l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 1 Granny Clinton’s “Special University Rate” for Incoherent Speeches a Mere
Posted by Jammie on Nov 27, 2014 at 10:49 am
Hillary Clinton
Is there any limit to this woman’s greed?
When officials at the University of California at Los Angeles began
negotiating a $300,000 speech appearance by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the
school had one request: Could we get a reduced rate for public universities?
The answer from Clinton’s representatives: $300,000 is the “special
university rate.”
That e-mail exchange and other internal communications, obtained this
week by The Washington Post under a Freedom of Information Act request,
provide a rare glimpse into the complex and meticulous backstage efforts to
manage the likely 2016 presidential candidate’s lucrative speaking career.
At UCLA, efforts to book Clinton and then prepare for her visit were all
-consuming, beginning almost immediately after she left her job as secretary
of state on Feb. 1, 2013, until she delivered her Luskin Lecture for
Thought Leadership speech on March 5, 2014.
The documents show that Clinton’s representatives at the Harry Walker
Agency exerted considerable control over her appearance and managed even the
smallest details — from requesting lemon wedges and water on stage to a
computer, scanner, and a spread of hummus and crudité in the green room
She can really relate to the average Joe.
After a lengthy call with a Clinton representative, UCLA administrator
Patricia Lippert reported to campus colleagues, “She uses a lavalier [
microphone] and will both speak from the audience and walk around stage, TED
talk style. We need a teleprompter and 2-3 downstage scrolling monitors [
for] her to read from.”
During a walk-through of Royce Hall five days before the lecture, the e-
mails show, Clinton’s team rejected the podium planned for her use during
her 20- to 30-minute speech, setting off a scramble on campus to find a
suitable podium and rent a new university seal to match.
So around $10,000 per minute for speeches where she says absolutely nothing.
Clinton posed for individual photos with 100 VIPS, or 50 couples — “We
get a total of 50 clicks,” one university official explained — as well as
two group photos. Lippert wrote to colleagues that Clinton’s
representatives wanted the group shots “prestaged,” with participants
assembled and ready to take the photographs before Clinton arrived “so the
secretary isn’t waiting for these folks to get their act together.”
Reiterating the request, Lippert added, “She doesn’t like to stand around
waiting for people.”
Instead of wasting their money they should tell her to fuck off. | n****g 发帖数: 14743 | 2 明码标价无所谓吧
【在 l****z 的大作中提到】 : Granny Clinton’s “Special University Rate” for Incoherent Speeches a Mere : $300,000 : Posted by Jammie on Nov 27, 2014 at 10:49 am : Hillary Clinton : Is there any limit to this woman’s greed? : When officials at the University of California at Los Angeles began : negotiating a $300,000 speech appearance by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the : school had one request: Could we get a reduced rate for public universities? : The answer from Clinton’s representatives: $300,000 is the “special : university rate.”
| x********e 发帖数: 2275 | | x****k 发帖数: 2932 | 4 这30万是个私人donator掏的钱,不是ucla的钱。liberal自己脑子不好使,终于咬到自
己的主子了。 | a*********a 发帖数: 3656 | 5 people need to cut her some slack. after all she and president Cliton are
very poor, almost broke. They spent all their money on Chelsea's wedding
with that hedge fund manager.
【在 l****z 的大作中提到】 : Granny Clinton’s “Special University Rate” for Incoherent Speeches a Mere : $300,000 : Posted by Jammie on Nov 27, 2014 at 10:49 am : Hillary Clinton : Is there any limit to this woman’s greed? : When officials at the University of California at Los Angeles began : negotiating a $300,000 speech appearance by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the : school had one request: Could we get a reduced rate for public universities? : The answer from Clinton’s representatives: $300,000 is the “special : university rate.”
| T*********I 发帖数: 10729 | 6 但是根据24/7华尔街的调查,克林顿夫妇的资产$55 million
Clinton is considered the wealthiest living president and among the top-10
all-time wealthiest, with the Clintons' combined net worth at about $55
million, according to the website 24/7 Wall Street, which started evaluating
the net worth of presidents in 2010.
【在 a*********a 的大作中提到】 : people need to cut her some slack. after all she and president Cliton are : very poor, almost broke. They spent all their money on Chelsea's wedding : with that hedge fund manager. : : Mere : universities?
| a****i 发帖数: 4783 | 7 其实我一直不明白,找名人演讲有什么时候?
【在 l****z 的大作中提到】 : Granny Clinton’s “Special University Rate” for Incoherent Speeches a Mere : $300,000 : Posted by Jammie on Nov 27, 2014 at 10:49 am : Hillary Clinton : Is there any limit to this woman’s greed? : When officials at the University of California at Los Angeles began : negotiating a $300,000 speech appearance by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the : school had one request: Could we get a reduced rate for public universities? : The answer from Clinton’s representatives: $300,000 is the “special : university rate.”
| l*******r 发帖数: 39279 | 8 just curious
【在 l****z 的大作中提到】 : Granny Clinton’s “Special University Rate” for Incoherent Speeches a Mere : $300,000 : Posted by Jammie on Nov 27, 2014 at 10:49 am : Hillary Clinton : Is there any limit to this woman’s greed? : When officials at the University of California at Los Angeles began : negotiating a $300,000 speech appearance by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the : school had one request: Could we get a reduced rate for public universities? : The answer from Clinton’s representatives: $300,000 is the “special : university rate.”
| t**x 发帖数: 20965 | 9 穷鬼们永远不了解有很多钱其实就是必须浪费掉的。要不两党那么多聪明人,比如克林
顿夫妇加上整个共和党那个智商情商都无极限了, 收那么多税干什么呢?! | a*********a 发帖数: 3656 | 10 I guess they spent all that fortune on FAA so the area surrounding Chelsea's
wedding could be banned for all flights below 2000 feet.
【在 T*********I 的大作中提到】 : 但是根据24/7华尔街的调查,克林顿夫妇的资产$55 million : Clinton is considered the wealthiest living president and among the top-10 : all-time wealthiest, with the Clintons' combined net worth at about $55 : million, according to the website 24/7 Wall Street, which started evaluating : the net worth of presidents in 2010.
| | | O*******d 发帖数: 20343 | 11 难道你看不出这是合法腐败吗? 有人想给希拉里塞钱,这就是一个合法的途径。
【在 x****k 的大作中提到】 : 这30万是个私人donator掏的钱,不是ucla的钱。liberal自己脑子不好使,终于咬到自 : 己的主子了。
| O*******d 发帖数: 20343 | | O*******d 发帖数: 20343 | 13 这就是美国制度的精明之处。 别人收了贿赂,还是合法的。
【在 l*******r 的大作中提到】 : just curious : 30万刀的演讲多长时间啊?听完演讲人就豁然开朗,立马赚大钱了? : : Mere : universities?
| l*******g 发帖数: 27064 | 14 那希拉里收了钱能给对方什么样的好处?批个工程?
【在 O*******d 的大作中提到】 : 难道你看不出这是合法腐败吗? 有人想给希拉里塞钱,这就是一个合法的途径。
| w*****s 发帖数: 2896 | 15 顶, 你说的很好, 叫合法腐败.
看到了吧, 希拉里和克林顿都是什么货色. 左逼确实很虚伪, 合法腐败, 就是假公济私
适当时候利益输送, 然后, 在另一个适当时候, 利益回馈, 拿钱拿得来很心安理得.
【在 O*******d 的大作中提到】 : 难道你看不出这是合法腐败吗? 有人想给希拉里塞钱,这就是一个合法的途径。
| l****g 发帖数: 5080 | 16 未必如此。请王菲演出一场恐怕还不止这个数,粉丝天下到处有,克林顿讲演要买票,
【在 O*******d 的大作中提到】 : 难道你看不出这是合法腐败吗? 有人想给希拉里塞钱,这就是一个合法的途径。
| a*********a 发帖数: 3656 | 17 yes, they can definitely pull strings to get stuff for the "donors". Guess
why was the half billion loan guarantee to Solyndra fast tracked after O8
got into office?
【在 l*******g 的大作中提到】 : 那希拉里收了钱能给对方什么样的好处?批个工程?
| a*********a 发帖数: 3656 | 18 then you d have no problem wasting some money to maintain the number of
ships in the navy around 300 like Romney proposed in his 2012 campaign,
would you?
【在 t**x 的大作中提到】 : 穷鬼们永远不了解有很多钱其实就是必须浪费掉的。要不两党那么多聪明人,比如克林 : 顿夫妇加上整个共和党那个智商情商都无极限了, 收那么多税干什么呢?!
| h********0 发帖数: 12056 | 19 合法能拿到27亿美元吗?
【在 O*******d 的大作中提到】 : 中国人太需要学习怎样在既有体制下合法腐败。