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USANews版 - 疤蟆v5: 连续54个月失业率在7.5%以上
Women Joblessness Up 15.5% Under Obama调查:47%的失业人员已经完全放弃找工作
谁能把证据拿出来,defence是welfare的两倍以上.BLS Chief Contradicts Pelosi
Biden Blames High Unemployment on ‘This God-Awful Recession We’ve Inherited’经过全面数据比较,有没有stimulus money,根本没有任何区别。
Gallup: Americans Who Think We'll Be Worse Off Doubled in 4 Yrs为什么共和党在谈判中还那么得色呢??
牛肉的价格以及涨到历史最高点Obama’s Numbers, Updated
Understanding Unemployment Statistics哈哈, 投票给疤蟆的年轻人,你们受苦了
最大谎言:O8 支持穷人疤蟆为什么老是说白痴的话?
话题: percent话题: obama话题: rate话题: april
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
54 Months: Record Stretch of 7.5%+ Unemployment Continues
(CNSNews.com) - Since January 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as
president, the United States has seen 54 straight months with the
unemployment rate at 7.5 percent or higher, which is the longest stretch of
unemployment at or above that rate since 1948, when the Bureau of Labor
Statistics started calculating the national unemployment rate.
Today, BLS reported that the seasonally adjusted national unemployment rate
for June was 7.6 percent, the same it was in May.
In December 2008, the month after Obama was first elected and the month
before he was inaugurated, unemployment was 7.3 percent. In January 2009, it
climbed to 7.8 percent. In February, the month Obama signed what the
Congressional Budget Office would later determine was an $830 billion
economic stimulus law, the unemployment rate climbed to 8.3 percent.
In the Obama era, the unemployment rate peaked at 10.0 percent in October
2010. It did not dip below 9 percent until October 2011, when it hit 8.9
percent. From August to September 2012, it dropped from 8.1 percent to 7.8
percent—the first time during Obama’s tenure it went under 8 percent.
Since then, the lowest it has gone has been 7.5 percent—the rate it hit in
April. But after April, it ticked back up to 7.6 percent in May and stayed
at 7.6 percent in June.
Prior to Obama’s presidency, the longest stretch of national unemployment
at 7.5 percent or higher, as reported by the BLS, was 32 months from
September 1981 through April 1984. From August 1981 to September 1981,
unemployment climbed from 7.4 percent to 7.6 percent. It then stayed above 7
.5 percent until April 1984, when it was at 7.7 percent. In May 1984, it
dropped to 7.4 percent.
On January 10, 2009, Christina Romer, who was President-elect Barack Obama’
s top economic adviser, and Jared Bernstein, who was Vice President-elect
Joe Biden’s top economic adviser, published a report predicting that if
Obama’s proposed stimulus plan were enacted the unemployment rate would not
top 8 percent.
In a February 2013 report on the impact of Obama’s stimulus law—the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)—the Congressional Budget
Office said that it estimated the law would have the net effect of
increasing federal budget deficits by $830 billion between 2009 and 2019.
CBO also estimated that the stimulus had the impact in the last quarter of
2012 of lowering “the unemployment rate by between 0.1 percentage points
and 0.4 percentage points.”
1 (共1页)
疤蟆为什么老是说白痴的话?Gallup: Americans Who Think We'll Be Worse Off Doubled in 4 Yrs
九千四百万美国人不在工作队伍里面, 创历史纪录牛肉的价格以及涨到历史最高点
CBO: Obama’s Policies to Increase National Debt 47 Percent to $21.7 Trillion by 2022Understanding Unemployment Statistics
Unemployment Tricks: Jobs Claim Made by 'Shrinking' Workforce最大谎言:O8 支持穷人
Women Joblessness Up 15.5% Under Obama调查:47%的失业人员已经完全放弃找工作
谁能把证据拿出来,defence是welfare的两倍以上.BLS Chief Contradicts Pelosi
Biden Blames High Unemployment on ‘This God-Awful Recession We’ve Inherited’经过全面数据比较,有没有stimulus money,根本没有任何区别。
话题: percent话题: obama话题: rate话题: april