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USANews版 - Trillion Dollars Spent on ‘Stimulus’ Obama Whines U.S. Infrastructure is ‘Embarrassing’
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Team Obama Now Whining About Being Outspent美国政府债务平均到每个家庭,达到$534,000美元
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话题: obama话题: stimulus话题: whines话题: trillion
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Trillion Dollars Spent on ‘Stimulus’ Obama Whines U.S. Infrastructure is
by Jammie via Jammie Wearing Fools
The logical course of action would be to investigate where all the so-called
stimulus money went. But that would uncover the massive scam pulled off by
Obama and the Democrats.
So let’s spend some more money. That should solve things.
President Obama told corporate leaders Wednesday he was embarrassed by U
.S. infrastructure that was “falling behind” countries like China who
spent aggressively on construction projects.
“I’d much rather have our problems than China’s problems. That I’m
confident about. On the other hand, the one thing I will say is if they need
to build some stuff, they can build it,” the president said during a Q-and
-A with members of the Business Roundtable. “And over time, that wears away
our advantage competitively. It’s embarrassing. You know, you drive down
the roads and you look at what they’re able to do.”
There you go from the deepest thinker of our time: Build stuff.
The president said that during his recent trip to China, world leaders
worked out of a building that “probably put most of the conference centers
here to shame.”
“They had built it in a year,” he continued. “Now, you got an
authoritarian government, you know, that isn’t necessarily accountable. I
understand we’re not going to do that. But if they’re able to build their
ports, their airports, their smart grid, their air traffic control systems,
their broadband systems with that rapidity and they’re highly superior to
ours, over time that’s going to be a problem for us.”
This government is accountable? OK, then, tell us where that stimulus money
went. We’ll be waiting.
1 (共1页)
No 'Drama' Obama--Wants to Raise 'Debt Limit Without Drama or Delay'obama要借钱4Trillions. 联邦国债目前$18 trillion
提高债务上限不意味着增加债务-还真有这种掩耳盗铃的煞笔上班打牌,obama给钱. (转载)
美国就业市场不景气只因美国人太蠢?Obama’s So-Called ‘Jobs Council’ Hasn’t Held a Meeting in a Year
Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital (转载)支持绿41了
Team Obama Now Whining About Being Outspent美国政府债务平均到每个家庭,达到$534,000美元
Latino Gomez puts lie to Dems’ story lineBiden: 'Yes, We Do' Want to Raise Taxes By a Trillion Dollars
ObamaCare Will Butt Into Your Sex Life: “This is Nasty Business” »Obama Raised Threshold For Tax Increase to 400k
话题: obama话题: stimulus话题: whines话题: trillion