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USANews版 - Pew: Public takes harder line on illegals, wants tighter border
他们是来帮trump助选吗?Illegal Immigrant Children Fail to Appear in Court
盖洛普: 投票者反对噢巴马的政策达到16年来最高点民调显示老百姓认为巴马没有权力大赦非法移民
Poll: 82% want quarantine, 66% would block entryGoodlatte: 'Obama Fiddles While Our Borders Implode'
对疤蟆现在的评价已经不如小布什了Contract Shows Obama Planned Border Invasion
Trump negotiation list for DACARep. Ted Yoho: Halt Funding to Mexico Until Border Secure
话题: pew话题: border话题: percent话题: public话题: youths
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
In the face of a surge of Latin youths pouring over the U.S.-Mexico border
this year, the public has shifted to a much harder line and want Washington
’s focus to be on better border security and tougher enforcement of
immigration laws, said a new Pew Research Center poll.
Pew said the public has turned away from a dual approach calling for better
border security and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. “The
share prioritizing tougher border security and law enforcement has risen
since Feb. 2013, early in [President] Obama’s second term,” said Pew.
The poll of 1,501 people taken Aug. 20 to 24, found that 41 percent prefer
the dual approach, down from 47 percent. Those want to prioritize enhanced
border security and better immigration enforcement has jumped from 25
percent to 33 percent.
The shift was greatest among Republicans, a warning sign to House and Senate
Republicans who may be open to amnesty. By a 17-point margin — 53 percent
to 36 percent — Republicans said the priority should be on the border and
laws, not citizenship. In February 2013, they were split 43 percent to 43
percent over granting a path to citizenship or creating harder to penetrate
“More independents and Democrats also prioritize border security and
tougher enforcement of immigration laws,” said Pew.
But that doesn’t mean Americans don’t have a soft spot for the estimated
90,000 illegal youths entering the nation this year, and the estimated 142,
000 coming in next year.
Pew found that the majority supported putting the youths in American schools
, getting temporary federal housing and being sent to join their families in
the United States.
“In terms of dealing with the unaccompanied minors from Central America
that have been crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, 69 percent of
respondents favor allowing them to join their families living in the U.S.
while their cases are pending; 56 percent say they should be allowed to
attend public schools, while 51 percent favor allowing them to be housed in
a government facility in the U.S.,” said Pew.
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can
be contacted at [email protected]
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发帖数: 6095
"Pew found that the majority supported putting the youths in American
schools, getting temporary federal housing and being sent to join their
families in the United States."
Really??? I remember there was another news saying majority of people
supported sending the youths back to Mexico... Otherwise, more and more
youth will keep coming... It looks like the people surveyed in this news
still haven't got the point... Any move making those youth stay in the US
will only encourage more to come.There isn't any type of border security
that can stop floods and floods of Mexicans crossing the borders given the
length of the border... The most effective measure is anything that will
discourage them to cross the boarder in the first place.
1 (共1页)
Rep. Ted Yoho: Halt Funding to Mexico Until Border Secure盖洛普: 投票者反对噢巴马的政策达到16年来最高点
The Crisis on the BorderPoll: 82% want quarantine, 66% would block entry
奥巴马的边境捉放政策-捉了就放,捉了也白捉Trump negotiation list for DACA
他们是来帮trump助选吗?Illegal Immigrant Children Fail to Appear in Court
话题: pew话题: border话题: percent话题: public话题: youths