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USANews版 - 08年奥巴马宣称要把退伍军人医疗体系建成医疗改革的样板
VA’s Shinseki vows to stay on the job as calls for his ouster continue克林顿基金会去年只给老兵慈善会$5000
Shinseki resigns amid veterans' health care issuesBenghazi:for our sake, don't vote for Hillary(图)
美国是穷兵黩武啊,2012年军费1.2万亿 (转载)应该彻底取消公司税!个人税率可以定在1%
茶党对奥巴马喊话:放下你的古兰经!(视频)Sanders 提名的可能性有多大?
川普:非法移民的待遇比退伍军人好得多右派出来骂左棍的种族牌AP's Racist Poll: If Obama Loses It
纳税人要给变性老兵出手术费了Political Wisdom: Reactions to Chris Christie’s Speech
话题: va话题: veterans话题: obama话题: health话题: affairs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
WASHINGTON — It’s one of those promises the president would probably like
to forget.
In vowing to make the Veterans Administration the model of national health-
care reform back in 2008, the outlook for scandal-plagued Obamacare suddenly
seems even worse.
WND has discovered that during his transition into the White House in 2008-
09, President Obama proposed in his “Obama-Biden” plan to “make the VA a
leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care
However, instead of fixing the VA, the administration has had to defend its
role in the death of veterans by neglect.
Meanwhile, WND is reporting that eight years earlier, in a failed run for
Congress, Obama unveiled a sweeping health-care plan that modeled aspects of
the Veterans Administration’s medical system.
The VA problems became a national sensation April 14 when CNN reported that
at least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix VA,
many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list.
The discovery of the Obama-Biden VA plan fits a pattern that has come to
light this week in which Obama repeatedly warned, or was warned, of serious
problems at the VA but apparently did little in response.
In the document labeled the Obama-Biden Plan from the Office of the
President Elect, Obama makes a series of promises to veterans, including:
Fix the Benefits Bureaucracy: Hire additional claims workers, and
improve training and accountability so that VA benefit decisions are rated
fairly and consistently. Transform the paper benefit claims process to an
electronic one to reduce errors and improve timeliness.
Strengthen VA Care: Make the VA a leader of national health care reform
so that veterans get the best care possible. Improve care for polytrauma
vision impairment, prosthetics, spinal cord injury, aging, and women’s
Fully Fund VA Medical Care: Fully fund the VA so it has all the
resources it needs to serve the veterans who need it, when they need it.
Establish a world-class VA Planning Division to avoid future budget
The Obama-Biden plan seems to have fallen so far short of its promise to “
Fix the Benefits Bureaucracy” that the VA itself has admitted 23 vets have
died waiting for care, and investigations of possible death-by-neglect have
spread to 26 VA facilities around the country.
As WND has reported, Obama was warned about severe problems at the VA
repeatedly over the years, even before he became president.
WND discovered that Obama was briefed on problems at the VA as far back
as 2005, when he was a senator and a member of the Veterans Affairs
In a 2007 speech, Sen. Obama said, “Keeping faith with those who serve
must always be a core American value and a cornerstone of American
patriotism. Because America’s commitment to its servicemen and women begins
at enlistment, and it must never end.”
The Washington Times reported Monday that the Obama administration
received notice more than five years ago that VA medical facilities were
reporting inaccurate waiting times and experiencing scheduling failures that
threatened to deny veterans timely health care.
VA officials reportedly warned the Obama-Biden transition team in the
weeks after the 2008 presidential election that the wait times the
facilities were reporting were not trustworthy.
More recently, House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller, R-
Fla., wrote a letter to Obama on May 21, 2013, that warned: “an alarming
pattern of serious and significant patient care issues at the Department of
Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs) across the country … (including)
failures, deceptions, and lack of accountability permeating VA’s healthcare
system … I believe your direct involvement and leadership is required.”
And, WND reported last week that Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., reminded VA
Secretary Eric Shinseki that Congress had been informed two years ago that
gaming the system at the VA was so widespread, employees would look to get
around regulations as soon as the rules were implemented.
Democrats have been quick to say the problems were caused by an increase in
veterans in the system due to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that the
solution is to increase spending on the VA.
Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., said, “If the VA does not have enough
doctors to see these patients, then these problems are a result of a lack of
On Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” NBC News chief Pentagon reporter Jim
Miklaszewski claimed, “You have a VA that is overwhelmed and under-
resourced,” adding, “There’s just not enough money right now in the
federal government to fix it.”
However, John Merline at Investor’s Business Daily crunched the numbers and
found that just wasn’t true.
On the contrary, he found the VA’s budget has been exploding, even as the
number of veterans steadily declines.
VA spending nearly tripled from 2000 to 2013, while the population of
veterans declined by 4.3 million.
Even more telling, wounded warriors coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan
are not increasing treatment costs.
Those vets are actually far cheaper to treat than aging vets.
A Congressional Budget Office report found that they cost $4,800, on average
, in 2010 compared with $8,800 for other veterans who used the system.
It also found, while these Iraq and Afghan vets account for 7 percent of
those treated, they were responsible for only 4 percent of its health costs.
Iraq and Afghan vets, the report found, “are typically younger and
healthier than the average VHA patient and as a result are less expensive to
Still, the VA scandal keeps exploding, with no signs of slowing down. VA
Secretary Shinseki had testified before the Senate Veterans’ Affairs
Committee last week that he was not aware of problems similar to those in
Phoenix at other VA facilities, except in isolated cases. But emboldened
whistleblowers have now identified 26 VA facilities around the country
experiencing similar problems.
Just Thursday, an attorney claimed her client died of neglect by the Seattle
Veterans Affairs hospital.
The attorney said Donald Douglass had a small spot on his forehead confirmed
as cancerous when he went to the Seattle VA hospital in 2011, but it was
four months before the hospital scheduled an appointment for him to have it
removed — and by then, it had spread, wrapping around a facial nerve and
eventually getting into his blood.
According to attorney Jessica Holman, “Had he had his surgery timely, he’d
be alive today.”
In Miami, a criminal investigator for the VA police department in South
Florida went to a local television station because, he said, the VA told him
to stop investigating drug deals on hospital grounds.
“People are dying,” Detective Thomas Fiore said, “and there are so many
things that are going on there that people need to know about.”
Fiore claimed illegal drug deals area occur daily at the hospital, involving
, “Anything from your standard prescription drugs like OxyContin, Vicodin,
Percocet, and of course marijuana, cocaine, heroin, I’ve come across them
He says he was even stopped from investigating reports of missing drugs from
the VA pharmacy by the official in charge.
“I was instructed that I was to stop conducting investigations pertaining
to controlled substance discrepancies,” by the hospital’s chief of staff,
Dr. Vincent DeGennaro, said Fiore.
The growing scandal could affect upcoming elections, because if the VA
problems offer a preview of government-run health insurance, then
Republicans may be rapidly acquiring explosive new ammunition in their
efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Former AP Washington Bureau Chief Ron Fournier, now with National Journal,
said Obama’s poor handling of the mismanagement at the Department of
Veterans Affairs could plague his presidency as an all-time low point.
“The president has known the VA has been a mess for a long time, and hasn’
t done anything to get it fixed,” he said. “It’s gotten worse recently —
at least for the last two years, we’ve known we’ve had these problems and
nothing’s been done,” said Fournier.
However, leading liberals have long touted the VA as an efficient model of
government-run health care.
New York times columnist Paul Krugman called the VA a “huge success story”
in 2011, saying “[I]t’s free from the perverse incentives created when
doctors and hospitals profit from expensive tests and procedures, whether or
not those procedures actually make medical sense.”
Krugman added, “Yes, this is ‘socialized medicine’ … But it works, and
suggests what it will take to solve the troubles of US health care more
In 2009, his fellow New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, wrote, “Take
the hospital system run by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the largest
integrated health system in the United States. It is fully government run,
much more ‘socialized medicine’ than is Canadian health care with its
private doctors and hospitals. And the system for veterans is by all
accounts one of the best-performing and most-cost-effective elements in the
American medical establishment.”
发帖数: 3656
There are a few possibilities,
1. O did not know what he was talking about. That is hardly news by now
since he mostly learn about things on cable news. It does not bode well that
the command in chief of the worlds biggest military power who commands
thousands of nuclear war heads learn about things this way. "what? I missed
it on CNN, you said Kim^3 launched a nuclear missile and hit LA an hour ago?"
2. VA had been poorly run all the time but for ideology reason, he insisted
to model the nation wide health reform after a completely government
controlled and government run system. For that, he might as well model it
after Cuba, North Korea, or China in the 70s, all have or had government run
health care system anyway.
3. That VA was indeed run extremely efficiently and effectively under the B
admin. 5 years under the O admin, the department is corrupted to its core.
Imagine what O could do in another 2 and half years. Some 50% more damage
one might guess.


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: WASHINGTON — It’s one of those promises the president would probably like
: to forget.
: In vowing to make the Veterans Administration the model of national health-
: care reform back in 2008, the outlook for scandal-plagued Obamacare suddenly
: seems even worse.
: WND has discovered that during his transition into the White House in 2008-
: 09, President Obama proposed in his “Obama-Biden” plan to “make the VA a
: leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care
: possible.”
: However, instead of fixing the VA, the administration has had to defend its

发帖数: 5094


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: WASHINGTON — It’s one of those promises the president would probably like
: to forget.
: In vowing to make the Veterans Administration the model of national health-
: care reform back in 2008, the outlook for scandal-plagued Obamacare suddenly
: seems even worse.
: WND has discovered that during his transition into the White House in 2008-
: 09, President Obama proposed in his “Obama-Biden” plan to “make the VA a
: leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care
: possible.”
: However, instead of fixing the VA, the administration has had to defend its

发帖数: 754
主要是CNN讨厌。像其他丑闻一样, 媒体不报,没人知道。O8得好好收拾一下媒体了。

【在 a**e 的大作中提到】
: 耸人听闻的标题。奥8放空炮罢了
: like
: suddenly
: a
: its

1 (共1页)
Political Wisdom: Reactions to Chris Christie’s Speech茶党对奥巴马喊话:放下你的古兰经!(视频)
Vote for Obama for President! Why?变性老兵要求政府出钱付变性手术
左边那个未名交友也太胡闹了,把Eric Shinseki照片放到那里纳税人要给变性老兵出手术费了
VA’s Shinseki vows to stay on the job as calls for his ouster continue克林顿基金会去年只给老兵慈善会$5000
Shinseki resigns amid veterans' health care issuesBenghazi:for our sake, don't vote for Hillary(图)
美国是穷兵黩武啊,2012年军费1.2万亿 (转载)应该彻底取消公司税!个人税率可以定在1%
话题: va话题: veterans话题: obama话题: health话题: affairs