up to
four years in prison if they introduce legislation restricting gun rights.
“I have no illusions about the bill making it through the legislative
process, but I want it to be clear that the Missouri House will stand in
defense of the people’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms,” Leara
, a Republican from suburban St. Louis, said in a written statement. He
declined further comment.
1 (共1页)
If the gov can have spending and revenue proposed separatelyNRA: Membership Has Grown by 250,000 in One Month
H4 EAD 终于要被操了 (转载)精辟,关于八马的tax cut:Obama's 95% Illusion
原来眼泪把墙换DACA的proposal收回了CT Democrats Propose 50% Sales Tax on Ammunition
California lawmakers reach compromise on budgetSenate Democrat: Obama’s Gun Control Proposals ‘Extreme’
Emails Point to IRS Officials Using Instant MessagesLawmaker Proposes New Criteria for NSF Grant
Obama Killing Democrat Hopes in November民主党:大学教育应该三年完成
GOP Seeks to Punish Democratic Lawmaker for 'Die Quickly' Comment (ZZ)Solutions: Michelle Obama Proposes Vegetable Offsets for School Lunch Detractors
民猪党提出要对firearm多征税"This 2012 Obama is strident and mean, even deceitful, divisive"
话题: missouri话题: gun话题: bill话题: house话题: leara