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USANews版 - Obama Refuses to Deport Fugitive Brothers Who Funneled $90,000 to His Campaign
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话题: obama话题: brothers话题: campaign话题: isaias话题: who
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发帖数: 29846
Obama Refuses to Deport Fugitive Brothers Who Funneled $90,000 to His
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
Maybe we should start talking about the Isaias brothers instead of the Kochs.
The donations kept pouring in: hundreds of thousands of dollars in
campaign contributions to President Obama and more than a dozen members of
Congress, carefully routed through the families of two wealthy brothers in
They had good reason to be generous. The two men, Roberto and William
Isaias, are fugitives from Ecuador, which has angrily pressed Washington to
turn them over, to no avail. A year after their relatives gave $90,000 to
help re-elect Mr. Obama, the administration rejected Ecuador’s extradition
request for the men, fueling accusations that such donations were helping to
keep the brothers and their families safely on American soil.
“The Isaias brothers fled to Miami not to live off their work,
something just, but to buy themselves more mansions and Rolls-Royces and to
finance American political campaigns,” President Rafael Correa of Ecuador
told reporters last month. “That’s what has given them protection,” he
added, an allegation the Obama administration and members of Congress reject.
So we have fugitives funneling money to Obama and nobody seems to care.
Donations from the relatives of criminal suspects have proved vexing
before. In 2012, Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign said it would return more
than $200,000 raised by relatives of a Mexican casino magnate who had fled
charges in the United States and sought a pardon to return.
The White House says that the decisions in the Isaias case are not
influenced by donations.
Of course not. Even the NY Times, which reports this, is instead obsessing
over the Kochs, two men who are legal citizens who’ve broken no laws. Yet
these fugitives give thousands to Obama and get protection. We’re
officially living in a banana republic.
1 (共1页)
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Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport Guo社科博士说说为什么要支持川普
Guo Wengui’s business partner demands US deport GuoFBI给克林顿使坏:公布Rich特赦档案
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Dorner没死!可能已金蝉脱壳。WSJ: U.S. Confronts China Over Suspected Cyberattack as Fugitive Guo Wengui Appears in Washington
话题: obama话题: brothers话题: campaign话题: isaias话题: who