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USANews版 - Re: NY Times: China Versus America (转载)
美国政府天天打自己脸,啪啪啪,俄罗斯干涉美国选举? (转载)Trump明天签署行政命令,限制某些穆斯林国家移民
美国干涉其他国家选举的悠久历史 (转载)小黄人以为拿来公民就保险了,中美开战,照样遣返你 (转载)
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Re: 阿拉伯和奥斯曼帝国的犹太人 (转载)为啥法官可以这么做?
Trump to sign executive actions on immigration on拒绝假新闻,七个国家的真实来源
话题: chinese话题: china话题: us话题: guatemala话题: iraq
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发帖数: 21627
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: NY Times: China Versus America
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 21 01:03:06 2014, 美东)
Brian NYC 13 hours ago
There are degrees of exceptionalism and Chinese and American notions are
entirely different in both theory and practice. Cohen’s attempts to draw
parallels between the two, therefore, miss the mark. American exceptionalism
unmentioned in polite company includes genocide (Native Americans), slavery
, torture (Guantanamo), xenophobia (Chinese exclusion laws) predatory
capitalism (2008 global crash). No such parallel can be found in Chinese
history of the past 238 years.
Since WWII, the US has bombed Korea and China 50-3, Guatemala 54, Indonesia
58, Cuba 59-61, Guatemala 60, Congo 64, Laos 64-73, Vietnam 61-73, Cambodia
69-70, Guatemala 67-9, Grenada 83, Lebanon 83/84, Libya 86, El Salvador 80s,
Nicaragua 80s, Iran 87, Panama 89, Iraq 91, Kuwait 91, Somalia 93, Bosnia
94/95, Sudan 98, Afghanistan 98, Yugoslavia 99, Yemen 02, Iraq 91-03, Iraq
03-, Afghanistan 01-, Pakistan 07-, Somalia 07-08/11, Yemen 09/11, Libya 11.
No such parallel can be found in the world.
Cohen disapproves of the Chinese Ebola response, and yet the Council on
Foreign Relations published a paper that indicates the Chinese “horizontal
” approach is more effective than the West’s “vertical” approach (“
Ebola and Cultures of Engagement: Chinese Versus Western Health Diplomacy”)
. And the Chinese aren’t conducting war exercises just beyond US coastal
waters, but the US has been doing so off China's coastal waters with
US exceptionalism is a cultural myth used to promulgate state violence on
1 (共1页)
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刚才,芝加哥O'Hare机场被法官判决释放了全部17个穆斯林!Re: 阿拉伯和奥斯曼帝国的犹太人 (转载)
Poll来了:大部分美国人支持banTrump to sign executive actions on immigration on
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美国干涉其他国家选举的悠久历史 (转载)小黄人以为拿来公民就保险了,中美开战,照样遣返你 (转载)
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车臣恐怖分子一直和木虱吝恐怖组织有密切联系厉害: Trump ban适用于双重国籍
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